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Thanks for the link to the article. It is about time someone takes action to stop the affects of the vaccine. I was in amazement when I came on here as saw how many claims there were by parents saying the vaccine was the cause and that there still wasn't something being done about it.




To All,


I am curious what the general feeling is by others (friends, family) in your area about the natural supplements you are using. I have to pick and choose who I tell about the protocal I am using since some people just think I am quacky when I start telling them what is going on with my son and how the supplements have helped. I am sure many believe it would have gone away anyway and that I have just wasted my money. I believe different and as a mother, I know that it is a positive reaction to the supplements.


I would love to be able to encourage others to make a visit to the Naturopath by telling them of the DAN doctors and what is happening with treatment but am unsure of how I might be received. There is a support group with the School Board in our area for parents of kids sufferring from the various PDD's (Aspergers, Oppositional Defiance, Tourettes, etc.) and I would love to start there in spreading the word. Has anyone else had extreme positive or negative reactions from the general public????




Hi Heather

Just wanted to say that I tell EVERYONE who will listen about how life changing the supps and other alternative treatments have been for both my son and my husband.......I have generally had a very positive response.


I must confess I really dont mind if people think I am "quacky" ...... even if just one person will realise that a prescription isnt always the only answer to a health problem....it is worth whatever any others may choose to think of me :P



thanks for posting the autism/vaccination article


I have also put it on BrainTalk


Rep Dan Burton has been very active in this area as i believe he has a grandson who they feel has vaccine-induced autism......this whole subject is one that really needs to be fully exposed....before another child suffers the consequences!!

Guest GL&Lmom

to Heather,


Hi. Your question as to how others respond to our suppliment trials was interesting because I have been wrestling with this for awhile. Some people have acted like I was crazy (mostly our doctors) while many surprised me by being interested. A lot of our friends have admitted to similar problems and are open to new theories.

I have been reading this forum for a while and am overwhelmed with the possibilities! My son is still on medicine but I want to have him off by the summer. I do not have a local physician that will even discuss any alternate therapy so have been consulting with Dr. Robbins in Boca Raton.

We are recently trying to Bonnie vitamins (for the 2nd time) and were wondering if anyone who reads this has experienced a worsening of symptoms initially. His attentions has gotten better, but the OCD part of his tourette's is much worse since we started these vitamins - still at only 1/2 dose. The first time we tried these, the ocd got worse as well, but we were trying 3 things at once and going to Disney World so I didn't know what to blame.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your stories and experiences.


GL & L mom,


The worsening of symptoms may be the die off reaction which occurs when supplements kill the yeast or displace the metals and the toxins are circulated in the bloodstream. This is my understanding of it anyway. It is common for symptoms to worsen initially but then you should see an improvement. Just make sure he is drinking lots of water to flush out the toxins and stay at the smaller dose until you see that improvement.


It is hard when there are no doctors in the area to support you. Good to keep the consultation with Dr. Robbins going. It is a little worrisome to me when people try all of this on their own without proper guidance but I know it is also hard to find the right doctor when they aren't in abundance right now and are limited to certain geographical areas. If only the medical community would get together with the naturopaths and do some consulting with each other. We could use expertise from both fields. I think it is always good to find a naturopath that was once a practicing medical doctor.


My son definitely had worsening of symptoms (tics) when I started the supplements, although they weren't Bonnies. I also didn't deal with much of the OCD so can't really help you in that area but Chemar will probably respond to that. She is the expert in that area.


When you tried it before, how long did he take the supplements? Did you quit when the symptoms worsened?



Guest Ronna

We also expereinced the worsening of symptoms for a bit until we could see the full benefit. My son is doing wonderfully right now.


I am in the same boat as Chemar and I tell everyone about the vitamins etc. in the hope that I can help someone. Already some people I know have thanked me so much for turning them in this direction.


Our pediatrician is learning lots from us (or else he just humors me nicely) and I think that our naturopath doc and I are developing a good relationship in which I teach her some things and she teaches me some thing.


As for my family for the most part they are supportive as they see the positive results. They are a bit overwhelmed by all of it but trust me completely to do the best I can for my son.


Seriously, his prognosis was so poor at one time that we are just so estactic that he is doing as well as he is.



Guest Guest_efgh

To GL&Lmom


I am sure you have come to the right place .. We all share so much of information amongst ourselves which proves to be really useful ..


How old is your son and since when does he have tics? what are his motor and vocal tics?

What medications have you tried so far? Were his tics so bad that you started off with medications? do the medications help his tics?

Does TS run in your family?

Does your son have ADHD/OCD tendencies too and was it diagnosed earlier than his TS?

Does your son have any allergic tendencies as such?

Goodluck to you and keep us posted.




The only time I discuss supplements is with good friends and his teacher. I say that he tested for certain vitamin deficiencies and we are supplementing to solve that.



Guest Guest

To guest_efgh,


My son is 8 and was diagnosed right after starting kindergarten at age 5. At first we thought school was just too stressful for him. Now, in hindsight, I realize that there were signs of ts almost from birth. It just got a lot worse at that time. Now I know it could have been from his 5yr. vaccination or just the natural progression of ts. Minor tics & minor ocd run in the family, but I don't think anyone has it as bad as Luke. His isn't as severe as many I've read about on this forum.


