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My son had a hair analysis done and his copper to zinc ratios were off. My son showed to have low copper. My sons ND said to give my son 25mg of zinc and 1mg of copper a day, to correct this. Has anyone found their child or themselves to have low copper and their zinc to copper ratios were off? Can having low copper and zinc to copper ratios off, can it affect tics or cause tics? Any feedback would be great . Thanks again Char...

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Was the test done after a vitamin mineral supplement regime had been in place a while? Or was it done before any supplementation?


Copper and zinc are supposed to be in balance.


My son was high in copper and low in zinc/ iron anemic. This was an anomaly, except in cases of celiac disease.


Low copper levels are associated with other autoimmune disorders (not celiac). Too much zinc will deplete copper. So will too much vitamin C.


Be careful with sugar intake as well. It messes with proper absorption.

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Hi, my son was taking vitamins before the test but I noticed after the test results were back, that he was not taking any copper at all in his vitamins. So that may be the reason, I am just not sure why my son has low copper. The test also showed he was low in iron but the test stated that it was probably not due to a iron def. So that kind of confused me a bit. Because I read if you have low copper, you can have low iron too. So I might get my sons iron tested by our family doctor to make sure. Thanks for your helpful advise, on this and other things, I really appericate it. Char....

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  • 4 years later...

I don't know if this will be helpful to anyone, but I ran across it today and thought I would share it:


"Yes, high copper is a common underlying factor in Tourettes, as well as a lot of other mental health and medical conditions".


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My son has low zinc but unsure of his copper level, I would assume it was/is high as he was recently diagnosed with Pyroluria so wll most likely be on zinc plus other supps for life. Have you looked into getting tested for that although your sons is the other way around ( but then I think in hair analysis though if copper is low on the hair then too much is being held in the body? I'm sure i read something on that but not 100% sure). My sons ferritin level was boarderline so is on a iron sup. Taking extra zinc depletes iron though so he needs it due to taking higher zinc doses compared to someone who is not Pyrolle.

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