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Hi all,


I started probiotic this April w/my son because he came down w/strep & was on antibiotics. I have recently stopped the probiotic about a month ago due to his cold. After his cold cleared up i gave him apple cider vinegar w/raw honey & elderberry about 4X to boost his immune system because his sister was coming down w/a cold. After the 4th dose of ACV, that nite he had a mild vocal tic during dinner. Can ACV cause tics?


His compulsion of "touching & moving things" & "smelling his fingers, food mostly and things" are slowing waxing since 2 mos ago. Can compulsion show up after 4 mos of probiotic buildup inside the body?


My son's nasal allergy & itchy roof of his mouth is starting to bother him since i stopped the probiotic. I would like to get some of your opinions about probiotic before restarting it again.








Just my opinion, but I don't think the probiotics would be a problem if you are not giving it for several months now. why did you feel you had to stop because he was sick? The ACV may have helped boost him, and perhaps that could aggravate stuff, but really who knows? That's why I had to add new things, I always feel like something happens, but maybe its just the initial adjustment period. again who knows? but really, I think once one is used to the probiotics, things should be okay. I can't see compulsions resulting months later from that. could he be getting sick again. how did he do during and after the cold?




I stopped the probiotics because he was taking too many medications and wanted to lessen the stress.


I know my concern may be a stretch regarding the probiotics & apple cider vinegar but i can't rule things out. Just thought maybe i have missed something.


I met a mom whose child has OCD and it is triggered by dairy. Since probiotic has a minute trace of it, i was concerned.


Thank for your feedback faith. Just want to bounce off my concern with you guys as you guys are a wealth of info.




I am recently thinking that my son's Tourette's is caused by a Candida infection.


If you had your son had a candida problem and you took him off probiotics, that would let the yeast start multiplying again. Plus the ACV is antifungal so that could have actually made the symptoms peak because of the start of a "die off" reaction.


Just a thought...


I am noticing a corolation to my son's tics and sugar. Feeding the candida = more tics.

I am going to try to wean him, but it's really a struggle just thinking about it. He's not

a big candy eater, but sugar is in EVERYTHING.



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