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Gee, they actully looked at children with neuro problems in this study. Will it be splashed all over the news that yet another study suggests that there may be a correlation with mercury and other substances that are known to be neuro toxins, or will they just forge ahead with thimerosal containing vaccines and coal fired powerplant expansions?

The most we've gotten is a recommendation to limit fish consumption and a "say yes to clean coal campaign," (too bad there's no such thing yet). I guess more research is needed, hau? In the mean time, just don't worry about it, paranoid internet wacko's.


One of the Doc's in this study has a TS child and so does his best friend.


excerpt... bolding mine




Neurotox Res. 2009 Nov 24. [Epub ahead of print]


Correlations Between Gene Expression and Mercury Levels in Blood of Boys With and Without Autism.

Stamova B, Green PG, Tian Y, Hertz-Picciotto I, Pessah IN, Hansen R, Yang X, Teng J, Gregg JP, Ashwood P, Van de Water J, Sharp FR.


Department of Neurology, University of California at Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, 95817, USA, boryana.stamova@ucdmc.ucdavis.edu.



The expression of a large number of genes (n = 316) correlated with mercury levels in TD but not in AU boys (P </= 0.05), the most represented biological functions being cell death and cell morphology. Expression of 189 genes correlated with mercury levels in AU but not in TD boys (P </= 0.05), the most represented biological functions being cell morphology, amino acid metabolism, and antigen presentation. These data and those in our companion study on correlation of gene expression and lead levels show that AU and TD children display different correlations between transcript levels and low levels of mercury and lead. These findings might suggest different genetic transcriptional programs associated with mercury in AU compared to TD children.


Its been my understanding (albeit from the DAN group) that blood mercury levels are not well correlated w/ body burden because mercury is very quickly taken up into body tissues. So, this study is saying that mercury affects gene expression differently in TS than in Autism?




They were looking at gene expression in typically developing (TD) children and boys with autism.


Its been my understanding (albeit from the DAN group) that blood mercury levels are not well correlated w/ body burden because mercury is very quickly taken up into body tissues.
My understanding too. That's why I'm always curious what method Dr.s are using to a determine a problem with metals. Personally, I believe there are very few Dr.s that I would trust to "treat" accumulated metals. There are a few, but not many. They must have been measuring what circulates in the blood at any given time, not something like thimerosal. I think they are just looking at general difference here, not any one source.


Pessah, gave a talk on mercury a few years back. It's pretty technical. I remember one of his theories was that mercury may impede the ability of cells to undergo apoptosis (the equivalent of cellular suicide) normally. It looks to me like this study may have reinforced this thought? Another thing (and this is from memory so don't count on accuracy) was that mercury disrupted the peptide clip which could leave a larger area exposed to autoantigens, something like that. I can probably find the lecture, if you'd like to hear it.


The expression of a large number of genes (n = 316) correlated with mercury levels in TD but not in AU boys (P </= 0.05), the most represented biological functions being cell death and cell morphology
Pessah, gave a talk on mercury a few years back. It's pretty technical. I remember one of his theories was that mercury may impede the ability of cells to undergo apoptosis (the equivalent of cellular suicide) normally. It looks to me like this study may have reinforced this thought? Another thing (and this is from memory so don't count on accuracy) was that mercury disrupted the peptide clip which could leave a larger area exposed to autoantigens, something like that. I can probably find the lecture, if you'd like to hear it.


Thanks for the offer, Kim. But I've given up the mercury angle long ago...no real evidence that its a problem for my child and I'm having a difficult enough time getting doctors to take the problems we do have evidence for seriously! My honest, nothing solid to back it up, opinion is that the vaccines themselves even w/o thimerosol are messing up the immune systems of our children...They simply do not know enough about the immune system to be messing with it the way they are.


Peglem, I agree Mercury is just one issue among many when it comes to vaccines. Turns out both of my boys have Mitochondrial Dysfunction (per DAN lab work) and one of them was exposed to little mercury (he is less than 2 years old and only received vaccines up to his 6 month shots...did get that darn flu shot, though...3 times not counting prenatal exposure...sigh).




Pessah, gave a talk on mercury a few years back. It's pretty technical. I remember one of his theories was that mercury may impede the ability of cells to undergo apoptosis (the equivalent of cellular suicide) normally. It looks to me like this study may have reinforced this thought? Another thing (and this is from memory so don't count on accuracy) was that mercury disrupted the peptide clip which could leave a larger area exposed to autoantigens, something like that. I can probably find the lecture, if you'd like to hear it.


Thanks for the offer, Kim. But I've given up the mercury angle long ago...no real evidence that its a problem for my child and I'm having a difficult enough time getting doctors to take the problems we do have evidence for seriously! My honest, nothing solid to back it up, opinion is that the vaccines themselves even w/o thimerosol are messing up the immune systems of our children...They simply do not know enough about the immune system to be messing with it the way they are.

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