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Guest Guest_efgh



Good to know about your visit to naturopath. Great that you found the right doctor.

Did you discuss about your son's tics to the naturopath in the presence of your son?

When are you planning to do the tests?

What is concentrated fish oil (is it normal fish oil like Carlson or did she give the doctor's sample) ? what is gummy, is it a vitamin which she recommended??


thanks and goodluck with the tests.

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Guest Guest_Heather



Hopefully I am not too late. I just checked in now and saw your question. The test my son had done for heavy metals was a hair analysis which was sent to Doctor's Data in Chicago Illinois. It seems to be one of the most reputable in the country for doing hair analysis. The results took a couple of weeks. Good luck.

Guest Guest_Heather



You may have read earlier but I also used Threelac for the yeast and it worked wonders. We are now using NDF for the metals made by Bioray and so far we have had great results. I would interested in hearing what your naturopath uses for the metals. My naturopath is also very positive (like yours) about the outcome of this treatment. She is very confident that we will also be amazed at the results and has treated 3 other cases successfully. Lets keep our fingers crossed.





I'll keep you (and everyone) posted on what's going on with my son. All your posting definitely helps a lot (a great reference for me).



I also posted the test and lab info. (that are in page 5 of this thread) last night. Hope it's useful to you.




I didn't discuss with my naturopath about my son's tics in front of him. I sent e-mail to her beforehand to let her know what I did NOT want to discuss in front of my son. We had phone discussion first. When I was in the office, she talked with my son about 15 min., and had my son sitting outside of the office reading. The doctor just told my son that she would like to talk about his allergy with me.


According to my naturopath, the fish oil is different from the one that we usually see at the market. It's "clean". I got it from her office. The gummy is the vitamin. It's call Juice Plus. I also got it from her office, but she said I should be able to get from on-line. I did search from goggle and got this link: https://www.juiceplus.com/product/page7.html


I'll send out the tests out next week, and it usually takes couple weeks to get result back.


My son just finished the remedy, and I'll introduce the fish oil this week, then Juice Plus next week. I would like to introduce one at time, so I can see the impact if there is any.




I'm probably too late responding, but we used Doctor's Data as well for the hair elements test. My understanding is that they were the first ones to come up with hair analysis and they have the largest data base.




Guest Guest_efgh



What is the "remedy" you are mentioning? Is it a supplement or a special formula given by your doctor?


Does juice plus contain Iron or copper? I dont see the nutrient information in the website.




The remedy that my son had was a homeopathic remedy. They are small pellet. Our naturopath said that she preferred not to give the remedy name (as they don't usually give the remedy name and ingredients unless I really want to know). She said that remedy is made from all natural stuff. I search the general homeopathic remedy information before gave it to my son. The search result is the same as what the naturopath told me, i.e., if the right remedy used, the result is amazing. But if an incorrect remedy is used, nothing happens.


Guest Guest_efgh



thanks for your info on remedy. could it be that your son is having an initial waxing reaction to omega 3 which I heard is pretty common with many of the kids. Do you think, its worth a try for a bit longer period?? Did your son get new tics after omega 3 or the same tics which he used to have?


As I was asking , does your juiceplus gummy multi contain iron and copper?


also wanted to ask if your son's sugar intake is practically zero?? How about TV/computers - has he got used to "No tv/computers" by now?

since our kids dont take dairy, is it possible that they get lesser protein in their diet??




Thanks for your valuable input on the Omega3. Sorry to overlook your question on Juice+. There are not much listed under supplement facts. Juice+ is more toward to provide naturally BALANCED whole food based nutrition from a wide variety of nutritiously nutrition dense vegetables/fruits. I copied the supplement facts



1. Juice+ Veggie:

-Amount Per Serving:

Calories 18(% daily value)

Total Carbohydrate 4g

sugars 3g

Protein 0.5g


-Proprietary Blend (veggie) 11.4g

Natural sweeteners (corn syrup, beet powder, clarified grape juice concentrate, elderberry powder), gelatin, dried vegetable juice powder and pulp(carrot, parsley, beet, kale, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, tomato), beet fiber, barley barn, oat bran, glucomannan, Dunaliella salina, Latobacillus acidophilus, citric acid, bromelain, papain, natural flavors, natural blend coating, mixed tocopherol stabilizers.


2). Juice+ fruits

- Amount Per Serving: the same as the veggie one

- Proprietary Blend(fruit) 11.4 g

Natural sweeteners (corn syrup, beet powder,clarified grape juice concentrate), gelatin, dried fruit juice powder and pulp(apple, orange, pineapple, cranberry, peach), acerola cherry, papaya, apple pectin, citrus pectin, glucomannan, cirtrus bioflavonoids, date fiber, prune powder, Dunaliella salina, Lactobacillus acidophilus, cirtric acid, bromelain, papain, natural flavors.


Primely, my son doesn't eat sweet stuff except nature sweet. He still has no Computer/TV (however, he has computer lab once a week). We are considering to let him watch TV soon. I'm thinking about Claire's LCD suggestion.


For protein, he drinks soy milk (I'm sorry that your son allergic to it), and eats cheese made from rice and veggy. They have pretty good source of Protein and Calcium. Also, Rice cheese is SOY FREE. Here is the nutrition facts:

Total fat 3g (5%)

Sodium 340mg (14%)

Saturated 0.5g (2%)

Sugars 0g

Protein 6g

Calcium 30%,

Vitamin A 15%

Vitamin E 15%

Iron 0%


My son loves the cheese. I understand all these food/TV/Computer limitations are temporally. Once the underline problems are solved, these limitations should be removed (I hope).



