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Fatty Acid and Detox info for Claire

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Guest Guest_efgh

Claire, Is RAST test the same as skin prick test for general allergy??

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Guest Jennifer



With regards to the rast test or any testing for that matter. I've been told by my doctor that they are not very accurate. He maintains the best way is food elimination, although I do remember reading that in Europe they use a particular test that seems to be highly accurate..can't remember the name of it though. I also know that there is a lab in Florida that does one that is more accurate than most, I'll ask my doctor about it again so I can pass on the information.


With regards to dairy I came across some interesting information on www.mercola.com about the "real" problem with dairy. It seems that it is not so much dairy itself, but the fact that it has been pasturized. The high heat destroys most of the benificial enzymes as well as turning the protein casein into a toxin. Many of you may know that milk is a big no no for autistic children- it accentuates many of the symptoms. According to a couple of mothers who wrote in to Dr. Mercola.. they decided to try raw milk and have noticed no ill effects from the raw version. I have a friend who has an autistic child and has always avoided dairy and after reading this she decided to try it. He's been on raw milk prodicts since August with no ill effects!! We also use raw milk, I have been fortunate enough to find a lady in our area that we buy our milk from. She has very high standards of cleanliness..she has the milk tested weekly for bacteria content and sterilizes everything. At first I was kind of paranoid about drinking it, but the more people I talk to in our area the more I realize how common it is and no one ever got sick.. My husband grew up on it no one ever got sick in his family. In fact for the longest time my husband was dairy intolerant, but since we've made the switch he can enjoy it again. Just one final note, if you do decide to try unpasteurized milk, go slow.. it has so many enzymes and is so rich that it can cause stomach distress if you drink a whole bunch of it untill your body gets used to it (generally about a week).



Guest Jennifer



Isn't it wonderful that we have forums like this? The emotional support is very important. I must have aged about 10 years from all of this. The good news is that healing is very much a reality. Children's brain cells have the capacity of regenerating, I've read that if you intervene before the age of 8 the outcome is very good. Our son is doing wonderfully!! This year is definately up hill compared to last year. Last year I was so discouraged. The biggest thing I've had to learn is patience. You aren't going to see overnight results. You just have to stick with.

It's been 3 1/2 months now that our son is tic free. We still have some mood and OCD issues we contend with, but I figure those were his very first symptoms that he displayed at a very young age so those will probably be the last things to be resolved, I'm just happy that they are better!! The other thing we found to is that it is very common for symptoms to get worse before they get better they call it "the healing crisis".


The other night I got kind of upset about everything that we've been through as a family due to our son's health issues. I turned the T.V. on and watched this program about these children who had been kidnapped..it made me realize something very important...even though going through this really takes it's toll we still have our son and..... as long as there is life there is hope.




Guest Guest_efgh



that was really soothing... as long as there is life, there is hope. great stmt!


Now about raw milk, do you mean farm fresh milk or do you mean the organic non pasteurised milk? I heard of friends who buy farm fresh milk, boil it and drink it..

would be interested to start raw milk products for my son. can you please tell me how to get it?

Guest Guest_efgh



great to know about your son's improvement. Do you have TS in your family? Generally they say its genetic ...

Guest Guest_efgh

Jennifer, by "intervene" do you mean "supplements". Did you start supplements immdly after diagnosis and have you avoided medication from day one.




The RAST test is a blood test where they take samples and test it against a specific food that you think may be an issue. I don't know much about them as I am researching this--even if they are less accurate than elimination, maybe they give a pointer? Not sure.


Re the Raw milk, this is quite interesting. Unfortunately, I have a friend whose daughter (now 10) drank the contaminated Odwalla unpasteurized juice 7-8 years ago (whenever that awful event with multiple children occurred), and though she survived, she still has life-long learning issues from the high fever that lasted so many weeks.


So given my son has a history of getting sick easily, I would be too afraid.


Jennifer is right in that the source matters--but you know how it goes, if it happens to someone you know, it makes it more real.


I am not putting down the idea, just reemphasizing Jennifer's comment to make sure you trust the source.


Can someone explain casein?



Are you still doing the chlorella, and have you noticed anything? I finally ordered the oil, it is so frustrating for work deadlines to interfere with my child's progress. He does get fears occasionally (since his last tonisilitis they didn't totally disappear), so I am trying to manage this. Though mentally I am trying to understand whether eliminating food triggers makes sense if the original cause was the tonsilitis? If anyone has insights here, I would appreciate it.


His strep test came back negative, but it was going around his school, and he said they barely even swabbed his throat--he was happy about it cuz he hates that feeling, so it still could have been strep. Besides, one study I read said that other tonsil infections can cause PANDAS. I am emailing my ENT and family doctor to see if either of them are willing to run some tests to find out.


