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I thought I'd come here to "pick your brains" :mellow: since everyone here is always so helpful and knowledgable.

My dd, 6yo, started with a throat clearing tic back in May. At first it was not everyday or just occassionally throughout the day. What I've noticed lately though is that it gets much worse in frequency and intensity during or soon after eating. I just can't pinpoint a food or food group though. It seems it does NOT matter what she eats, it happens!

This afternoon i thought I'd try some Benadryl...........just to see. The tics calmed down to minimal and quiet but she was also VERY sleepy. So i dont' know if the decrease was due to the antihistamine effect or due to almost knocking her out. About three hours later, at supper, they started getting more frequent and more loud. And that continued for two more hours right up til bedtime.

I just feel at a loss of where to turn. I've ordered some L-Carnitine to give that a try. Also some NAC.......anyone know if those are alright to take together?

Any thoughts on what could be causing the increase with meals??




If you don't mind, Is the throat clearing the only tic your daughter has? it just started this past May? are you saying you feel it is picking up in frequency after eating or during eating. how long is the wax.?






One of my son's biggest triggers was during eating. I knew it has to do w/food but just didn't know which one, but did think that dairy or wheat/gluten seems to increase the tics. We initially did acupuncture & chiropractic and it did decrease the frequency & severity of the tics. With a comprehensive approah, including diet change and NAET, eventually eating is not his trigger. After doing NAET for 3 years, he can eat everything w/moderation. Of course, i don't allow food colorings, perservatives, msg.... When when he does eat it, he can handle it.


My son has allergies & asthma, so i believe his underlining cause for his tics has to do w/allergies and an over-reactive nervous system.


I have success w/NAET & craniosacral therapy. Hope this helps!




If you don't mind, Is the throat clearing the only tic your daughter has? it just started this past May? are you saying you feel it is picking up in frequency after eating or during eating. how long is the wax.?




No Faith it's not her only tic, but it IS the most recent one and the one I worry about most cuz of school starting next month. She also has a blinking tic....that one was the first to emerge two years ago, but it isn't troublesome anymore.....I think i've just gotten used to the idea that HEY, if she blinks tightly now and then, so be it!!

Yes i feel the throat clearing one picks up during eating and then continues to wax for a couple hours at least. She's pretty quiet first thing in the morning until she has her cereal. She did tell me it feels like she has "stuff" in her throat that she's trying to get rid of. Do you think this particular tic is caused by sensory issues? I'm still waiting on the NAC and L-Carnitine to arrive. Does ANYONE know, can those be given together?



If you say she feels like she has something in her throat, the first thought for me would be excess mucious which ican be caused by dairy products. don't recall if you are dairy free, but I would try to cut out at least mild, ice-cream and cheese if you are not already. I did that in the very beginning, thinking of the mucous angle, and removing dairy worked for my son at that time. however his vocal did eventually return a while later despite being vigilant about dairy. (I did not however be too vigilant about "hidden" diary). Its worth a try tho.




Also, I was doing a lot of throat clearing and had a hoarse voice for a few months and my doctor suggested it was reflux. Sure enough, once I treated the reflux my raspy voice and throat clearing went away. Just wanted to throw another suggestion at you. My son also had a throat clearing tic but it was only during allergy season and then seemed to clear up.

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