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Hey Eveyone, My names matt and IM 23 Years old. It all started for me last October. I woke up one morning and I noticed I had this strange sensation to blink my eyes. So far, its been almost a year and its gotten the best of me. I gets to the point sometimes where in order for me to concentrate on something I have to actually do something else to get my mind off the blinking. I my case its rubbing the side of my face with my thumb. I know this is tic, but I cant see how it just started in october. I mean, I had a several small tics as a chilin, nose schruncghing and mouth widening. But that was over 15 years ago. Ive had tons of tests done. Blood tests, allergy tests, Thryroid Tests, Cyliac Tests, MRI of my brain, CAT Scans and everything came up normal. Im on restasis for dry eye as well to see if that helps out at all.Now I do know I have an allergy to Nickel, which is is the stainless steal rods that are in my spine. I had back surgery 8 years ago. And im prob going to have them removed snd replaced with titanium because i kinda wore em out from going to the gym. I also have severl Tattoos and i Know some ink can contain Nickel in it. I was on Wellbutrin xl for a while which was prescribed by and old shirnk, and my new Shrink ( great Dr :P )believes that the wellbutrin xl I was on for like 3 years might have brought out the tics. Also, Im a pretty heavy smoker, about 15 cigs a day, not a quite a pack but close. So I need some help here people. Ill sum it up..



1) Anyone one know if a Nickel allergy Can cause motor tics such as Blinking? or any type of spinal problem?


2) Are their any meds other then clonzepan that help for tics. I heard Tennax works rather well? anyone?


3) If anyone has any other ideas what this could be, please let me know, or anythign else to get tested for?


4) Also, IM on the Computer Alot, Basically 8 hours a day at work then some when I get home.


So thast it really, I really would like some help here people. I really am getting to the end of my rope with this becuase it is quite uncomfortable. IM trying to be positve about it but its just so hard after so many tests have come up negative.



In need of help




My email address is Tollitollz@gmail.com


Hey. I know how you feel. I started blinking when I was 17 and it hasn't stopped yet (I'm 27).


You are consciously blinking, right? Like your eyes aren't automatically closing themselves, are they? If they are, you might have blepharospasm.


Here's my story: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=3538&hl=


I am extremely intent on fixing whatever is wrong with me. Here is a list I have compiled of different medications used to treat OCD/TS/tics along with notes and side effects: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=3696&hl=



In the meantime, I've noticed that alcohol tends to reduce my urge to blink (not eliminate, but reduce)... not that I'm encouraging drinking. And during sex/masturbation the sensation is almost or entirely eliminated.


Oh, my eye doctor just gave me a trial of Restasis. How is it working for you? The reason I went to an eye doctor is my doctor wanted to rule out issues with my eyes before we start talking about neurological issues. And I've just been referred to a neurologist but I haven't seen him yet.


Oh and speaking of Wellbutrin, my research suggests that it may exacerbate tics. There are no reports of it improving tics.


Have you noticed any decrease you in urge to blink while smoking?


edit - geez I forgot to answer your questions.


1) Anyone one know if a Nickel allergy Can cause motor tics such as Blinking? or any type of spinal problem?
No idea but possibly.


2) Are their any meds other then clonzepan that help for tics. I heard Tennax works rather well? anyone?


There are a lot of meds that can have an effect on tics. Download the document in my research link I provided. There are 12 pages of medicines and their classes/names/methods/notes/side-effects. Tennex (Guanfacine) has some studies suggesting it may reduce tics. Most importantly you want to look at the class of drug and the side-effects. Personally, I am going to avoid any medicines that are classified as "neuroleptic/antipsychotic" or "atypical antipsychotic" because one of the side effects of that class of medication is tardive dyskenesia, which is irreversible, involuntary muscle movement and I've seen incidence reports as high as 20% of users developing tardive dyskenseia after 1 year of use. Since I plan to be on medication for the rest of my life, that's entirely unacceptable.


