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Okay. Second week of school, best friend comes down with strep. Julia has a mild flare up of pandas symptoms.


Now, third week of school, classmate has strep. And this girl did not have a sore throat, just a runny nose (I think maybe the mom was concerned about the flu or something).


Plus, another mom in the class told me her daughter can be an asymptomatic carrier (she was nice enough to say if she hears someone else has strep she will have her tested).


What is the deal with this strain of strep that does not have the usual symptoms? This went around pandas dd's class ALL last year, another kid each week.


How is she going to recover, with this strep constantly around? If we do pex- I would be a wreck to send her back to school and mess it up...


Anyone have any thoughts...

Okay. Second week of school, best friend comes down with strep. Julia has a mild flare up of pandas symptoms.


Now, third week of school, classmate has strep. And this girl did not have a sore throat, just a runny nose (I think maybe the mom was concerned about the flu or something).


Plus, another mom in the class told me her daughter can be an asymptomatic carrier (she was nice enough to say if she hears someone else has strep she will have her tested).


What is the deal with this strain of strep that does not have the usual symptoms? This went around pandas dd's class ALL last year, another kid each week.


How is she going to recover, with this strep constantly around? If we do pex- I would be a wreck to send her back to school and mess it up...


Anyone have any thoughts...


Sorry, I don't have any good advice. My son came home today and told me that a classmate who was coughing on him all day yesterday and complaining of a sore throat wasn't at school today. So, I'm guessing strep or the flu has hit his class and it will only be a matter of days before he brings it home to his sister.


Unfortunately, we are all in the same sinking ship together.


I don't know what to tell you. I don't get why doctors aren't concerned about this either. I mean all 3 of my kid didn't get symptoms. The peds' reaction..."that's pretty common". He also said last year there were more strep cases than usual. Yet he won't give my son a propholactic antibiotic.


They'll address the problem once a strep vaccine is available. That'll be their selling point. Maybe this different strain of strep is man made in order to begin to boost fear and sell the vaccine. That's the theory some have with the swine flu. The strep vaccine will open a whole new can of worms for us...


Sounds like us !!! We are a new PANDAS (since end of May) family and also very lucky PANDAS family that had a ped that immediately diagnosed our son. We saw Dr. Latimer on Monday, Aug. 24, that Friday our son got strept again. This time not soo bad, not sure if was b/c he has been on an antibiotic since May or b/c we were starting on the steriods. Waiting on Dr. Latimer's opinion of this.

Our son had been at school for less then a week when strep started going around again. It's awful!!

We have decided to home school this year and possibly the next if needed. He is 10 years old, so hopefully puberty will be coming in the next few years.

Strep has hit our school hard for the last 2 years. I have 2 other younger children. I have instructed them NOT to drink from water fountains, they are taking water bottles to school daily and bringing them at night for washing and refills.

I am on a STREP free mission!!!


I am probably going to home school too. I don't know how else to protect him. I too am seeing Dr Latimer next week and anticipating either steroids (compromising his immune system even more) or an expensive next step like PEX.


Also his behavior in school is a real problem.


Day two at a new school and his teacher is already calling...


Is home schooling something you would consider?


I'm really terrified of this. Dr K felt like it was okay to send her back to school on Monday after IVIG Thurs and Fri, but aside from all the other school issues we are having, I have a really hard time thinking of sending her back to all the germs. We are thinking of trying to get a homebound tutor through the public schools here and doing some type of homeschooling either that way or with a nanny. Still undecided :wub:

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