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Fatty Acid and Detox info for Claire

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Guest Guest_efgh

Jennifer, I like your statement

Tics are not necessarily always "bad".

though we as parents tend to get alarmed when we see our children ticcing..

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Guest Guest_efgh

Just was thinking how one can distinguish Remission from Waning in case of TS. Anysuggestions? Went through the website tourettenowhat. It feels good to read such sites with a totally positive prognosis theories but considering the BROAD spectrum of TS, its waxing and waning nature, its uncertainty , its so difficult to be postive/optimistic all the time.

And have you all heard of mineral water helping tics as compared to the normal tap water? Is it true and have you all tried this?

Claire, read your posts. keep us posted on the visual examinations.


Guest efgh


Work deadlines have interfered with my life lately! I was up til midnight for a week.


I understand that some children may tic a bit during TV because they are relaxed, but your son's sound WORSE then. (Plus your comment on fluorescent light really makes me wonder whether he has the same flicker sensitivity that my son does. Does he tic during or after computer also?


I can't emphasize enough my experience with my son during TV exposure . The TV/computer flicker set off his tics and he is fortunate enough to be completely tic-free without them (though he doesn't have Tourettes)--he has had a number of 6 month periods with no tics until somehow he has an exposure again. He first started having tics just before his 8th birthday (and they were getting worse), and TV/Computer avoidance completely eliminated them--we also got rid of our fluourescent lights. However, it takes him a full-week sometimes for the symptoms to clear, and if he starts watching it again (on the normal TV monitor vs a flicker free one), it can take a few days for the reaction to build up again.


If you can't get your child to avoid TV for a week to test this out, I highly recommend buying an LCD TV/computer monitor combo. We bought a 15" Samsung SyncMaster at BestBuy for $450 (inc. rebate) at the beginning of 2003. You do need to dim the screen and have him watch TV from far away in a well-lit room. Maybe you could rent one for


I still post here and read on tics because until technology reaches a point where the schools have more modern computers, I need to find out how to minimize this sensitivity. e.g Phillips is making a 100 hz TV --vs today's 60 hz, that shouldn't cause these problems--it is the lower frequency ones that cause issues). My continuing concern is that continued exposure to this trigger while the brain is developing may cause permanent neurological change, in the same way that neurotherapy can cause permanent neurological improvement for developing minds. I have seen no studies on this, so I won't pretent this is a prevailing opinion.


Good luck,


Guest Guest_efgh

Thanks Claire for your info. My son does not tic when he is on the computer or when he is playing playstation on the same TV. BUT when he watches cartoons or any other program or movie in the TV (we have a panasonic normal sized TV) , he tics like crazy. I have started ABHORING that "idiot box" (television) these days.

I am perplexed. What I tend to think now is that whenever he is totally idle , he tics (probably!) since when he is on playstation or computer his brain /hands are working. May be I should start looking around for the LCD screens' TV shortly

Also I see in a lot of forums/posts/websites more info on Fish oil's effectivity for tics as omega 3 supplement than on flax oil. It would be useful if anyone of you can tell me if fish oil is a better source than flax oil in general.

Life is getting to be so uncertain with these ups and downs.


I know how you feel about TV--I feel the same way about TV/Computer games from this, though I personally do my own work on computer all day long. Whe my son used to tic, it was when he was idle also.


www.bestbuy.com has the 15" Samsung SyncMaster for $449 (TV and Computer monitor). That is the cheapest I have found--and it is not cheap by any stretch! So I can see it being tough to justify unless you were convinced this was the issue--it took us 6 months to completely validate this with my son and justify buying one, and his is completely correlated,. whereas your child's may not be. If you have a laptop with a DVD player, perhaps he could watch a movie on that a few times, and see if he still tics. That's what we did.


Does your child swallow the supplements? I have heard nothing on fish vs flaxseed oil comparisons, though certainly there may be trace minerals other than the Omega's to impact tics.



Guest Guest_efgh

Claire, that is a good idea. I would try playing a DVD on the computer and let me see if he tics then too. Good suggestion.

And is there any anti flicker screen or something like that which I can add on to my existing TV screen? Instead of getting another TV , probably if one such add on screen is available (like the anti reflection screen we generally add on to our pc monitors), I can try. Please let me know if you know one such thing.

Reg flax oil vs fish oil, probably Chemar can guide me reg. their individual benefits comparison. My son is getting too restless and hyper these days being holidays and want to find new ways to CALM him down.


Hi Claire,


I've started to give my son epsom salt baths today, but I'm not sure about the ratio. I read the usage of the epsom salt, it said 2 cups (?). How much salt should I put into 2/3 filled of bathtub water? Your feedback is highly appreciated!





I totally understand your feeling, and I guess we're on the same boat. My son's tics started all the suddent with rolling eyes first, then head/neck twich, and shoulder/arm sometimes. I had misscarriage this summer and he was very sad during the time. I'm not sure if it's the cause. He had a terriable nightmare late on. Then his tics showed off. We don't have tics nor TS history from both side of families. My son has asthma, allergy, signus infection (many times), etc. He's been constantly on different kinds of med. since he was 2 and has taken Allergy shots for 2 years. We noticed that his tics were bad after the shots. So we stopped the shots a month ago. Per his doctors, he is having tics and will be ok within a year. When I learn more about tics, I worry more and feel uncertain.


I found out the "Feingold Diet" (http://www.feingold.org/) while searching the info. for tics. I put my son on limited food a month ago. I didn't really follow the diet, but tried to avoid the food list that Dr. Feingold suggested to avoid (especially artifical color and flavior). His tics seems to be better (but not free) these days. He is mainly doing the rolling eyes. Computer, games, TV and long time reading (he loves reading) do make his tics worse. I stopped computer, games and TV from home but can't prevent his computer lab at school.


