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Hi All,


We just got back a couple of days ago from our doctor visit and here are the reults:




wheat, spelt, gluten, all dairy, eggs, beef ,lamb, banans


Yeast: very high and he has other fungus in the intestines, malapsorption issues


very low iron levels


He is also very low in almost all amino acids except for tryptophan and gaba. Since tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin his serotonin is o.k., but the amino acid precursors to norepinephrine are low.






I am sorry to hear about so many allergies! Believe me, I can relate. Have you told him? Our son only knows about wheat, peanuts and now milk, and the general need to reduce sugars for the yeast. Spring break we need to tell him about corn. You can join us on the 'no normal kid foods' thread.


Both of our kids can't have eggs, wheat, milk (I have to ask re other dairy), bananas. My son can have beef and lamb but he never eats them anyway.


Both of our kids have yeast and our doctor said likely malabsorption (inflamed digestive system). So many have yeast!!!! Is your doctor having him take capryllic acid for the yeast, and having him reduce his sugar?


What does norepinephrine do?


What do the amino acids do?


We are just starting to supplement with iron, now that he doesn't take a multi-vite.


I don't get it though--I thought you had taken care of the yeast? Or was it just detoxing some of the metals?


My son's doctor said that if he still tests low in folic acid in a few months, he will check out the faulty MT protein angle. I sure hope we see SOME improvement in June for the 6 month test.


I forgot to say: My doctor says we SHOULD delay his 6th grade immunization for a year, since we live in a lower risk area anyway and don't plan overseas travel.


It is so bizarre that so many here have the same things. Do you ever wonder if the places that do the tests set an unusually low standard for normal, effectively 'overcounting' problems? I know that it may well be just the diagnostic, but our hit rate here is extraordinarily high. Especially with the food allergies. I am doing this because my son's stomach lining was super inflammed and I am not taking chances so I do think this might be it. But maybe a 1 out of 4 is really not actually abnormal.


Sometimes I do feel like a hypochondriac controlling mother--only in the food area. My son doesn't care about computers/TV--he feels the effect. But he just doesn't notice the food correlation so directly and convincingly.


I still worry about screwing him up --darned if I do, darned if I don't. But in spite of this, I am following the doctor's orders.



Guest Guest_efgh

Claire ,


It is so bizarre that so many here have the same things. Do you ever wonder if the places that do the tests set an unusually low standard for normal, effectively 'overcounting' problems? I know that it may well be just the diagnostic, but our hit rate here is extraordinarily high
a very valid point. I have also thought about that.


I guess, elimination diet is the most authentic way to figure out things as Ronnas said..All this is so time consuming and exhausting.


I always wonder - if we make an allergy test for a PERFECTLY healthy kid would the allergy test show "no allergies"??

It is so bizarre that so many here have the same things. Do you ever wonder if the places that do the tests set an unusually low standard for normal, effectively 'overcounting' problems? I know that it may well be just the diagnostic, but our hit rate here is extraordinarily high


we ran blood, hair, skin and radiogenics tests..........same results!


so I dont think it is the labs....I feel it is something inherant in a polluted world which toxifies and hypersensitizes people!!


I think that if more people ran these tests...they would also discover allergies and toxins....most people just think they are sickly, and take endless meds and stuff....instead of getting to the root of the problem.




We supplemented with acidophilus daily for the yeast, but never did anything to kill it. The doctor has him taking golden seal and dandelion root in the morning which targets the different types of fungus present and some high potency acidophilus just before bed along with FOS which is a probiotic enhancer and liquid bentonite to ease yeast die off reactions. He said the idea is to attack the yeast in the morning and add the good bacteria at night.


Proteins are composed of individual amino acids which are responsible for growth, repair and maintenance throughout the body. Some of the ones most commonly mentioned such as taurine, gaba and 5- htp are amino acids. Glutamine, one of the amino acids our son is low in, is necessary to detox ammonia out of the brain.

Ammonia is not a good thing to have in the brain it can cause tons of problems including seizures (this is also a very common problem seen with ASD kids).


Norepinephrne is a neurotransmitter, I can't remember it's specific function. It's precursor amino acid is L-phenylalanine (not to be confused with the artificial sweetner which is DL-phenylalanine..a completely different chemical structure.)


Four of the eight amino acids needed for brain functin were extremely low.



His amino acid test was very revealing. His liver is sluggish and sure enough the amino acids for liver function were very low. If his gut is infamed it stands to reason that the malabsorption issues would carry over to proteins as well. The test was about $220.00 and well worth it, this is one I would highly recommend.


As far as the similarities go, no I don't think it has anything to do with the labs. If you read the consequences of heavy metal toxicity and particulary mercury you will find that they cause the very things we are finding our through lab tests ex. inflamed gut, enzyme and mineral disruption etc....


