Guest david Posted March 8, 2004 Report Posted March 8, 2004 Does any one have any insight regarding seroquel withdrawl?
Chemar Posted March 8, 2004 Report Posted March 8, 2004 Hi David Not too sure if anyone here has ever used seroquel, but i know there are folks on BrainTalk who have experience with it here is the link
Guest Aimee Posted March 31, 2004 Report Posted March 31, 2004 I'm 29 with TS, had it since the age of 5 and finally diagnosed with it 5 years ago. I've done Haldol and turned into a zombie, felt lazy and made my work life ###### and was driven to suicidal thoughts. BTW I also live with depression. I was switched to Risperdahl and was anxious and jittery. Finally I got put on Seroquel. I've been on a 400 mg 2 times a day dose for 3 1/2 years and am now tapering off of it. The main side affect I've experienced is SEVERE difficulty sleeping at night if I miss a dose (1-3 hours of sleep as opposed to my normal 8-10 hours). I've mentioned this to my psychiatrist and he doesn't believe it has that much of an affect, but I'm sure that the Seroquel has enough of a sedating affect to cause sleeping trouble if it's missed. The only other side affect I've had is not on my body, but my pocket book. I pay 20% for my prescriptions and after the insurance company pays their share, I shell out $130 per month. Other than that, I have had no problems with the Seroquel. I'm not a zombie and I'm also not anxious and jittery. Currently I'm working with my doctor to taper off of the Seroquel because I want to have children and I haven't found anything conclusive on whether it is safe to be on this medication while being pregnant. It does say on the label that they do not recommend being on the medication while nursing. I hope this helps!
Guest Ned Posted April 9, 2004 Report Posted April 9, 2004 I have been diagnosed with Drug Induced Psychosis. I've been on Seroquel for almost (started on 100,mg 200mg, then 600mg, then 400mg) 3 years, during those 3 years I did come of it for about 3 days (unintentionally), had an episode, and was hospitalised in a lock up ward. (Big mistake) It is with me also if I miss a dose, I'll have the worst sleepless night of my life, and I hallucinate while I'm half asleep. I find it to also twitch my right hand to the point I can't control it. but this seemed to have weakened a bit, but still there semi-dormant. I find it to have increased my appetite after taking my dose by 30minutes in the evening, I have to resist the temptation to pig out, because apparently like I was told to the contrary that it makes me gain weight. I had been on Riseperdal for a couple of years before, and also was hospitalised after deciding to come off cold-turkey on my own. (big mistake)
Chemar Posted April 9, 2004 Report Posted April 9, 2004 Hi Ned My son is only 14 but has been thru a nightmare time on these nasty brain drugs Thankfully he has been off them now for 3 years and doing great since he started taking special supplements and eliminating junk food..yes, he still tics, but it is so mild now. The drugs actually made things worse, and Haldol caused him to have drug induced psychosis too. For all of you coming off drugs (or even those having probs on them) I would HIGHLY recommend a book by Dr Peter Breggin called "Your Drug may be Your Problem" where he not only details the problems caused by each brain drug, but also gives careful information on tapering them off and coping with the withdrawal. I got a copy at Borders, but you can also order it online from his website His website has some amazing stuff on the dangers of psychiatric drugs..... He used to be scorned for his stand (he is a Harvard alumnus and lecturer etc) but now even the FDA is looking into the problems with SSRIs etc....something Dr Breggin has been warning on for years! All the best to you search this forum for really great info on natural ways to deal with TS/OCD etc
Claire Posted April 10, 2004 Report Posted April 10, 2004 Ned, What a sad story. I am so sorry for you. As Chemar said, I hope that you are able to find a physician that might help you find ways to help you without side effects. What are the Seroquel and Riseperdal for--are they for OCD symptoms? My nephew gained a ton of weight on medicine for OCD. He is off it not and doing great--back to his normal weight. The medicine didn't help his symptoms anyway--I forgot what it was. Claire
Guest Bonnie Posted May 5, 2004 Report Posted May 5, 2004 My dr put me on it I have fibromyalgia and he gave it to me to help my sleep problems. I did not know what it was used for at first. After a couple of weeks on it I started having severe mood swings and a worsening of my regular firbo symptoms. I took myself off of it and have been having difficulty breathing starting about 3 weeks into the use of it. It almost feels like an anxiety feeling where I cant get enough air in my lungs.
Guest clare Posted May 10, 2004 Report Posted May 10, 2004 I have just come off seroquel (200mg) in the last few days and have experienced the absolute worst nights sleep of my life! if this goes on for much longer i think i'll go even more insane than i already am! does anyone know if sleeping habits return to normal and if so when? Another side effect ive noticed since ive stopped taking seroquel is that my appetite has become practically non existent compared to before.
Claire Posted May 10, 2004 Report Posted May 10, 2004 Clare, Have you ever tried Melatonin? It is great for sleep. My son and I both use it, and my brother and his son. However, I have no idea about going off meds, and though Melatonin is an over the counter supplement, I would talk to your doctor or an alternative physician. Sleep is so critical! --Claire (same name different spellings. Plus AusClare makes 3 of us! and 2 Jennifers...)
