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For Claire


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I have some bad news. Recently, my son has started eye blinking again, especially when he's watching tv (which he doesn't get to do very often). He's had a few times recently when he began having eye tics again, even when he's not watching tv - after a very long time of not having anything that I could clearly say was a tic. He is still taking nystatin to get rid of the rest of the yeast, so I don't know if something is going on with that. Also, I think he may be suffering from environmental spring-time allergies - something we haven't seen in him before, but something that affects his brother big time. Two days ago, he came in from hiking in the woods with one very red eye. Soon the other eye started turning red too - our pediatrician said it's allergies. So maybe it's allergies that are behind this.


Anyway, I wanted to tell you because before I told you that since his yeast and clostridia levels got reduced, he no longer ticced while watching tv, . I know that made you very hopeful. I can only wait and see how things go here, but I hope that I didn't lead you to have false hope. It sounds like you are on the right track with your son and I hope it continues to go well for him.

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I am quite sorry to hear your bad news!


Please keep in mind my own experience with my son and TV. His tics which were triggered by TV (or Computer), took almost a week to clear up--ie the disruption to his nervous system lasted that long. So if he is again sensitive to TV, please keep in mind that this may be causing the tics 'even when he isn't watching TV'.


Well, maybe the TV reaction is the first indicator of a sensitized system, either from yeast or allergies. If it is the yeast, perhaps ask his doctor about capryllic acid (over the counter). My son's doctor said that both capryllic acid and nystatin are effective, and that one or the other works better for some.


As for the allergies, do you have a HEPA air filter for his room? We use a HEPA filter in my son's room at night and it makes a major difference with his allergies. During spring, people with allergies to pollens can also be more sensitive to dust, so I recommend washing all his bedding too.


Thanks for the heads up, I still have hope! I figure this is something that we will have to keep a close eye on and manage even if it does help, and your post just confirmed this. I am not looking for a cure since the flat screens are okay for my son, just a reduction in sensitivities so that when he has TV in the classroom he isn't set apart from other kids. Over time, flat screens will take over!



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Guest Guest_efgh



That is sad. How frequent are his eye blinking tics now? Does he have vocal too?

Just a thought - could it be due to his extra intake of dairy , etc?


goodluck to you!







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Thanks for the good wishes! How has your son been doing--you haven't posted much lately? I remember his sleep was good, how about everything else?


From my EM doctor visit post, my son is only taking supplements for the deficiencies he had, including antioxidants.


-Folic Acid,


-Vitamin D

-Pantonthenic acid (B5)


-Alpha Lipoic Acid

-Calcium citrate (I am checking on Calcium Magnesium Citrate with the lab, to see if they recommend it, since they didn't specify it

-L Glutathione (which comes with A, C, E and some B's)

-Bifidus probiotic, with some acidophilus (my son was only low in Bifidus)



Fish oil

Primerose evening oil (I asked my doctor based on Chemar/Ronna's input, and he agreed)

Iron (After discussion with my son's doctor on his eating habits, I also give him iron every other day)

Capryllic Acid (for his current issues with Yeast)

Melatonin, 1/3 mg only, which helps with sleep




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From what I understand, clostridia are relatively large, gram positive, rod shaped anaerobic bacteria. Several of them are pathogens like C. difficile, C. perfringens (which can cause food poisoning and gangrene), C. tetani (which causes tetanus) and C. botulinum (which cause botulism). We knew about this from the same microbial organic acid test by Great Plains Lab (a urine test) that showed the metabolites from yeast overgrowth. The first reports we had showed high levels of metabolites from colstridia overgrowth (didn't say which kind of C). However, after my son took the homeopathic drops, all the clostridia overgrowth disappeared and the last several lab reports we received showed normal levels in that. Dr. Shaw of Great Plains wrote that he believes clostridia overgrowth can cause tics and other nervous system problems.



His eye blinks are mostly still very mild. He couldn't stop them when we visiting some friends last week though, but since then have quieted down (except for when he watches tv.) Actually I don't think that they are related to dairy increase now. Rather it may be allergy related. Thank you for your concern.

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Guest Guest_efgh



Thanks for asking. My son is doing much better overall these days. Lets hope and pray the trend continues.

yeah, calcium magnesium taurate from the allergyresearchgroup is very good. check www.allergyresearchgroup.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Guest_efgh



Can you please tell me the dosage and frequency of capyrylic acid that you give your son - do you still give it daily?


As regards the high mercury level (heavy metal), what are you giving to your son to reduce this?


I have my next apptmt with my naturopath next month and I am getting prepared with such useful info.




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I give my son about 1 g of capryllic acid for the yeast and minimize his sugar intake, which I did anyway. I take aged garlic (no odor) and capryllic acid and drink p'au d'arco tea for yeast. But my supplements are from my reading, my doctor's appts are next week.


My son takes antioxidants for the mercury, but he was low in antioxidants. For someone who is not low, other methods (chlorella? NDF?) may be better.

He takes ALA, sellenium, L-glutathione, plus Vit A,C,E in the antioxidant supplement. The DAN doctor said the ALA level was low enough, and my son's mercury was low enough that the blood brain barrier deal with Alpha Lipoic Acid was not a factor.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Guest_efgh



Can you please let me know the dosage of Vitamin E that you give your son along with the fish oil ?


also, can you please tell me from which company you get the calcium citrate supplement for your son - how much calcium citrate per day do you give him?


You are right about the harry potter movie. I was surprised when my son said he does not want to watch the new harry potter movie - may be he sensed that he was doing well without movie/tv exposure.



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Hi efgh


I actually had posted the Vitamin E dosage on another link for you after you asked. I give 400 IU and it is part of the antioxidant supplement I give my son.


I use Solaray Calcium Citrate--with vitamin D since he also had a vitamin D deficiency. However they make it plain--they actually make the calcium supplement in many forms. Whole foods can special order it. I couldn't find it to order on the internet. I get it at a small vitamin shop near our DAN doctor. We give 1000 mg, but only because of his deficiency. 500 mg is recommended for children. Calcium is the only vitamin where Spectracell recommended that we give more than the max recommended.


Good for your son on the movie! In general my son could care less about movies on the big screen. He is just a huge fan of Harry Potter (again--a new cycle of it for him).



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Just a note on the TV/computer screen topic. I spoke to someone yesterday who has just started looking for her triggers, and she said that doing computer work sets her off big time. We discussed doing a test where she sits in front of the turned on screen with her eyes closed, then when she is working on it, so she can determine whether it is visual or electrical. Some people with electrical sensitivity believe it is the radiation that is bothering them. Yet, it could well be the flicker that Claire has been discussing and they just never thought of that, or both. If I hear back from her, I will let you know.


Our next issue of Latitudes, going to press next week, has a request for feedback on this topic.


I love reading everyone's posts when I get the chance. You all do such a great job!


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