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Hi all,


We just got in from vacation this morning. For Thursday, Friday and Saturday, my son had either no supplements or 1/2 a dose. Saturday night he had no melatonin either. Then in the middle of the night Saturday (ie Sunday am) he started vomiting a ton. Then repeated it for 5 times through the night and first thing the next morning.


He had crab (which he loves and has never had a problem with--but the wheat allergy is presumably new also). My husband had some of the same crab (from my son's plate) with no reaction. Can kids get food poisoning when an adult doesn't?


He had a ton of wheat for the 3 days prior (because this was his 'last hurrah' with wheat).


Now he ate nothing but a little bit of icecream yesterday, and 2 glasses of water and drank 1/2 glass of water today.


My husband assumes it was the supplements and wants to stop everything!


I know it could be the flu, but he hasn't had a stomach flu ever.


For 2 days he can barely leave his bed--I must help him to walk across the



He seems no better after almost 2 days.


I will call his DAN doctor tomorrow (he only works TWTh).


Anyone had violent vomiting during detox? I don't think this is it, but I had read that one man died from probiotics--the bacteria he was supplementing took over or something. Something about it could be bad for compromised immune systems.


Too many factors!


I just want to see some improvment... more prayer appreciated!






Sorry to hear what happened to your son. I have no experience about detox,so I don't have much to add on it. But I would like to let you know that my son has been sick for about 8 days already (with high fever 4 days and terrible coughing). Last Friday, we're told that he's having pneumonia. It's flu season now. Also, once I had vomiting and diarrhea after ate certain food, but my husband and my son were fine even they ate the same food. Just thought you might want to check with your son's Ped. as well besides your env. doctor. Best wishes!!!


Hi Claire

so sorry your little guy is going thru so much!

Do reassure your husband that good supps cannot make anyone that sick.


It is possible that your son is having a detox reaction with yeast die off if you are treating that??


It really does sound more like a "bug" to me....there is a lot of it going round (we call it change of season flu) and i had my son home with 101 deg fever,nausea etc last week


I must also concur that we have had situations where we have had one family member get sick from seafood while the others are ok.......crab is very rich and it may just have been a combo of that plus the mega wheat overload???


all this is guesswork.......thankfully your doc will be in tomorrow and will hopefully have clearer answers


big hugs to you and your son





I am also so sorry to hear about your sorry to hear about your son. It must be very stressful trying to guess what caused it.


I remember once my daughter getting food poisoning from chicken and none of the rest of us had it. The doctor said at the time it could be because she was a child and the chicken was only mildy tainted that it didn't effect anyone else or perhaps it was just her piece that didn't get thoroughly cooked. I wasn't sure at the time if that were true but the symptoms were classic food poisoning symptoms and it was chicken that had sat on the counter at room temp. for a few hours before cooking (which I found out later from my mother-in-law).


Anyway, I also have never heard of supplements making someone that ill. There are two people that I know of though who started the coral calcium water sufferring from fibromyalga and another with back pain and they were on the couch for 2 days unable to move because of yeast die off.


Where did you hear of the person who died from probiotics?


I hope he is feeling better. Keep us informed.




Hi all,


Thanks for the warm feedback. We haven't started treating the yeast directly yet as the DAN doctor wanted to build up the antioxidants first. So yeast die-off can't be a factor at this time, unless the probiotics has some impact. Though thanks for the feedback on watching for weakness for yeast die-off. A reminder to take it slowly.


Well, after hearing the 3 of you mention incidents where multiple people had the same food but only one got sick, perhaps it is the crab. Here are my 2 worries:


1. I wanting my son to show some sign of getting better--still only 8 oz of water today and I pushed really hard to drink. Sometimes he starts taking these deep breaths for a few second and says it is hard to breath. He did have a couple of light non-wheat cookies just now--the only food all day.


2. My husband seems convinced now that we shouldn't do supplements anymore (I talked to him again since I posted). Funny, because his first reaction when my son had tics (before I figured out the computer was triggering them) was to go to a neurologist and get him on some drug for it. Because thank goodness it was a 3 month appointment wait for the neurologist, so I had time to figure things out first! As you can tell, he is conservative in his medical thinking. It is tough enough to do this without having him putting his foot down saying no way.



I tried calling his pediatrician too repeatedly this afternoon and couldn't get through the busy signal. Unbelievable.




Here is the link and the quote on probiotics--it is from the iherbs site Chemar mentioned I know it sounds dramatic, but I think my son, like some other's on these boards, does have some issues with his immune system--ie he gets sick more frequently and get sicker than most other kids. So the only supplement that





Safety Issues

"Probiotics may occasionally cause a temporary increase in digestive gas, but beyond that they do not present any known risks for most people. However, individuals who are immunosuppressed could conceivably be at risk for developing a dangerous infection with the probiotic organism itself; at least one person taking immunosuppressive medications has died in this manner."



