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I had tried this with my daughter once before, and I thought it affected her appetite, making her less hungry. She has had some IBS symptoms before.


For those of you who have used this supplement, especially if your child has any stomach issues, did you notice any type of side effects?


I realized I had upped her magnesium at the same time, and now am unsure what affected her tummy.


My 7 year old son has been taking 5-HTP for almost a year. I never felt he had any stomach upset with it. He had complained of a stomach ache a month before starting it so we ended up giving him probiotics once a day. He still takes the probiotics and his stomach complaints have stopped. I think they have helped his digestive system overall.



I tried 5-HTP on my son and it made him insanely OCD. It just exacerbated our problems and at first I couldn't figure out why he had been better for so long and then worse. I realized it was the 5-HTP and I took him off. Within 36 hrs he was back to normal(well, as normal as he can be with all of his issues). I still don't know why he reacted so poorly to it.


My son's tics seem to get worse too with the 5-htp. We are trying L-tryptophan but have not seen any help with that after 4 days of giving him that.



my son used to do fine on 5HTP but cannot tolerate it anymore. As with his dad, it now makes him edgy and spacy but I did not notice elevated tics with it tho


he had a massive flare of OCD/anxiety recently (doc thinks partially related to all the stress we were under with flooding and also the allergies/air pressure issues when the tropical cyclone Fay sat over florida)


anyway, he has been on mega doses Inositol and also taking METHYL-cobalamin (NOT cyano-cobalamin) form of Vit B12 and P-5-P (for extra B6) and the relief has been remarkable


we did try l-tryptophan but he did not like the effect


methylcobalamin and P-5-P also help to breakdown homocysteine to methionine (thanks Kim :wub: I understand now at last ^_^ ) which is no doubt helping too


he also went for emergency acupuncture/biofeedback/chinese cupping detox and using the epsom salts in foot spa twice daily


Hello.... Just as a matter of interest I thought I'd let you know that here in Australia L-trytophan can no longer be bought over the counter. It was available that way but because of it's strength you now have to get a script from the DR... even though it is a natural product.


Just wondering what it is like over there? Do you need a DRs approval for it?




hi CP


he found the same spacy/edgy feeling that he now gets with 5HTP as well


doc suggested 500mg l-tryptophan 3 x day but just one dose of 500mg had him saying no more! the 5HTP was just 50mg again but he refused that after one dose too.


I really think the difference in the way he is reacting now to 5HTP is likely hormonal/age related and that his biochemistry has changed. when he was 11yo it really really helped his OCD dramatically


he feels the most dramatic OCD relief now with the B12 (methyl cobalamin) altho he knows the inositol and B6(P-5-P) are steadily working with it.


Lyn, l-tryptophan does not require rx here

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