He had a mercury filling when he was young, and he grinds his teeth at night, so I wonder if the mercury could be an issue. He got spacers for his braces yesterday, and his fears were worse last night, but I can't tell the correlation for sure of course, it never occurred to me to pay attention to that until Sheila and Chemar mentioned braces.





The B vitamin, Pantothenic Acid, is excellent in helping with bruxism(tooth grinding)

It TOTALLY stopped when my son started taking it. TwinLab make a good one, and it is also found in Royal Jelly, which is IMHO a true "wonder supp"



Chlorella is very good re mercury detox, but we found that it made us a bit nauseous when we first started taking it. We used the SolaRay capsules.


My son doesnt have any mercury fillings, but I have a whole mouth full,as does my husband)


When a dentist once suggested braces for my son , our alternative MD strongly advised me to rather go with crooked teeth than braces or spacers.

Thankfully my sons teeth actually have grown out really well without intervention...he hates metal so much (OCD thing) that he wont use any utensils that arent plastic! If metal touches his mouth, he goes into a real spasm like tooth grind :)




Thanks for your message!




My son grinds his teeth at night too especially after he had a busy day. He doesn't have any mercury fillings though. You made some suggestions for helping grinding. It's been my first time hearing it. Could you please provide more detail info. (besides Royal Jelly)? Thanks!



For others,


I myself had RAST test couple years ago. I'll have skin reaction after I eat a not well cooked shrimp. Per my allergiest, the test won't be able to cover for all the food (just like the skin test). RAST test is mainly for testing food allergy. It'll be too dangerouse to perform food allergy test against a person's body directly.




Thanks for the B info Chemar! It is in the B-complex chewable supplement that I started adding this week, so we shall see. Wow those B's sure are important.


He went a long time without grinding his teeth but started up again lately. As for the braces, I won't even go there. But his bite was off (that can contribute to teeth grinding), so we didn't feel we had a choice. I will likely skip round 2 though!





I read more about Feinberg and now I 'get it' about tomatoes from the literature. It is the salicytes.


Actually the Feingold elimination diet is MUCH easier than eliminating wheat. Only problem--no strawberries--and strawberry smoothies are my favorite place to put the oils!


I finally connected with my only local aaem doctor today, but he has never heard of PANDAS. Bummer.



Guest Jennifer



Yes, we buy fresh milk from a local family...I don't think I would trust unpasteurized milk you buy in a store. You really don't have anyway of knowing how clean they are, I'm sure there are guidelines, but I like to see things for myself.


No, we have no history of TS on either side of our family and we never used medication from day one. The thought that a lot of the meds out there have not been FDA aproved for pediatric use scares me. Many of the meds have been aproved for adults and doctors adjust the amounts to fit a child. Their brains are still developing and there hasn't been enough research on the long term effect. When I asked our pediatrician what guarantee there was that the medicine he wanted to put our son on would not somehow permantly alter his brain chemistry negatively he was honest enough to tell me that there were none. After hearing that we couldn't go through with it. I certainly don't mean to sound critical towards parents who have chosed that path..everyone knows their own situation and their limit.




Guest Jennifer



We are still using Chlorella, but at this point it is more of a maintence issue since we've done the majority of the detox allready, so I can't really comment on it's effectiveness other than what I have read which has all been very positive.


As far as braces go, does anyone know if the clear ones are better than the standard metal ones? Is it a matter of the metal and plastic disrupting the energy flow of the body?






Thanks for sharing the info.! My friend mentioned to me that strawberries are not good to allergy people (but I don't know the cause though).




I received the Body Bio Oil today. Any suggestion on when it should be taken (i.e., before or after meal)? Thanks!

Guest Jennifer

After reading about braces and spacers etc. it got me thinking to last year about this time, I had brought our son in to the dentist for a tooth cleaning and sealants. At this point he had motor tics and had lost most of his vocal tics, within about 20 minutes of leaving the office he started with this one vocal tic that he hadn't done in months, just "out of the blue". It struck me as odd and I thought maybe the mercury vapors in the office had triggered someting, but maybe it was his sealants? Also right after he had tubes put in his ears he stared makeing a r,r,r, sound and things actually got a little worse..maybe it's just a coincidence, but I have also noticed that for a long time now he has a gland on one side of his neck that is swollen. The doctor figured it's an immune response to all the cleansing we've been doing, but I'm thinking it may perhaps be to the tubes. I've got half a mind to have them removed.


Does anyone else have any imput or similar experiences?



Guest Guest_efgh

Jennifer, rather than taking the braces/ear tubes induces tics , could it be due to the fact that the stress induces them? Even we feel stressed out when we go to a dentist...

Jennifer, have you done a strep test for your son ?

Thanks to you, the body bio oil is getting more and more advertised! I just called body bio yesterday but their office was closed and I had left a message.

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