I just talked to the nurse at urgent care. She said we would have seen a reaction to the probiotics in 3 days, so that wouldn't be it. She said the supplements couldn't have done this (which I told my husband to no response).


She said it sounded like food poisoning. He is still so weak and dizzy he can't stand and had diarhea. He drank 8 ounces of water and didn't eat all day and the nurse wanted me to get him into the ER tonight to get an IV in his arm to get him fluids! This scared him drinking a glass of water, and another since then. She says if he keeps it up 4-8 oz every hour til bedtime (and keep it down)then he doesn't have to go in.


However, he is having regular difficulty breathing (shortness of breath) which isn't improving). If this doesn't improve, we may be in urgent care later tonight anyway. Not sure where the breathing issue fits in.


Just this minute he threw up again--trying too hard with the liquids. But the fluids helped, he could stand on his own!









The "shortness of breath" could be his reaction to the sea food. One time, I ate some sea food (didn't even know the name of it) and had terrible reactions including skin hives, diarrhea, vomiting, wheezing and shortness of breath, etc. I had to have IV during the time. I was told that I could be allergic to the sea food. All the symptoms that I had were actually allergy reactions to the sea food. I hope your son will be better soon... BTW, try 7-up. It usually works better than water for people who have diarrhea and vomiting. Please keep us updated!


Hi Claire,


I am sorry to hear that your son is still so sick.


I know you are keeping in touch with the hospital and that is a good thing.


It does sound like a bad case of food poisoning. However, the shortness of breath sounds like a flu thing. My daughter had the flu at Xmas and experienced shortness of breath (that scared me too) for a few days.


My son also used to get bad viruses and he seemed to get it worse than anyone else. We (the rest of the family) would get a mild stomach flu and he would be throwing up to the point it would scare me. I now feel that was because of his yeast since after using the Threelac before Xmas and getting rid of the yeast, he has been exceptionally healthy. When my daughter got the flu after Xmas, my son got such a mild case of it, we hardly noticed he had it. I was amazed by this and as I said, I believe the yeast caused his weakened immune systems.


Also, I can totally relate to your experience with your husband. The only reason that my husband allowed me to use the supplements was because my son was suffering soo much with his tics. We had many fights because of it and I am sure my husband would react exactly as yours has with what your son is experiencing. When my son's tics were worsening with the die-off it was a constant battle with my husband. Hang in there and once your son gets well, you can perhaps try discussing it with him again at that time.


My thoughts are with you. Your son is so lucky to have you!!!




Thanks Jean,


Well, I want him tested for crab allergy then. Though that would be a shame. Crab was to be his 'reward' food for not having wheat each week!


So sorry about your son also!! 8 days is such a long time. ;)( I will say prayers for him also, I already said one!


What happens when/if our kids miss this much school in middle school?




ps I think maybe my husband is starting to realize it wasn't the supplements. :)

pps bummer that we need to wait another week for the heavy metal test. Not exactly the best time to being drawing blood from the poor kid.


Just read your reply Jean. That is informative to know about the seafood allergic reaction and shortness of breath


Also Jean,


I hope that your son is feeling better soon. It sounds like you are going through quite a time with his infection. Your son is very lucky as well to have such a caring mom. Hopefully, you can clear up the pneumonia soon so he can get off the antibiotics. That could be the cause of more yeast growth, worsening the tics.






Thank you for being so thoughtful!! My son is getting much better today in terms of fever and coughing, but his tics are increased.



Just one more thing to add on. Sometimes the way to cook the sea food makes difference. For me, I can eat home (well) cooked shrimp but not those cooked shrimp from resturants. I sure will put your son in my prayer!




I always wonder if the antibiotics cause some yeast reaction, contributing to the increased ticcing immediately. Are you giving him probiotics with the antibiotics? Even my Ear Nose Throat doctors recommends probiotics.




I think my son may have turned a corner today! He can now barely walk across a room, but at least he did so unassisted-three time today (bed the rest of the day) After Sunday and Monday only eating a serving of icecream, he even got down 4 small pancakes this morning--nothing since. He has only had 2 cups of water today though. Remember, I was just praying for improvement.


Hmmm, as of this morning and progressing this afternoon, I have a stomach flu of sorts (I have never had one, though I had food poisoning twice). Odd, so maybe it was a stomach flu after all. Can't touch food, but setting an example by drinking water, even though it hurts! No worries about me though, I am healthy as a horse.