You may have read earlier but I also used Threelac for the yeast and it worked wonders. We are now using NDF for the metals made by Bioray and so far we have had great results. I would interested in hearing what your naturopath uses for the metals. My naturopath is also very positive (like yours) about the outcome of this treatment. She is very confident that we will also be amazed at the results and has treated 3 other cases successfully. Lets keep our fingers crossed.



Hi Heather, I am aware that you had taken Threelac for candida. I am dealing with systematic candida and wanted to know how you felt about the threelac.

Can one get rid of candida on their own by using threelac? What kind of die-off reactions did you get? I work alot of hours and need to, but do not want to

go through alot of reaction. The spit test that you take in the morning, I have seen alot of strings,etc. I am dealing with toenail fungus, sinus problems, bad aches and pains, constipation, stiffness in my joints, irritibility, insomnia, etc. Could you e-mail me back with your feedback on this? I also have mercury in my teeth.

Thank you for your time.





Hi Lil,


I will answer your post on here since you didn't leave an email address.


My son, daughter and myself are all using the Threelac. My son's naturopath ok'd it for us and it is claimed by the distributor to be safe for babies. She said to work out the dose that we could handle. We started with very small amount (a pinch) but that was for my son because he is only 7. I take about 1/2 a pouch a day and my daughter takes about 1/4 pouch. It is important to drink lots of water to help with die off and flush out toxins. I experienced a bit of diarrhea and stomach upset but nothing significant. I do not have any diagnosed ailments so the reaction is really different for everyone depending on what you might be sufferring from. My daughter also had some stomach upset and leg cramps and after we backed off on the amount, she was fine. I think her reaction was more because I hadn't pushed the water enough. She is doing great and is much better emotionally these days. She is only 9 and had bad mood swings and defiant behaviour. Her bowel habits are now normal after years of constipation.

She was also experiencing some early acne on her forehead which has cleared up entirely. After a few months of using acne cream for it, her forehead is now as smooth as baby's skin.


My son who suffers from tics experieinced some worsening of the tics initially but then gradual improvement. He had minor diarrhea as well. His bowel movements have improved as well after years of loose stools.


The company that distributes it recommends using Oxygen Elements Plus with it to avoid the die off, however we never used that since we drink a lot of Coral Calcium water with mineral drops so I didn't want to add another supplement. We just went at it real easy to avoid die off. You will know what your body can handle.


I have mercury in my teeth as well and am going to deal with that later once I get my son treated. He is my main concern right now. The Threelac is just for yeast. As you probably read somewhere, I believe that the yeast was caused by the mercury. The theory is that if you have mercury, the yeast will keep coming back until you get rid of the mercury.


Your symptoms sound like the classic ones caused by yeast and metals. keep us posted on your treatment. Any other questions, just ask.



Guest Guest_Heather

Just to clarify the above, regarding m daugher's acne, the way I worded it sounds like the acne cream cleared the acne, when it fact it did little for her.


What I meant to say was after months of using acne cream with little improvement, after starting with the Threelac and the coral calcium water, the acne is completely clear.




In your post you asked if you could get rid of it on your own and I assume you mean without seeing a naturopath or environmental doctor.


As a lay person, I would highly recommend for anyone to see some sort of doctor for treatment, however, I am using the Threelac without actually being a patient myself.


I have never had any testing done or consultation with my naturopath regarding my own issues, only my children. I am convinced I have yeast however and because of different symptoms throughout my life, it is something I believe I have had since I was a child. I have seen many improvements in my own well being after taking the Threelac. How did you come to the diagnosis of systemic yeast? Were you tested at one point? Just curious.






I just had to add this evening that this past weekend my son had one of the best in months. His tics were barely noticeable and if you didn't know he had this disorder you could've spent all weekend with us and probably not have noticed anything. His face touching is minimal and he went for hours without doing it. The vocal tic that was once a very loud and frequent snort is down to a small barely noticeable sniff that is very infrequent. His tics have not been reduced this much since last summer.


He is happier at school and playing so well with a nice group of boys. He seems more confident, is less demanding about food, and even fell asleep within 15 minutes tonight. The settling down at night seems to be coming easier for him in general. I am praying that this will keep improving but as it is right now, with it being so minimal, we could live with this even if it doesn't go away completely.


After you talked about the antioxidants Claire, I started to read a lot about this and felt that it could be my son's problem. Anyway, we don't go back to the naturopath until March 12 so I just decided to buy a vitamin supplement called Greens+ for Kids on my own, full of antioxidants. I am also now using Nordic Naturals Peachy Keen Omega 3 which is a very pure fish oil.


I am not sure if it is these two new supplements that are making the difference or if it just that the NDF is at the point that it is getting the metals out to reduce the tics. If you research NDF or NDF Plus made by Bioray you will see that it is the most potent, natural substance that you can take orally to get rid of metals. The alternative is IV chelation and this is proven to work better than the IV chelation. The IV thing just seems too scary for me. I am much more comfortable with the oral supplement. The PCA-RX (that Jennifer used) seems to be the only thing that is comparable to the NDF. It is quite expensive but worth every penny.


I feel so good and I almost hated to write how well we are doing when I know a few of you are going through bad times right now. But I hope this will make you feel better in knowing that the supplements really do work and you are all on the right track by taking this route. Being patient is really the hardest part as you want everything to happen right away. I am praying for each and every one of you.



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