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hormonal changes correlates w/OCD & compulsions?


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My son has been having some compulsions off & on for the past years, but has always been very mild. But lately, his compulsion of touching things has been waxing. Any my son says it is annoying to him. And that's the only compulsion that he is aware of because the others are so mild & insignificant.


Lately, i also noticed he had a couple of pimples on the face and he is going to 10 in a few mos., so i am wondering if the hormonal change may have its hand in the waxing of compulsion?



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what kind of pimples? real ones, or just tiny rashy kind? ... what does he do, like feel like he has to touch stuff, or only certain things, like rough stuff, cold, etc?




how are things going? would you say your son is in or thru puberty yet?




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