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BioSet experience - FYI

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Just want to let you know my experience with Bioset for my son.


After 2 years of NAET of about 40 treatments, I am exhausted from the process. I know it works because my son's asthma is gone and his nasal allergy is much improved and his tics are better as well.


I decided it is time to fine tune allergy descentization and also with someone with fresh eyes and a different approach. In short, i am happy with our first appt. We tested for 123 items w/o muscle test. It was fast & painless for my son. And most importantly, we treated 5 items at once w/o the 25 hrs. avoidance period, which it is so hard & stressful to do.


Bioset saves time & money. Via BioSet, each office visit treats multiple allergens with the set office visit fee. Whereas, NAET treats each allergen individually, and you can only treat 2 allergents each OV no more than 2X / week.



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If you had so many things treated with NAET, what was left that they found with the Bioset?! Was it stuff repeated than you had done before. Just to clarify, when you treat for say whatever it is they treated for -- had you realized there "was" a problem with that particular thing anyway. I mean, with all your treatments, you say he can eat many things now without a problem, but you don't know if it was necessarily a problem in the way of tics, right?


Is that a machine that they go over the body with or something? How do they come up with the things they are intolerant too (it IS intolerances, not only true allergies, right?) And you did not have any increase or reactions to this treatment?




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Hi Faith,


Yes, we treated about 40 items via NAET, but i felt there are other things our NAET dr. overlooked. Because Bioset doesn't use muscle test. Instead it uses a computer to test for sensitivities and allergies, you can test many items in one office visit. Our initial OV tested for 123 items. We tested all items that were treated via NAET to make sure they hold and other items that she felt are basic items, like B complex, sugar, amino acid, fats.... Also, our current NAET dr. did not recommend treating biochemistries which i feel may be helpful, like dopamine, basil ganglia....


My son was treated for various enzymes and certain probiotics via BioSet the first OV. I always suspected that there may still be issues with enzymes & probiotic because of his nasal allergies is still there. However, when these items were tested via NAET did not come up.


It has been a day since my son's BioSet treatment. He did not have a spike in symptoms during or after. In fact, his slight facial tics even decreased while watching TV today ( still is one of his triggers ). I will watch him the next few days while he is watching TV.


I do not see a direct connection between food & tics because he used to tic all the time, everything seem to be a trigger. However, as we got into various modalities along with allergy desensitization, everything just tappered off over time slowly. I believe it was a comprehensive approach that works for us. However, there is a direct relationship between environmental allergies and vocal. I always knew that, but just didn't know exactly what it was. His vocal went away when we treated some of the actual tree allergies. I am so glad i stuck with NAET even tho i never saw immediate reduction in tics and went with my gut, becasue the end result is so worth the effort.




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does the BioSet include the use of enzymes, or is that separate issue? Just some things I read about it suggests that enzyme therapy is a part of that? Do you use enzymes prior to this, btw?


What you're saying about the food/tics relationship, you mean you just didn't know exactly what his triggers were in the way of foods because he seemed to be reacting to everything, not just isolated things, right? And as time went on, he got better and it seemed that thngs were not necessarily triggering him anymore? That is where I am right now, I suspect EVERYTHING. I once thought I had a handle on all this, but everything I employed in the past seems not to be doing any good right now.



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Yes, Ellen Cutler the founder of Bioset recommends using enzyme therapy. Our Bioset practitioner uses enzyme along with Unda #s for detox support.


Since i suspect my son has problem with enzymes, i decided to opt out. My son is already on Unda#s, she said we don't need to add or change our current Unda #s becuz they serve similar functions.


Yes, you got it Faith. In the beginnig, my son would tic more when he is eating and sometimes after eating. I can never pinpoint what it was, even when we did the elimination diet. Slowly, over time he just tic less & less. I suspect my son has delay reaction, so it was hard for me to tell. Because i think that, i continue doing NAET to desensitize him. I suspect your son may also have delayed reaction that's why it is hard to pinpoint what is making him tic. In that case, i think allergy desensitization may be helpful. Just remember NAET has a 25 hrs. avoidance period and can only treat about 2 a week and possible 4 the most. The process is long and tedious. If he has alot of things to treat, i would look into Bioset before you start.



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