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Did you try to show him that printout EAMom often provides about why amox may not work? If so, what did he say? Did he even look at it or he di he just say he is already "aware of all current research". I've heard that one many times.



I didn't show him anything. He's already starting to twitch when I mention "the other doctor" so I am trying to not turn him totally off. I need to step it up though I know it. I need to not be intimidated by doctors. I don't know why I am having such trouble just saying what I want to say. But part is that I can't get the dr. to sit still long enough.... I am hoping to really get to have his attention next tuesday when I take ds there for the bloodtest. Better yet, I think I need to bring some of you guys with me for support!

this one http://www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/.../169459644.html


Sorry Erica...geesh...blockhead doctors.


Even the ped in the hospital (who didn't really know much about PANDAS) when my dd was first diagnosed (positive culture) put her on Augmentin (rather than amoxcillin) right away, "because it is more clinically effective against strep." Augmentin helped (not as good as Azith., but we weren't doing super high doses), but our dd regressed after we switched her to Amoxcillin (for long term prophylaxis 250mg 2x daily). Things finally turned around again when we discovered Azith.



Thank you for the link. I am going to print and see if I get brave enough to share it with him. The original dr. I saw put ds on zithromyacin first... he used something else (that started with a d I think to get rid of the active strep) and then used zithromyacin but a small dose.. he only had him on it for 3 months 2 times a week but I saw a huge difference and so did my parents who said they couldn't believe how mellow ds had gotten during that time.


I am also going to get a copy of my records from the other dr. and share them with this dr. I haven't done that.


Maybe it's time to call peds' offices and tell them you need a new pediatrician. Ask if they know what PANDAS is? Have they seen children with PANDAS before? Are they open to trying a dif antibiotic because you believe you're child has a resistent stain of strep and your current one will only give amox. You'd be suprised how much info you can get out of them just on the phone.


So erica's doctor must have went to 'school' with my doctor. :( That's what mine said, "if he doesn't have strep, than the abx isn't treating anything......must be something else".


I am guessing that some pediatricians have been given the "basics" of what PANDAS is, sort of the 'textbook' version.... tics/ocd/behavior.....positive for strep....give 10 day course of antibiotics......strep is irradicated.......symptoms disappear...... .. Maybe it happens like that for those that get in there the first time they see their kids tic,.......

If it doesn't go just like that, they don't have the time to figure it all out, they havn't been fully checked out on all this, so what can we do? its going to be like this for a while.



Maybe it's time to call peds' offices and tell them you need a new pediatrician. Ask if they know what PANDAS is? Have they seen children with PANDAS before? Are they open to trying a dif antibiotic because you believe you're child has a resistent stain of strep and your current one will only give amox. You'd be suprised how much info you can get out of them just on the phone.


I have called around to other local offices.... they all told me that there was not enough evidence that strep was connected. You know 1 even told me that if you wear a red shirt and fall out of a tree it doesn't mean you fell out of the tree because you wore a red shirt. UMMMMM... But there are 5 drs in my current office. I had asked 4/5 of them their opinions and 3 of them didn't buy into Pandas. I will say only 1 said I was crazy. The other 2 didn't offer me help but were willing to culture whenever I needed and treat if active strep and told me that they understood my having to do what I have to do as a mom. And 1 of them said he believed in it but it was out of his realm.. he had given me the name of the other dr. I saw who turned out to be a more holistic type dr. I really appreciated that dr... but darn insurance. So that left this 1 dr. who I had not asked about it.. and he happened to be the one we saw when I had to bring ds in for a culture... I was so relieved when he told me that he treated kids with this. I didn't realize how little he knows about it though but he admitted it was new to him. I was just so happy that he believed in it. I think basically this dr. believes in it and decided to just give it a try and go with it but doesn't really know all he needs to know.


I am hoping the titers test just comes back high to make this dr. happy. I will remain on the look out for a more knowledgeable dr. though!

erica...did you already post where you live? Maybe someone can rec. a doc.


Ack.. just edited because I got uncomfortable with posting that. Not sure why I did but figured it was there long enough for anyone to see as my response so I could comfortably take it down :(

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