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Nervous System Patterns


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Kim /All


The autonomic nervous system regulates many functions in the body and consists of the sympsthetic and parasympathic branches. The sympathetic branch activates the brain, muscles and the thyroid and adrenal glands which enable the body to respond to stress.


Reading some information from bits and pieces of all his tests results. It seems that a lot of my son's problems are caused from chronic stress.


He seems to be in a predominantly parasympathetic state, do to mental patterens such as worrying and fears.


He seems to have adrenal burnout associated with chronic stress. Could be the reason for the low sodium causing the dizzy spells?


Do you think this could be the root to his metabolic patterns?


Thanks for any help you can give


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I am starting to believe that these things also affect my son, stress and excitement. Chemar, when they are aggrivated by this, how long do they usually last in an increase? I thought that perhaps my sons ticcing increased with the stress of a tough and disappointing ball game, yet the tic increase lasted several days!

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Hi bmom, yes, it can last days to weeks for my son depending on the level of stress. with the Crohn's a flare can last a loooooooooooong time so we have optimized his life to be minimal stress as possible within our ability to control

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From what I can gather so far is, my son being that he went to a private school until 3rd grade then I homeschooled him through 5th. His tics if he had any at all were so minor I did not even notice them while we homeschooled. I know he was really nervous starting public school and felt lost in a school that had over 1000 students in just 2 grades. I do remember him asking if I would homeschool him again a short time after he started, and I told him to give it more time. Then about 6 weeks after school started he got those shots. 6 weeks after that he exploded. What kid wouldn't be stressed after the explosion he had.


I feel he does not share his stress for fear of sending me into another 20lb waight loss.


Now you mention excitement and I have known that for awhile, but have seen a strange pattern to this. He waxes just until the excitment is over then his waxing is over.


bmom, my son waxes during some, but not all his ball games. I'm thinking he wants to be the MVP or something and gets himself all worked up. Yes, we are still doing the diet and the intramax. I have noticed his mood is good too. Dizzy spells are gone, he eats like a horse, and I think I have seen one long hair under his arm finally. Still not smelling yet and still has some baby teeth at 14 1/2 this is odd. Other then that the onlt think that seems to be out of place with him are results from these tests. He really could not be any healthier.



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What tests/results are you referring to?


Bmom and C.P.,

You are both talking baseball, and I know excitement is a big factor for them, but the games are either in bright sunlight or under stadium lighting. Have you noticed any light triggers/sensitivities during games?



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also, dont forget the chemical reactivity from the pesticides/fertilizers on playing fields


our acupuncture therapist found a direct corelation between his son's hyper episodes and his playing and practising forfootball games

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I would think that the transitions lenses and a baseball cap would block an enormous amount of light. Does he wear his cap on the field?


Remind me again when your son got his glasses. I noticed his ticcing episode began in March. You are certain he has light sensitivity, and if I'm not confusing you with someone else, he has a relatively new prescription; so maybe the eye strain of adjusting to new glasses set him off?



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I think he has photosensitivity issues because when we walk into stores the lights will set it off and he has always had trouble having his picture taken etc. His glasses he got in November so I dont think that could be it. I am just not sure that photosensitity is his only issue. I am thinking no, but plays a part.

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altho I dont always understand all the underlying biochemistry ....I can say for sure that stress (and excitement)

is a major trigger for my son re tics as well as GIT stuff

My daughter just got home from Dorney park. They where in a competion in band and won first place. Beautiful day, she came off the bus excited. I noticed her back wing bone flinging back and forth, something I have not seen in about 8 months. She has only been having mild tics with her arm . My main concern with my daughter lately has been digestion and neaseous. Right away I asked her what she ate. She was in such a good mood she just answered instead of complaining why I was asking. She did have a sprite and a snapple.

Which she has done that on occasion. Could this be from excitement? I don't know why this is getting me so upset but it is. She at a sleepover, im worried that she is going to have candy. She's 14, it's hard! My daughter also has low sodium and low blood pressure. I thought it could be chroine but she said she did not go in the water. Thanks for listening! Maryann

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This would be his tissue mineral analysis, OAT, and blood work that shows deficiencies that some symptoms lead me to stress then some of the other reasons, example; aclcoholics, diabetics ect...


I'm not really looking into the reason he is ticcing, I'm just wondering about metabolic patterns, and what is the root. Some of what is going on in the inside seems so way off to the very active, healthy young man I have.




P.S. The baseball is very strange, his triggers are never an every game pattern. Some days he is so good you would not be able to pick him out. Others the tics are very bad. He plays on the same fields so, go figure.

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