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No migraines, but he'd been having unexplained headaches off and on for a long time before he was diagnosed.


Our 10 1/2 yo son started having migraines at 3 1/2. These continued for several years. He is of a subset of PANDAS kids that Dr. K believes gets it very young and it's missed. In hindsight, and with med records going back to his birth, we truly believe something happened around 15-18mo. Because of all the tummy issues he had, I am inclined to believe these migraines were strep related. Dawn


My son began having migraines 3 years ago. I actually think it was the first neurological symptom resulting from repeated untreated strep infections. These migraines were happening 5 or 6 times a week. He still gets migraines occasionally now - but not like before - maybe only once a week or so.



Anyone attributing migraines to PANDAS? or is that a whole other issue you think? I just wonder with the 'swelling' in the brain if it would be.

My son was diagnosed with migraines at age 5 ( followed by a headache specialist) the headaches waxed and waned.

Now I am wondering if he had strep during any of those exacerbations--


still gets occasional headache but not nearly as bad.


This is so interesting to me b/c something strange happened 5 days after my son's current pandas exacerbation started. I got the migraine of my life (I do not have a hx of migraines, or even headaches for that matter). At first I thought that it was probably an extreme stress response to what was happening to my son. Then the next day I developed a fever, the day after that I vomitted twice and developed a sore throat. The headache was so bad I couldn't get out of bed for 4 days and even my eyes hurt when I moved them (is that an ocular migraine)? Anyway, I did not go to the doctor (so busy trying ot secure meds for my son) and the sore throat came and went for a couple months until I took 2 rounds of zithromax.


I am actually being cultured tomorrow with my whole family b/c we can't seem to lower my son's zithromax, he goes backwards. We are thinking that someone in the house is reexposing him (probably me).


BTW, I also went into a major depression that week (is there any wonder?) but I am now wondering if I had brain inflammation that week from the strep exposure and the inflammation caused the depression...? Anyone have any feedback about that?





My son was diagnosed with migraines at age 5 ( followed by a headache specialist) the headaches waxed and waned.

Now I am wondering if he had strep during any of those exacerbations--


still gets occasional headache but not nearly as bad.

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