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Questions about vitamins

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As you must realize I'm new to this site and I am so grateful for all the information I am receiving. It's a scary road to walk alone when your child has a medical problem and you're not sure how to get help.


I read with interest about the vitamins and today I went out and bought a multivit. with no additives, colors, etc. and gave it to my kids. I pick up the latest Oprah magazine and see an article all about vitamins. Lo and behold the vitamin I gave them Little Critters Gummy Vitamins are cited for excess lead!! I feel at aloss to know what to do. There is a lab called consumerlab.com that has this info and I subscribed to it tonight. Now I'm all worried that even the one dos of the vitamin I gave will make him worse!


Also, how do you know the right dosage for a child? Since my son began ticcing after I gave him melatonin (as per the MD) - I worry about how to know the right things to give him. I plan to wean him off all junk foods but the trouble will be giving up computer?tV without him feeling he's being punished. Any suggestions.



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I am shocked to hear that those vitamins have excess lead :) I have never heard of them before but...how on earth did lead get into them?


it is a good idea to try to find a knowledgable doctor or naturopath or nutritionist to discuss doses with.


We were once told that 5-6yo could get 1/4 adult dose

6-12yo get 1/2

and over 12 can get adult dose PROVIDED the child has average weight for the age


When a child is small for their age, then you do need very careful dose guidance.


Dont worry....as you learn it will all seem less overwhelming, and once you get the positive results to encourage you....it will be worth it. :)


I really feel for you re the TV/computer issue.......that is a hard one for some kids.


Thankfully my son does not have intense photosensitivity...he does react to explosive type action tho...possibly the dramatic light changes....

anyway, when we discussed the issue (he is 14) he simply explained to me that he would rather tic than have NO TV/Computer ...he did agree to limit the explosive stuff tho and he has an LCD monitor.


He has been very compliant in eliminating the junk food as he knows by now how badly that affects him, so that was an easy one for us.


All the best to you as you seek the answers to help your son

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Welcome to Lattitudes! All of this can be very overwhelming and with time it gets easier.


I have posted in the past about all of the things we have done to help our son. These have included treating vitamin deficiencies, treating yeast, and eliminating dairy, corn, eggs and chocolate.


Keep reading and learning. I also agree with Chemar and I think it is very important to take the time to find a natuopath/medical doctor who can give you some guidance in finding what may work for your child.


I had some problems with the following post due to some editing problems but it basically outlines what we did with my son. Keep in mind that what works for one child may not work for another. For example, many parents report that fish oils are beneficial for their child, well my son reacted to fish oil in terms of behavioral issues. It is ALOT of trial and error and it takes alot of time.


Best Wishes in your search for answers.




Take Care,


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