We held off on medicating him until he was 7 and couldn't function because of the ocd. He has never been on any medicine for the tics because he is very good at disguising them. He started zoloft for ocd until it got worse and was switched to luvox. He just had to start dexedrine about a month ago for his attention problems. They are just starting to show up. I homeschooled him for the last half of kindergarten through 2nd grade. He returned to regular school this year for 3rd (his request). He isnt' able to complete his work at school, while at home it takes forever for him to focus. Once he is able to pick up the pencil and make his eyes look at the paper, the work goes quickly. I am spending more time guiding him now than I did while we were homeschooling. It is so frustrating. He wouldn't be able to function without something for the ocd but the add medicine isn't helping. I am planning to try the suppliments Chemar suggested somewhere on this forum. It would be so good to be able to discontinue all his medicine. I am constantly worrying about what they are doing to his body.


Although my husband has allergies to pollen, etc. there are no food allergies in our families. Luke and his two brothers have never shown any signs of food sensitivity. Dr. Robbins agreed that this probably isn't the route to take, but we are still testing just in case. We also did a hair analysis and a full nutritional panel. None of the results have come back yet.


As to your question about what tics he has, he has mostly head and shoulder tics. He recently had a complex one that looked like a bow and then arms straight up with a jump. He would disguise it as a victory sign and yell YES. Luckily, it happened most when he was at p.e. or on the soccer field! His ocd is mostly oversensitivity to touch, light and sound. He had a thing about cleanliness and germs when he was younger (about 4) but got over it almost to the other extreme. He also is a perfectionist with his work. Pencil erasers don't last long around here! Lastly, he is extremely sensitive to others' feelings. He repeats thank-you and please over and over. He has trouble with decision making because he analyzes what his answer would mean to those around him. For example if I ask him if he wants strawberries or oatmeal for breakfast, he'll ask me which one is the least trouble to make. He gets upset when we give him a gift because he worries that we spent money on him. If he sees anything about poor or sick people he cries and cries.


When he first started the tics at age 5, someone told me about kids having siezures from playing video games. Since his first complex tic did resemble a siezure, we cut out all tv, video games and computer for several months. At first all tics went away, but after about 2 weeks they all came back almost exactly as they were before. We have repeated this a few times since, always with the same result - the tics returning even without the videos.


Sorry, I kind of went on and on. It is just so nice to know there are like minded people out there.


Thanks to all who share their experiences to help the others.

Guest Guest_efgh



I am sure Chemar would be able to help you with supplements specifically for OCD. she is an expert in that field.


What are the ocd tendencies with regard to oversentivity to touch, light and sound that your son has? How does it bother him as such?


Are your other two children totally free of this kind of symptoms?


thanks and goodluck to you.

Guest GL&L-mom

Hi again,


My son's ocd hypersensitivity issues usually end up with him just breaking down with frustration. He'll try to get dressed, for example, and won't be able to get his sleeves even. He'll just try and try until he starts crying and lies down, covers his face and says he's stupid or he should have never been born. Loud or continuous noises get him antsy and wiggly, then a bad headache. The lights cause tics, argumentativeness and headache.


By the way, if anyone has the touch sensitivity, Dirt be Gone socks from Target are the least lumpy, most even socks around. Socks are a big problem for us - one of the reasons we started homeschooling. You don't have to wear shoes and socks to homeschool. (I'm half joking)


My older son (13) is symptom free. The youngest is only two and I suspect he may eventually have problems. This might just be that I'm so much more aware of the signs that I'm seeing them everywhere. But he is already a perfectionist. He's obsessed with the color yellow - has to wear it everyday - asked Santa for yellow toys. Time will tell. In hindsight, Luke showed many more signs by this age.


When did you start noticing the signs? How do your kids deal with their peers? How do you educate the teachers?


Thanks again and good luck to all of you.


Hi there


sounds to me like your son may be dealing with the same package of issues that my son has......

ADD(noH),TS, OCD,and SID which is Sensory Integration Dysfunction, very well described in the book by Carol Stock Kranowitz entitled "The Out of Sync Child"

The combination of the SID and OCD truly used to make my son's life miserable.


Since he went on the 5HTP for the OCD things in that area are remarkably improved.

He was initially prescribed Luvox for this, but we actually found that it made things MUCH worse.

Please DONT use 5HTP in combination with prescription meds, especially the SSRIs(antidepressants like Luvox,Zoloft,prozac,Paxil etc)....the interaction is dangerous!


For the SID, we found great help from intital Occupational therapy to help identify his sensory triggers and then to "desensitze" them somewhat by enabling him to tolerate them better.

very beneficial...tho he still wears his socks inside out because of the seams and removes all labels from inside clothing, and certain tastes, textures, sounds and light are no-nos!


I was rather alarmed to see that your son is on dexedrine for the ADD. Doesnt that make his tics far worse tho?


All the best to you as you seek to find the best treatments.....it is a lot of hard work and trial and error, but the payoff of having the positive results is so very rewarding, not to mention the joy of seeing a despondent child become happy, well adjusted and enjoying life again! :P

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