Guest Aimee Posted May 21, 2004 Report Posted May 21, 2004 Clare, Is there any way that you can slowly reduce the dosage of your Seroquel? I've been tapering off of it for about 3 months now and have had no trouble sleeping as the dose gets reduced. I wouldn't do it without your doctor's supervision, but what I've been doing is reducing it by 100 mg every few weeks. I take it in the morning and night, so the morning dose is the one that gets reduced first. If you can do that, it'd make things a lot easier on you. Hope this helps. Aimee
Dawna Posted August 23, 2006 Report Posted August 23, 2006 Hello, Yes, I have been prescribed "SEROQUEL" for the past 14 months, I have gained over 60 pounds because of it, (Im 45 years old).. this has been a horriable weight gain problem that I have tried very hard to limit my eating and sweets,... yet "still" I have put on the weight like crazy... I also, have had terriable incontineance problems with this medication, so... about three weeks ago.. I simply decided to "get off" the pills... I had been taking 75 ML a day of Seroquel,.. and after finding out "online" that it is a antipsychotic.. "not a antidepressant" like my doctor led me to believe,... ( I went through several close deaths in my life over the past 7 years including my husband) and I simply am outraged that my doctor put me on this "type" of medication.. especially without "telling" me the exact nature of its implications.. at any rate, I have been slowly "cutting" back on the intake of the medication, taking less then 1/3 of my normal intake.. I have noticed "very few" withdrawls ... so far.. ....... so far, itching all over my body is the "one" withdrawl symptom that I am beginning to notice.. (only the past three days).. but, it is terriable itching all over my body.... but, I am ABSOULOUTE in my desire to get completely off of this medication. Before I was administered this medication by my doctor, I was told by her that I had "minor" liver disfunction. and after reading that this medication should not be given to anyone with any "liver problems" I have made up my mind to get off of it. please, let me know if anyone "out there" has gone through the withdrawls of Seroquel, and if "they too" have expierienced "itching"... or any other symptoms.. Thanks.. I hope my story has "helped" others out there... Sincerely Dawna in Colorado Dawna here again.. YES.. I too have expierienced Terriable loss of sleep at night.. Im having a horriable time getting to sleep without it.. but.. I will just have to "get through it".. cuz, Im not going back on my determination NOW!!!
kim Posted August 24, 2006 Report Posted August 24, 2006 Dawna, Just wanted to say welcome and GOOD LUCK. I don't have any experience or knowledge about seroquel, but hope your itching subsides quickly. It's terrible when Dr.s don't inform you of potential side effects and assume you are incapable of understanding the risk/reward associated with medical interventions. I have learned to thoroughly research ANYTHING prescribed for anyone in my family. No more blind trust here. It's nice that you are trying to let others know your experience, so they can make an informed choice. Kim
Dawna Posted August 24, 2006 Report Posted August 24, 2006 Dawna, Just wanted to say welcome and GOOD LUCK. I don't have any experience or knowledge about seroquel, but hope your itching subsides quickly. It's terrible when Dr.s don't inform you of potential side effects and assume you are incapable of understanding the risk/reward associated with medical interventions. I have learned to thoroughly research ANYTHING prescribed for anyone in my family. No more blind trust here. It's nice that you are trying to let others know your experience, so they can make an informed choice. Kim hello Kim, Thanks for the "care"... I also, have noticed over the past couple of months that I have had a "tic" starting in my left hand... "IVE NEVER HAD THESE KIND OF THINGS BEFORE" and I really think that it is the seroquel that has done it... Im changine doctors, and have a new appointment at the end of this month, I cant wait to find a new doctor that might "actually care" about my health and well being.. anyway, just wanted to say "thanks for the reply and caring about me".... (I woke up ... "again".. and cant get back to sleep, so I thought I'd check my mail"..... maybe, someday ... "soon" Ill get back to a "normal" sleeping routine"........ Dawna
Chemar Posted August 24, 2006 Report Posted August 24, 2006 Hi Dawna once you are fully off the seroquel, you can maybe try some of the more natural ways to help with depression...there are a number of supplements that can be beneficial and I will give you some info on them once you are no longer on any seroquel (they cannot be mixed with prescription drugs) As the mom of a son who suffered severe side effects from prescription meds given to him by doctors who gave us no warning about the potential dangers, I sure hear you re your frustration at having this done to you too. It is good that you are so in tune with your own system that you could recognise the dangers and that you were proactive in weaning yourself off the seroquel Remember to drink lots of pure water (preferably filtered, reverse osmosis like aquafina) and also take a good multivitamin/multimineral supplement to help with your detoxification from the med. A great way to cleanse your liver is by drinking hot lemon juice....cup of boiled,hot water with juice of half a lemon in it MILK THISTLE is also an excellent supplement for liver support, and can be bought over the counter at most pharmacies and health stores also, a really good natural sleep aid is melatonin, also over the counter. It is best taken in low dose (we find 2x300mcg (micrograms NOT miligrams) is most effective. Do keep us posted on how you are doing
Dawna Posted August 24, 2006 Report Posted August 24, 2006 well hello everybody.. Thank you "ALL" so much for caring.. here it is.. 5:30 am, and Im "still" not asleep... but, whatever it is going to take.... 'IM WILLING"... at first, my doctor told me to take 4-25 ml per day.. I tied this.. "I WAS COMATOSE"...I couldnt even get up to go to the bathroom for the first 4 days.. I crawled.. living alone, and having noone to help me, I quickly decided NOT to take the doc's advice,.. and cut myself back to 'one" 25 per day.. over the past 14 months, I did end up taking more.. but only 75 per day or 100 at most.. Thank God for your forum here... I was truly wondering "why" I was goind through so many "new" problems with my body... now, I know.. I will try the hot lemon water, and the aquafina.. and as far as sleeping problems go.. I am disabled.. "I broke my back in three places years ago, and can no longer work".... I will just "watch good movies at night" untill I can get sleepy enough to nod off.... oh, bye the way.. Cinderella Man, is a really GREAT MOVIE.. I never cared for boxing.. but, it's a hellofa Great story... Russle Crowe and Rene Zellweger did a fantastic job... " I just finished watching it.. made me cry.. anyway... enough of plugging a movie.. Good Night everyone.. "or, I might say... Good morning"... Thanks again Dawna
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