3) If anyone has any other ideas what this could be, please let me know, or anythign else to get tested for?
I've heard a PET Scan can tell you if your levels of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, etc., are messed up.


4) Also, IM on the Computer Alot, Basically 8 hours a day at work then some when I get home.


Me too. Some people report this as a tic trigger. They say that LCD screens are less bothersome than CRT screens. I don't notice a difference.


Good luck. Welcome to the board.


Hey man, whats up? Yea its a conscious blink. Like an ure to do it ya know, their not automatially closing. The Dr ruled out the Bleph. And yea same thing with me man, alcohol tends to reduce the blink and im not sure why lol All i know is that it does. Same thing with sex and masterbation. The restasis seems to make them less dry, which is a good thing. But the urge to blinnk is still there. For example, I can resist it more bcause of the restasis but the urge is still there ugh. I was told that to about the wellbutrin Xl, strange how the Docs dont tell ya all this when ya go see them. And its the same with the smoking. I asked my Shrink about this and he said though nictoine is a Stim, it has a soothing effect when smoked, ala less tics.


Hey. I know how you feel. I started blinking when I was 17 and it hasn't stopped yet (I'm 27).


You are consciously blinking, right? Like your eyes aren't automatically closing themselves, are they? If they are, you might have blepharospasm.


Here's my story: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=3538&hl=


I am extremely intent on fixing whatever is wrong with me. Here is a list I have compiled of different medications used to treat OCD/TS/tics along with notes and side effects: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=3696&hl=



In the meantime, I've noticed that alcohol tends to reduce my urge to blink (not eliminate, but reduce)... not that I'm encouraging drinking. And during sex/masturbation the sensation is almost or entirely eliminated.


Oh, my eye doctor just gave me a trial of Restasis. How is it working for you? The reason I went to an eye doctor is my doctor wanted to rule out issues with my eyes before we start talking about neurological issues. And I've just been referred to a neurologist but I haven't seen him yet.


Oh and speaking of Wellbutrin, my research suggests that it may exacerbate tics. There are no reports of it improving tics.


Have you noticed any decrease you in urge to blink while smoking?


edit - geez I forgot to answer your questions.


1) Anyone one know if a Nickel allergy Can cause motor tics such as Blinking? or any type of spinal problem?
No idea but possibly.


2) Are their any meds other then clonzepan that help for tics. I heard Tennax works rather well? anyone?
There are a lot of meds that can have an effect on tics. Download the document in my research link I provided. There are 12 pages of medicines and their classes/names/methods/notes/side-effects. Tennex (Guanfacine) has some studies suggesting it may reduce tics. Most importantly you want to look at the class of drug and the side-effects. Personally, I am going to avoid any medicines that are classified as "neuroleptic/antipsychotic" or "atypical antipsychotic" because one of the side effects of that class of medication is tardive dyskenesia, which is irreversible, involuntary muscle movement and I've seen incidence reports as high as 20% of users developing tardive dyskenseia after 1 year of use. Since I plan to be on medication for the rest of my life, that's entirely unacceptable.


3) If anyone has any other ideas what this could be, please let me know, or anythign else to get tested for?
I've heard a PET Scan can tell you if your levels of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, etc., are messed up.


4) Also, IM on the Computer Alot, Basically 8 hours a day at work then some when I get home.
Me too. Some people report this as a tic trigger. They say that LCD screens are less bothersome than CRT screens. I don't notice a difference.


Good luck. Welcome to the board.




I figured I'd reply to your PM questions here cuz it might help someone else who is searching or reading.


but do you dwell on the blinking?
Sometimes. A few times I have almost had a panic attack because I read about how people's tics change, and I seriously freak out that might might change from something that is fairly manageable (blinking) to one that is much more socially unacceptable and harder to make excuses for, such as shoulder shrugging or head jerking. A couple times I have literally freaked out about this and gone into panic attack mode (I'm naturally high anxiety but have probably only had 3 anxiety attacks in my entire life, all of which were in the last year, and 2 of which were related to what I'm talking about here). My doctor prescribed me lorazepam for acute anxiety attacks. While it's a wonderful anti-anxiety drug, it has no effect on my urge to blink.


as in like are you always thinkng about?