Oddly, in contrast to Jean whose son ticced worse during his illness, my son has had zero neurological symptoms in the 3 days with no food and in our 'air filtered' house. (Other than delayed sleep, but that could be from laying in bed all day). Also, it has finally been 4 days with truly no wheat (vs at least some) and there is finally a noticeable improvement in his excema--though more to go. I actually let him watch TV (on an LCD monitor of course) for 90 minutes 3 days in a row, and have an additional hour of computer today (also LCD)--sort of an experiment. Now he is listening to Harry Potter book tapes. ADDED NOTE: I just checked in with him and the added hour with the computer definitely set off some neck flinches. He notices the immediate change also. Not sure if it is the extra time, the computer game vs a TV show, that it is a different (older) monitor without the brightness down, or that he views TV from across the room. In any case, he has never done more than a 1/2 hr of computer on the LCD in years. Bummer.


Other than the computer time, I actually feel like we just did a major elimination diet/environmental control case on what triggers things for him. Often, with no exercise, he minimally gets fidgets or some touching habit, making this even more interesting. In other words, he usually does poorly with 'rest', so I don't think the improvement is due to the rest--but rather the avoidance of some trigger. He notices the improvement also. Since we have stopped the supplements for a few days, I can't necessarily credit them at this time--can't say for sure though. He was actually more fidgety on his trip--but there was a ton of carpeting everywhere.


Now if I can just keep our school daycare guy from bribing him with candy to help him clean up when he returns to school! The man is great, but that really rubs me wrong. We never do this!



Guest Guest_efgh



Good to know that your son is improving. GOODLUCK to him. Keep us posted. Coincidentally, my son too has these touching habits. Yet another coincidence other than the TV trigger. CAn you elaborate more on your son's touching habits. my son wants to even it up , like for example if he touches the PC monitor with one hand , he HAS to touch it with the other hand ... Not all the time, but I see this compulsion/tic (dont know) on and off. My son too tics MUCH LESS when he is sick.. Don't know why..

As I mentioned earlier, after the NO TV, dairy and chocolates move, my son's tics are very very minimal these days.


Chemar and Claire


Thanks a ton for your inputs on allergy sheets. Will exchange my stuff. thanks again.




How is your son doing now?




Your posts are so full of LIFE. it really gives us a lot of HOPE. please keep writing your success stories.




So glad your son is doing a little better today. I am sure even this slight improvement will help you relax a little.


Funny enough, when my son had a mouth biting thing in November and chewed the inside of his mouth, it was so sore he barely ate or drank for 3 days because it was so sore. During and after those 3 days of minimal eating, his ticcing almost stopped. Once he started eating again the tics came back in full force.


Very odd, this guessing game!!! Anyway, hope to keep hearing about his improvements.





I just stopped in here and I am sorry to hear your son has been ill. My son and I both had the flu a few weeks ago and I thought I was going to die (I am a bit dramatic when I am sick!). It seems like everyone I know has had some sort of stomach flu lately. My husband and my other two kids were fine but Kurt and I are always so much more prone to getting sick...


I hope your son continues to improve. I have never heard of supplements causing the nausea and vomiting you are describing. I have heard of kids initially doing worse when wheat is removed but not vomiting etc. If he has not eaten much for the last few days I guess you have a good start to a wheat free diet. Our son's sound similar...I cannot say enough how much of an improvement we have seen in our son since we removed dairy, eggs, chocolate and corn and limiting the TV also helps alot.


Remember to take care of yourself as well.




Hi Ronna, Heather, efgh,




when I asked him once about the touching, he said it was a symmetry thing as you mentioned re 'evening things up'--though not that term. This tends to be more of a compulsion than a tic from what I have read. He even asked his pediatrician about it (his cousin has OCD) but the pediatrician said it was too mild (maybe 5 minutes a day at its worst) to be an issue.




Yes these fasts/food elimination diets are quite interesting--planned or otherwise. My son took two tests on milk (RAST and casein test of some sort) and passed both. But I can't help but wonder what else he is allergic to--with no wheat anymore, corn and milk form the fundamental basis of his diet.


I am particularly concerned about the corn--even with minimal wheat during testing his digestive track was still highly inflamed. I just wish the doctor would do a corn allergy test (and other foods) sooner vs later.


Ronna, yours wasn't a blood test, right? Just the elimination diet. That was Sheila's message on peanut butter. I like the 5 pebble analogy, and I have both of Doris Rapp's book, but haven't finished either. I am nearly convinced that we will find more food allergies.


My son still had to stop and lie on the floor when walking across the room tonight, so he isn't exactly ready for school tomorrow. He was doing fine then had milk and got nauseous. He hasn't had milk in a week, except for icecream and it may have been rich for him. The TV 'flinches' wore off, so maybe tomorrow I can try foods and watch if any make him fidget. He just needs to drink more, then I will worry about him eating more.



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