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I took a look in his mouth and found the tiny point of a 12yo molar coming up. Is there anything I can do, or give him to help with this, or am I at the mercy of how ever long these teeth decide to take. The other 3 are not popping up yet. OH... I just want to cry, anyone have any help that could get me through months of this without medicating him again!


I wonder if this is why he was so mild to no ticcing during the early years, NO BABY TEETH WERE FALLING OUT!!!





I took a look in his mouth and found the tiny point of a 12yo molar coming up. Is there anything I can do, or give him to help with this, or am I at the mercy of how ever long these teeth decide to take. The other 3 are not popping up yet. OH... I just want to cry, anyone have any help that could get me through months of this without medicating him again!


I wonder if this is why he was so mild to no ticcing during the early years, NO BABY TEETH WERE FALLING OUT!!!



there's nothing you can do to make teeth come in faster. I'm right there with ya on this one. If he's in pain you can try oral gel based pain relievers but I think this is just something that takes time. Hopefully, the braces encourage the movement of the teeth by making the space he needs. Is it just that his tics are really bad or is it the teeth hurting that are bothering him? I know Cheri said that B5 helped with mouth tics and I forget what she said helped with vocals but I know there's things out there that have helped others. What about craniosacral massage or acupuncture for him? Have you tried those before? I know I'd try them if it got bad enough! I'm sorry you're having a tough time as I sometimes wonder when it will be my turn to see all these other tics and vocals that I've heard mentioned of here. Big hug to you! I wish we all lived near eachother, we could have a great support group going :angry: !


I have not done the acupuncture or anything like that. We would have a hard time paying for all that, and so have held off. He is not in pain, but his head/neck tic that started back in the late winter early spring is back real bad. His eye tics are worse too. The vocals are a high pitched squeek, and all have slowly increased over the last 4 weeks or so.


I took a close look at his teeth, and he needs 4 premolars (upper) 4 premolars (lower) 2 canines (upper) 4 molars (12yo).


I may have to look into the craniosacral.


If you all have other ideas that would help please let me know, if not just pray for us.





P.S. Bonnie, I did live in Tempe, graduated from McClintock High. (you are from AZ right) I guess I never would have met my husband here in VA if I had not moved.

I have not done the acupuncture or anything like that. We would have a hard time paying for all that, and so have held off. He is not in pain, but his head/neck tic that started back in the late winter early spring is back real bad. His eye tics are worse too. The vocals are a high pitched squeek, and all have slowly increased over the last 4 weeks or so.


I took a close look at his teeth, and he needs 4 premolars (upper) 4 premolars (lower) 2 canines (upper) 4 molars (12yo).


I may have to look into the craniosacral.


If you all have other ideas that would help please let me know, if not just pray for us.





P.S. Bonnie, I did live in Tempe, graduated from McClintock High. (you are from AZ right) I guess I never would have met my husband here in VA if I had not moved.


You're in VA??? Too funny! My mom is in VA and I went to school in Baltimore. I met my dh there, though, and we moved out to AZ 13 years ago. Carolyn N lives close to me and we get together every so often. It's nice to know at least one person who's dealing with what we're dealing with here. PS: my mom is in Loudoun County in Purcellville.





i don't know if he can I'm the only one who has used it. Is there something that might help?


He does not have any mouth tic, just can't seem to keep his fingers from picking at the braces.




Are teeth issues associated with tics?


We just went to the dentist, and my 7 yo has 6 or 7 teeth just starting to come in -- 3 molars and some others. Motor tics are at an all time low, but now he's doing a lot of verbal tics, especially (perhaps exclusively) while reading. This is totally new.


Any advice? The teeth don't bother him, but the fact that he is now having verbal tics is concerning me.



Also, I saw that a lot of you use Candida Clear or similar treatments. He tested negative for yeast overgrowth with the basic GI test that his pediatrician did. Are there other tests that we should ask for? And/or, do you guys think that it's okay to supplement iwth Candida Clear or its equivalent without a definitive diagnosis of overgrowth?




-- Liane




My son did not start vocal tics until he was 11/12. He also was not losing his teeth at the normal rate. He did not have his two front teeth when he was 12. He looks like he is 5 in his 6th grade photo.


For the past 3 years he has had very bad vocals, and is still in need of 13 adult teeth to come in. People ars so shocked when I tell them this, because he will be 15 in Oct.


So I can only wait to see if hes vocals slow down after all these teeth come in.





are you still using the Intramax? If so, are you sure some of the ingredients in there (since there is so many) is not contributing to this, maybe in an accumulated way? Also, still gluten free, or no?






lfran, my son has had vocal tics and facial twitching, jaw snapping/clenching/ tooth grinding whenever tooth issues

Teeth stuff is a big tic trigger for him


CP have you tried L carnitine for the vocal tics?


Faith, he had his blood work last week Fri and has not had the inrtamax since. I will get the results from that in 3 weeks, There is no change in the tics with or without the intramax. I don't know if I will ever be able to know what causes his waxing.


Chemar, I did give him the L-carnitine and he got a high pitched tic after taking that. I tried it twice about six months or longer apart, and both times it happened. I got scared and stopped within about 2to3 days.


My husband takes it and he said it has done nothing for him. (still says his 2 words)



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