Yeah. Sometimes it will pop into my head like "oh man, I haven't had to blink hard in 5 minutes," but that thought comes along with the sensation.


THe smoking is we weird to. I dont tick as much when I smoke.
I've had a few cigarettes here and there but never noticed any effect on blinking. I was thinking of trying it

Have you ever smoked weed? I've read a lot of promising studies about marijuana and Marinol (prescription pill made from marijuana) relating to TS and tics.


Now this PET scan you speak of, that can actually measure Brain Chemicals?


That's what someone on here told me. I really don't know anything else about it but I plan to talk to my neurologist about it.


how do you feel about the dopamine thing? as in to much causes tics.
I'm not sure. I've heard that dopamine issues can cause tics but I'm not sure if that's the only cause or if it's necessarily MY cause. I need to do more research here.


Have you tried Topamax?


No, but after reading that other thread I am doing more research on it.


Anyway man, if you got any ideas I could say to my shrink please feel free to write me back. Cause theres so many drugs out there I dont know what to do, but im leaning toward the tennex or maybe the topamax.
Shrinks can't write prescriptions so maybe you meant psychiatrist. When I go back to my doctor I am going to print out that document and bring it with and say "let's talk about drugs." That way if he suggests a neuroleptic or whatever I can say "nope, see this research suggesting tardive dyskenesia?"


Last thing I was is Tartive dyskeniveanveanvaueaduweasjduwas............whatever its called lol Oh, How goes the Restasis???


I haven't tried it yet.




Alright dude, I pretty much look at it like this: having a tic SUCKS. It's probably the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my life. But as far as tics go, blinking is probably the least obtrusive one you can get. In other words, if I HAD to choose a tic, I'd probably pick blinking, because it probably sucks less than the other motor tics that people get. You can always blame it on your contacts (I don't wear glasses and have 20/20 vision, lol, but I tell people I wear contacts when they ask "hey what's wrong with your eyes?). This viewpoint is hard for me as I am pessimistic by nature but I try to keep it.


Oh, more bad news for us, but I've read some things suggesting that tics beginning in adulthood tend to not go away. This is compared with children who develop tics/TS early in life and often have a partial or full remission as they approach adulthood.


I do not plan on having this for the rest of my life, hence my tons of research. I am fine with taking a (side-effect free) pill every day for the rest of my life. That's not even an issue for me. But having tics is not acceptable to me.


Once I see a neurologist and/or get some medication from my doctor (have an appointment on 9/2) I will make a new thread here with what I learn.


Have either of you been to an eye doctor who knows about eye allergies? Sorry, I don't remember if you said you did. But I do have a friend who said her son was doing that at certain times of the year (although he was much younger at the time) and she was worried about ts (they actually have it in the family) and she said it turned out to be an eye allergy, Don't know the details of what they did, but I think it was some sort of drops.


Tollz -- Re the allergy to nickel, I don't know if that is the culprit, but we here definitely believe that allergies can contribute to the assault on the immune system and make tics worse than they would be. So yes, that is something you should look into remedying. NAET might be somethng that could help you. There is some info on this board from those that have tried this for their kids.




Tollz & guy123,


You both said smoking helps reduce your eye blinking tics. I am thinking maybe due to excess dopamine. Therefore, when you smoke (stimulate), it reduces the tics. This is under the homeopathic principal of "Like cures like". Another example would be people with ADD/ADHD are treated with ritalin (also a stimulate) but it actually calms the nervous system.


If you suspect your tics are allergy related, i feel that allergy desensitization would be very helpful. NAET or bioset maybe something to look into.


I am curious, did any of you had transcient tics in your childhood?



Tollz & guy123,


You both said smoking helps reduce your eye blinking tics.


