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New Pandas Website created by Diana P

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that is an excellent resource and what a brilliant way to be able to educate physicians who are either skeptical or not knowledgeable re PANDAS. congrats on a great job to Diana and to Buster for all that research!


I will add it to the useful sticky as well :)

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Well done Diana and Buster and friends. This was so well needed to help get the word out there that PANDAS exists and to educate people in general. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to PANDAS cases. I wonder if a nonprofit organization could be formed that could except donations to the support research development for PANDAS? Other diseases have these donation sites and we could use the funds to help get more support out there. Maybe even organize a walk for research and treatments.


Just fyi for any new people on here. The website that Diana Pohlman created is up and running. We owe her much gratitude and vacation time!


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