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Chicken Pox Shots?


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How old is your daughter? They only recently added the second chicken pox shot, as a booster. I think it was just last year that they changed it. This link has the current recommendations.




My daughter received it in 1997, but I have not, nor will I, give it to my other 3 children. My daughter had a horrible case of shingles when she was ten, which I found out later can be common in kids who get the vaccine. Wish I knew then what I know now.


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As I have said before, I'm kind of rusty on this subject but I think what probably happened was that your Dr. gave your daughter the 2nd dose of varicella before it was required. It was probably recommended, but not required for school entry. They found that one immunization was not providing the protection that they anticipated (understand these things are basically an experiment). As kids were getting chicken pox and shingles, they decided they had better get another one on the schedule.


As of last year in our state, it still was not required for school, but it is on the recommended schedule for all children as you can see from the chart in the link above.


I dont know if that helps or confuses you further!

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