On a positive note the doctor feels very confident that we wil see some dramatic improvements just by doing the GF/CF diet. Hope he's right!!


Also Claire, I know youare holding off on the shots for a year, so in the mean time try to research them best you can, there are many other scary things other than mercury. A good website is www.909shot.com, it is the National Vaccine Association. They were a really big help to me. If you have your son's past lot and batch numbers they can tell you how many "reported" reactions they have on file. I put reported in quotation marks because not everyone reports.


Also. I just read about a mom who sent her son's baby tooth in to a lab to check for mercury, the results were astounding..over 3000 ppb for one little baby tooth. This amount wa exceed the amounts allowed to be released from a dump. I had never thought about using a tooth, but it makes sense. It sounds more accurate than using hair. I called my local lab and they will do it for 35$. Fortunatly I have several of my son's baby teeth that we put in a box after the "tooth fairy" came to collect. I'll keep you posted on the results.






I am new to all this, so forgive me if I sound stupid. All of the testing was done by what kind of doctor ? I am new to this, just recently contacted this forum and learning a lot. I found an Integrated Medicine doctor (Dr.Ali) that I remembered reading about in one of the Latitudes issues. I read about all these diets, testing but I don't know if my son would cooperate. He likes sweets and junk food too much. Well, I will appreciate your input.

Beata J.




my son was the champion junk food lover.....however, once he actually realised how much better he felt and how reduced his tics were when NOT consuming it....he willingly cut it out. Now, if he (rarely) indulges at a party or when at the movies or even at the school cafetaria.......he usually tics up a storm and then sheepishly admits to the yuck stuff, and is more convinced as to just how much of a tic trigger it is for him! :)


Hi guys,


I am sorry to hear that gluten is a problem also!


If it means anything I have found that now that Kurt has been off corn, eggs, dairy and chocolate for about 4 months he can now tolerate corn as long as it's kept at a low level. He tolerates eggs in baking (still can't eat an egg) and today he had a small easter chocolate and he did ok. I did try kraft dinner last week and this went horrible. He fell to pieces right in front of my eyes. In desperation I gave him a lacteez and this did help him settle down. Maybe your son will be able to tolerate a small amount down the road.


We have done pretty minimal testing with Kurt. I have read alot about food sensitivities and it is my feeling that the only way to be sure of a food sensitivity is to do a food elimination diet.



I would also say that kurt cannot eat ALOT of his favorites anymore...can't tell ya how much we all miss pizza! However, Kurt is pretty understanding of not eating these food considering how much better he feels. (I don't think he'll EVER want to eat Kraft Dinner again!)...my 5 year old son LOVES junk food and now that it is not even in the house he is surviving and can often be seen munching on apples (miracles do happen!)


Hang in there. I have found that over time eliminating all of these foods has become easier...and I have lost weight also which is kind of nice!



Guest Guest_efgh

Ronnas, what is lacteez?


What were the culprits in the Kraft dinner for your son?




I didn't have the box in front of me...I gave Kurt Lactaid Ultra which is a lactase enzyme which makes milk and dairy foods more digestable...I had read about this in the book "Is this your child" by Doris Rapp. It did seem to help and Kurt did settle down for the rest of the afternoon. I should say that it helped with the rage attack but he spent the afternoon still ticcing.


The culprit in the KD was the modified milk ingredients in the cheese sauce.





i have no idea what all is in Kraft Dinner as they dont even list the ingredients on their site and I have never purchased it BUT


a search on Google told me it is VERY unhealthy and LOADED with ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS including the major tic and hyperactivity etc trigger




Ronna, I am glad to hear about Kurt's growing tolerance for some corn!


Jennifer/Chemar--I do realize that these are real--my son's digestive track was highly inflamed even with minimal wheat so clearly more was going on. Thanks for the reassurance though.


Beata J

Re what kind of doctor--I think Jennifer and I both see DAN (defeat autism now) doctors, who order these tests from labs around the country. I cannot recommend them enough. If you screen for a naturopath or EM doctor or whomever, I would just make sure that they run tests for heavy metals, allergies, vitamin deficiencies and yeast. Those seem to be the common links for so many here. I posted the DAN list for you, and I understand that naturopaths are less expensive than MDs.




Beata J,


I know this all sounds overwhelming. The key is to eliminate gradually.My son was a candy-aholic, but I took advantage of the summer months when there is such a variety of yummy fruit and kept it out and ready for him..that helped him transition and he was still getting sugar, just in a healthy form.


Also you will find that there are many natural and organic alternatives. Cheetos and Dorritos make a natural version (for my son they aren't o.k. because of his allergies), but if allergies aren't an issue they are a delicious alternative without all the MSG and other artificial ingredients.


I'm so glad that you found this forum, there are alot of experienced moms with awesome tips and info!!!




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