I said I've had a few cigarettes here and there but never noticed an effect on blinking.


I am thinking maybe due to excess dopamine.
That's what I'm thinking too but I won't know for sure until I get tested by the neuro.


Side question: isn't dopamine one of the "feel good" hormones? So shouldn't people with too much dopamine always be happy?


Therefore, when you smoke (stimulate), it reduces the tics. This is under the homeopathic principal of "Like cures like". Another example would be people with ADD/ADHD are treated with ritalin (also a stimulate) but it actually calms the nervous system.


Interesting. I've also read that alcohol increases dopamine (altho I read one source that says it has the opposite effect), and alcohol seems to help a bit, sometimes.


I'm familiar with the homeopathic principal of "like cures like," but doesn't that only apply in infinitesimal amounts? I haven't studied homeopathy in a while. I've kind of given up on it. I've tried quite a few products from Boiron, colloidal silver, etc. (not for tics, but for sickness in general) and never saw any difference vs. when I didn't use them. The internet is full of stories from people who cure strep throat in 5 minutes with colloidal silver, tho. Maybe I'm doing it wrong :P


If you suspect your tics are allergy related, i feel that allergy desensitization would be very helpful. NAET or bioset maybe something to look into.
Perhaps a coincidence, but my blinking tic started a shortly after I started getting allergy shots when I was 17.


What is NAET and bioset?


I am curious, did any of you had transcient tics in your childhood?


Now that I think about it, yes. I had the following:


- for a short while in 6th grade I had this thing where I would always look at my watch. It wasn't preceded by any premonitory sensation, I just had some fixation with always knowing exactly what time it is down to the second. This went away shortly after someone asked me "dude why are you always looking at your watch?" I'm pretty sure this was a tic cuz it was a repetitive movement, altho it went away when I was doing something (like in gym class).


- for another short while in 7th grade, I had a transient vocal tic. In certain situations I would make an almost inaudible "nnt" sound, except it was just a millisecond of vocalization and then a glottal stop. I wouldn't even open my mouth to do it. I think it was OCD... I had to do it a certain number of times or until it "felt right" in certain situations "or something bad would happen." Now I recognize that as OCD. Anyway, after a short while, this went away.


On that note, I've always been OCD since about middle school (6th-8th grade). I've always had rituals. None of the super long ones like you heard about on TV, but maybe 10-30 seconds in duration.


I was then tic free (altho still OCD, altho I didn't recognize it as such), until I was 17 when the blinking started.


I have recognized now that occasionally I will still do the "nnt" thing, except there's no premonitory sensation... I just do it in certain situations, like after I read a certain type of sentence... I'm about 99% sure it's OCD related because it's always the same type of situation in which I'm reading something that it occurs. I've never tried to quantify it before but I would say that it's after I read a sentence that hold significant information (I make the "nnt" sound to acknowledge and let the information "sink in") or after I read something that would evoke laughter in a crowd of people (I make the "nnt" sound to represent people laughing). I'm sure there are a few more but that's it. It never just like comes out on it's own, which is why I think it's OCD-related. If I ever accidentally do it around people, I can disguise it as a small laugh.


Sometimes I'll do it in conjunction with the blink, however, and that scares me. It makes the blink "feel more effective." This fact really scares me that there's something seriously wrong with me neurologically.


re: smoking - if I want to try this, can I use a nicotine patch instead? I don't like the smell of cigarettes.


Well, when I was younger I had a few, I would open my jaw wide and kinda scrunch my nose. This was years ago though. What My dr think nows, Dr Cantilliian is his name, hes a great phys, thinks now is that the old meds I was on, Wellbutrin XL actually made the tic resurface. I have an app with him on thursdy. Im going to ask him about tennex or topamax. I was told those work well for tics. and on Friday with the eye dr. Ill ask the eye Dr about the eye allergy thing. I figure It couldnt hurt to try. As far as the allergy testing goes, ive had the testing doen already and the only thing im allergic to is nickel. Now get this people, I have a app with a spinal surgeon on the 2nd to talk to him about my back. ANother one I had seen had mentioned somethign about musscle movements when you have metal rubbing against metal ala, the stuff in my back!!! So anyway, once I hear from them ill post some updates. Take care everyone!!!! Thanks for the advice !!!



