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Hey Abbe,

How is Nick doing?? Hope things are better.




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Hey Abbe,

How is Nick doing?? Hope things are better.








It has been a weird couple of days. He started the neck tic again like I said then Dr. Chung stopped it for the night then it was around again Tuesday. He slept at his dads who insisted he didn't see it. When he dropped Nick off Wed. morning I didn't see it either but by the afternoon I did, I tried 5 drops of the tic tamer for the first time last night and he did not wake up with it. I saw it only less then 5 to 7 times when he was eating and I gave him 5 drops after I saw it at lunch. Haven't seen it since and did 5 more a few minutes ago. Thanks for asking. I was so disappointed when I saw it again but I seem to be keeping a grip on it and it is going back away not staying strong??????









Not even 5 minutes after my last post Nick came in the house and said his throat hurt and said he couldn't stop pulling his neck in. It was like a turtle neck move. He asked if was a tic and I said yes and that I would make it go away. I HATE these TICS they feel like MONSTERS inside of my baby. I gave him his supps and an epson salt bath and a lavender foot massage we will see what the morning brings. I found out my mom fed him sour cream and a diet soda at her house DUH she knows better and he also played video games. But when I saw him before my last post he was still. It wasn't until he went outside that this thing happened





the tic you described like a turtle is the same movement Anthony has. Hope things settle down. Where did you get the tic tamer ?/ I may look into getting some , do you give it everynight or only when the tics are bad?? Talk to you soon.




the tic you described like a turtle is the same movement Anthony has. Hope things settle down. Where did you get the tic tamer ?/ I may look into getting some , do you give it everynight or only when the tics are bad?? Talk to you soon.





The tic tamer is by native remedies and I just tried it yesterday for the first time. I am not using it until I bring it to Dr.Chung. Nicks neck tic is usually a side to side stretch. He did have this turtle one a long time ago in the beggining. (last october) His tics shift around.




Must be something in the air but Nick is doing awful with his tic. He had to much goat's milk , sour cream at his moms and some artificial crap on a pretzel at this dutch market place we go to. His neck was pretty bad last night extended stretch and into his mouth. It is still here this morning so today we are going to go very clean on his diet, I am taking him off the new supplement he is on even though the tic was present prior to. I will reintroduce again later. He goes to Hershey Park in two day with his dad. that will be real easy to keep his diet clean.......................




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