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Thank you for your concern! My son is getting much better. He slept overnight last night. His teacher called to our home today. She said there're quite few kids out sick these days. One day, there're 6 kids (out of 20) sick in the class. Now, it's my turn after many sleepless nights. At least, he is better, but not quite ready for school yet.




I'm glad that your son is getting a little better. I remembered, if it's stomach flu, milk or milk products should not be introduced until he is fully recovered.


Thanks for mentioning the probiotics! I have seen discussions about the probiotics, but no experience (nor knowledge) about it. I'll look into it. Meanwhile, any recommendation of the brand name, dosage, etc. will be appreciated.




I still believe the best and safest probiotic is natural yoghurt...we use Stonyfield Farms...it has more than SIX active cultures that cover a wide range of the spectrum.

You can flavor it yourself by adding honey, maple syrup, fruit , cereal etc.




As Chemar implied, the probiotics must be labeled active or live to work.


If your son won't eat yoghurt (mine won't) Whole Foods carries it in a refrigerated case. They even have one to be take with antibiotics--it must be 1 hr before the antibiotic, or the antibiotic will kill the probiotic!



Re food elimination testing. I know the BRAT diet for stomach flu (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast), and I gave him applesauce today. Within a couple of hours he said he could feel the 'flinches' start to come back. Unfortunately, it was Motts, so I don't know if it is the high fructose corn syrup or the salicytes in the apples. I gave him regular applesauce later. I hope it isn't the salicytes, as strawberry smoothies are the only way I have found to get the contents of 11 pills in him daily (4 of them are the calcium supplements--and quite big).


My question for you two: When you tested your children's sensitivities, did you wait until all the symptoms were gone before trying another new food? Doris Rapp just discusses a new food daily from what I remember. But was that enough time? Then if there was a reaction, did you try a week later to make sure? From what Sheila said on peanut butter--she recommended a good sized dollop. I did that with TV many times until we both had no doubt of the cause and effect.




We got back from our family doctor and he is convinced it is a bad flu--he said food poisoning doesn't last this long. He saw a poor 3 year old bedridden for a week that they did put on an IV for fluids. My son was actually walking around a bit this afternoon, but still not much appetite or thirst.


The silver lining: because of this shift from no symptoms to symptoms, my son finally acknowledges/agrees that foods can be a trigger! Just now, he reluctantly agreed to try one new food at a time and that yes it was worth eliminating them. Even though it doesn't always result in visible flinches, he can 'feel' the difference in his physical comfort.


But it reinforces realize that this type of testing really needs an elimination diet as the starting point (as Dr. Rapp says), because several foods may be a trigger, and you would not necessarily see improvement by just removing one. Oh, that is so tough for a child though!!


I need to get out Doris Rapp's book again tonight!






Thank you very much for the information on probiotics! It really helps. My son loves yoghurt. I am going to go the the whole food to get it. He is doing much better now.



It's good to know the cause of your son's illness. Hope he'll fully recover soon.




Glad to hear your son is doing ok. It was interesting what you said about the applesauce. I always have given my son organic applesauce but I couldn't get to the city on Sunday so I just bought Motts at the local grocer. His tics did increase today a little and the only thing I had given him different was the brand of applesauce. The ingredient list said fructose, but I didn't realize it was corn syrup. He does have the allergy to corn. Do all Mott's applesauce jars have corn syrup? Would it not say corn syrup?




Glad to hear your son is doing better as well.








My Mott's applesauce container that I am looking at is Cinnamon Applesauce, in the lunch type individual container. It says "High Fructose Corn Syrup".


I don't know the label requirements, but I would surely hope that they must call it corn syrup! So I think you should be okay with the type that you got.

The Feingold literature says that manufacturers don't have to list BHT as an ingredient if they just use it to preserve the oil, versus add it separately, but that is different from food, given all the allergies.


My son improved from his reaction to the applesauce, then had no-wheat pizza for dinner, and reacted even more. Oh dear, that had tomato sauce (another salicyte). Heather, if you aren't aware, Feingold says some kids have issues with Salicytes. I know that Jeff who posts here has kids who do). He has been having a little corn flour each day, and icecream and milk once each, so I don't think it is dairy.


He said he would try basic foods again tomorrow and be more careful to reintroduce them.




So, I finally drop my son off at school this morning--we go first to his mailbox and find that lovely pink slip dated yesterday notifying us that strep is once again going around his class.


I went to the teacher and practically begged her to PLEASE get him to wash his hands. I just can't imagine his system dealing with strep right now...Argh!!!! I just wish they had a hand washing routine. That's more important in his life than some obsure fact about California history! It makes me feel that I should have waited until Monday--but how could I possibly know?


Just sounding off...



Guest Guest_Heather



That's too bad about the strep. Hopefully, he won't catch it after his long haul at home. Glad to hear he is back at school.


Thanks for the info. on applesauce. I have read Jeff's posts about Feingold. Not sure if I am ready to go there yet. We are already having so much difficulty with the no milk, potatoes, corn and tomatoes. But if tics don't go away, we may have to try that next.

Guest Guest_Heather



As far as a time limit on introducing new foods, my naturopath told me that when it comes to food sensitivities there could be a reaction up to 2 days later. Not sure if all doctors agree with that but that is what she studied to be the case.


Hi Heather,


Yes I was reluctant to do the salicyte elimination with the no-wheat trauma. I am only paying attention now due to his 'involuntary' food elimination We had a very painful evening this evening about the wheat. Our post-basketball tradition was corn dogs.


Too bad though--tonight he didn't want to give me feedback on how he felt today.

Oh well. One day at a time.


He did show me his arms though. His excema is 1/2 gone now in 1 week of no wheat. Apparently even minimal occasional wheat kept it going strong. I thought for sure those would be permanent scars--it was very severe. Kind of a relief. And the gunk in his throat is gone too.


Somehow I missed your son's potato allergy--I had never heard of a potato allergy. I am trying to get my son to eat them, with no bread! Do you do a calcium supplement?


Thanks for the feedback on '2 days' possible for an allergy reaction. That is a long time. But sometimes with TV, it took a couple of days to impact my son too.



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