Hmmmm and im curious, anyone heard of this candida thing??? is it worth a shot to clense my system. I was tested for parasites (that was fun let me tell ya lol) and the stool test came up negative





Tollz & guy123,


You both said smoking helps reduce your eye blinking tics.


I said I've had a few cigarettes here and there but never noticed an effect on blinking.


I am thinking maybe due to excess dopamine.
That's what I'm thinking too but I won't know for sure until I get tested by the neuro.


Side question: isn't dopamine one of the "feel good" hormones? So shouldn't people with too much dopamine always be happy?


Therefore, when you smoke (stimulate), it reduces the tics. This is under the homeopathic principal of "Like cures like". Another example would be people with ADD/ADHD are treated with ritalin (also a stimulate) but it actually calms the nervous system.


Interesting. I've also read that alcohol increases dopamine (altho I read one source that says it has the opposite effect), and alcohol seems to help a bit, sometimes.


I'm familiar with the homeopathic principal of "like cures like," but doesn't that only apply in infinitesimal amounts? I haven't studied homeopathy in a while. I've kind of given up on it. I've tried quite a few products from Boiron, colloidal silver, etc. (not for tics, but for sickness in general) and never saw any difference vs. when I didn't use them. The internet is full of stories from people who cure strep throat in 5 minutes with colloidal silver, tho. Maybe I'm doing it wrong :P


If you suspect your tics are allergy related, i feel that allergy desensitization would be very helpful. NAET or bioset maybe something to look into.
Perhaps a coincidence, but my blinking tic started a shortly after I started getting allergy shots when I was 17.


What is NAET and bioset?


I am curious, did any of you had transcient tics in your childhood?


Now that I think about it, yes. I had the following:


- for a short while in 6th grade I had this thing where I would always look at my watch. It wasn't preceded by any premonitory sensation, I just had some fixation with always knowing exactly what time it is down to the second. This went away shortly after someone asked me "dude why are you always looking at your watch?" I'm pretty sure this was a tic cuz it was a repetitive movement, altho it went away when I was doing something (like in gym class).


- for another short while in 7th grade, I had a transient vocal tic. In certain situations I would make an almost inaudible "nnt" sound, except it was just a millisecond of vocalization and then a glottal stop. I wouldn't even open my mouth to do it. I think it was OCD... I had to do it a certain number of times or until it "felt right" in certain situations "or something bad would happen." Now I recognize that as OCD. Anyway, after a short while, this went away.


On that note, I've always been OCD since about middle school (6th-8th grade). I've always had rituals. None of the super long ones like you heard about on TV, but maybe 10-30 seconds in duration.


I was then tic free (altho still OCD, altho I didn't recognize it as such), until I was 17 when the blinking started.


I have recognized now that occasionally I will still do the "nnt" thing, except there's no premonitory sensation... I just do it in certain situations, like after I read a certain type of sentence... I'm about 99% sure it's OCD related because it's always the same type of situation in which I'm reading something that it occurs. I've never tried to quantify it before but I would say that it's after I read a sentence that hold significant information (I make the "nnt" sound to acknowledge and let the information "sink in") or after I read something that would evoke laughter in a crowd of people (I make the "nnt" sound to represent people laughing). I'm sure there are a few more but that's it. It never just like comes out on it's own, which is why I think it's OCD-related. If I ever accidentally do it around people, I can disguise it as a small laugh.


Sometimes I'll do it in conjunction with the blink, however, and that scares me. It makes the blink "feel more effective." This fact really scares me that there's something seriously wrong with me neurologically.


re: smoking - if I want to try this, can I use a nicotine patch instead? I don't like the smell of cigarettes.

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