I read some posting about Flax seed oil (helps tics) lately. I gave him the flax seed oil (with Omega 6 /omega 3 ratio 1:3) for 2 days and his tics seemed worse (not sure if it's just a coincident). The same time, I read Jennifer's post regarding the ratio of Omega 6 with Omega3. So I stopped it. I'm going to try the Body bio blance oil. At this point, I'm willing to try any natural way to help my son.


I also learned that parents play very important role for these "tic" kids. I was told that we should avoid to show anxiouse, sad, or any emotional changes (which I definitely did) in front of kids. It'll make tics worse.


Hope I answered your questions.






How old is your son?


If he is in elementary school, you can probably stop the computer lab. I told my son's teacher and she did. She had noticed the tics and was worried for him, so she was quite willing to oblige. I got him an electric typewriter to type up his reports, and bought an LCD monitor to bring to school when he needs it.


If he is in middle school/high school, then I don't know, we think about getting him a laptop for that (no flicker screen), but worry that it will be broken or stolen. Actually, my most likely bet is to have him not take the class.


In our public school district, we have to sign permission slips to use the computer. I just said NO. It took a few times to get people to remember though.


But my son's school is small, and many children have 'issues' (the sign of the times, oh my), so this is not a problem there--he is one of their easiest students!


I just got the Feingold material recently, and I wonder whether the triggers set off fears. It drives me nuts. Whatever we do at home, their are basketball games where the parents brings snacks with artificial colors, and daycare gives colored candy. I finally told the daycare man (whom I love) that he couldn't bribe my son to work with candy anymore, nor give him Costco crackers with preservatives! I think he thinks I am a healthnut, or a hypochondriac about the artificial stuff.


I do have to read the Feingold book more, as I can't tell from labels what is cool and what isn't.


Watching the parental stress level is key--oh these sensitive kids, what we do to them in spite of our love sometimes. We have been remodeling off and on for years (it never ends ugh) and the constant pounding and chaos and dust cannot be healthy for him.


ps, Chemar is the epsom salts expert, not I! My son takes showers....




Thanks for your quick response! My son is 7. He is a 2nd grader. I'm thinking

to take him off from the computer lab, but feel sorry for him though.



Would you mind to share the experience with epsom salts? How much should

I put for the bath? Thanks a lot!



Guest Guest_efgh

Jean, does your son have vocal tics too? If so, what are the vocal tics that he is having. If your son does not have vocal tics and only motor tics then its not generally diagnosed as TS. surprising that even my son has asthma. Heard a lot of asthmatic allergic kids having tics too!

Guest Guest_efgh



are you a member of feingold diet program?

What are the tips that you are following in the program. When I see the website, I saw a list of natural salicylates to be avoided too. Since my son is already a poor eater, I have decided Just to get rid of artificial stuff and go ahead with natural food like apples, almonds etc though its not recommended in feingold diet. Can you please tell me how strictly you are follwoing feingold diet and what are the natural items that you are avoiding?

My son had severe asthma/allergy from when he was two. Now he is much better. He used to take a lot of steroidal inhalers, oral steroids like prednisinole etc then. May be that triggered his tics since no one has in our family too. what were the asthma medications your son was on.

You are right about computer/TV triggers. But its almost difficult in the modern world to avoid them since its a part of growing up and is an important ingredient of education these days. My son's tics are more when he watches cartoons, etc and lesser when he watches a quiet movie on the TV.


Hi Jean

Although my son takes showers for his regular cleaning routine, we use the epsom salts tub as a relaxant.

We usually put about 2 cups into a large tub of water.

It is wonderfully relaxing and also works as a detoxifier.

Even 1 cup will be helpful in a smaller tub of water, but I would think you are fine with 2 cups...it is very safe!


I use it as a footbath too....I put a cup in hot water in basin and then soak my feet in it.......wonderfully soothing when you have been on the go all day! ;)

Guest Jennifer



Saw your post about benefits of flax oil vs. fish oil. Fish oil is highly benificial, but should be used once you know the omega 6's are at the right level and stable. You can't say that one is better than the other as they are both crucial to the body, but in a correct balance. As you know we've been using the higher blend of omega 6 oil for the past 4 months with great results, however, we are getting ready to do the fatty acid testing ( as soon as my doctor gets the test kits) which will give us an accurate report of whether or not he is ready for fish oil and what other fatty acids he may need. When we are ready to incorporate fish oil as well, there is a really good one out there by Carlson- it is purified and has a pleasant flavor to it compared to the regular flavored one.


Remember to that the information you read about flax oil does not reflect flax oil with a 4:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3. The flax oils you buy at the health food stores have different ratios which make a huge difference in there effects.



Guest Guest_efgh



When I enquired about Epsom salts, they said its useful to be taken internally when there is any difficulty in passing stools. (magnesium sulphate) . Do you use the same one for bath also. They were unaware of that salt being used for normal baths. Chemar, for the first time I discussed with my son openly regarding his vocal tics. I asked him "since its quite obvious and sometimes pretty loud at home during holidays, how does he manage at school in general.?" He said "In the school, I do in under my breath". I felt sorry for him but just want to know if its normal for kids to do that and should i advice him anything else regarding this?.




You are right. I buy the normal flax oil in health stores and there is no mention of ratio of omega 3 to 6. I guess its pure flax cold pressed oil and it will only contain omega 3 and not omega 6. am i right?

Guest Guest_efgh

Chemar, also regarding the Epsom salt, can I put the same in the bath tub. How much does 1 kg cost approximately? Surprised when the drug stores people mentioned that its for internal consumption and not for baths and hence my question.

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