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Has anyone had experience with cognitive behavior therapy? My ds is showing a flare up in his anxiety and is worried about everything it seems.

Also, what supplements have helped your child with anxiety? GABA , glutamine, etc??? I've been giving him Kids Calm before bed but that's about it right now. I have some 5-HTP at home(we are on vacation right now) but I'm not sure if that will work well for him.

We've been having some major issues on vacation right now and I'm at my wits ends! Also, the tics are really flaring, too! Stomachaches from the anxiety is ruining our vacation right now! Thanks





I know all too well what you are talking about.....my son deals with the same issues with anxiety and travel. Every few minutes he wants to throw up from stomach pains. I posted recently about this very thing and Chemar mentioned that the amino acid l-methionine or sAME helps with anxiety. She mentioned that anxiety is related to seratonin deficiency. I started giving this to my son with his daily vits.....seems to be helping. velarian root might help calm him down too while away.


Good luck....I know how hard vacationing can be with worries. Not fun.



being on vacation and having things take a downturn aint no fun!!


the CBT training that my son received has been a real solid foundation in helping him deal with anxiety, OCD etc.

Just please be sure that you first interview the psychologist as some, instead of helping the individual function better alone, seem to want to impose their own standards which isnt always helpful. The first psychologist we saw wanted to change my son to her mold, rather than help him attain coping skills within his own :blink:


we used GABA short term (a couple of weeks) when his anxiety was unbearable and it gave immediate relief, and yes, methionine (also compounded as samE) is a remarkable supp for mood/OCD issues


are you already giving Inositol? It can be used at minimum dose (500mg) with the others


best wait with the 5HTP till u are home tho as it can have the opposite effect in some. It helped my son relax, sleep and calmed his raging OCD, but it made my hubby very restless and edgy


if your child doesnt have any flower allergies/intolerances then Bach's Rescue Remedy is an excellent rapid relaxer! A few drops under the tongue works wonders!!


hope things calm down


Thanks, Chemar. Ds does have some seasonal allergies so I'm not sure the rescue remedy would work. At this point we're going home tomorrow so I think I'll just take my chances without any supplementation.

He threw up after dinner(what little he did eat) right before we were supposed to get on a train....lovely! He kept saying that just looking at everyone's plates of food was making him sick to his stomach. Oh my, how the brain does work....wish I could figure it out!

He was naseaous before we got on the plane on Saturday(now we fly 3 times a year so this was totally new to me!) and threw up right before we went through security. I'm really starting to get concerned, though, b/c he's having so much trouble keeping food down b/c of the anxiety. So, that's the reason I asked about CBT. I've heard it can be really helpful in giving the child tactics for dealing with the anxiety, etc.


Cheri, I have been looking for someone to do CBT with my daughter, but really don't know what I am looking for. Also, could you tell me, is this weekly long-term therapy? At some point, will she be able to use the techniques on her own? My daughter (a teen) does not want to go at all. Trying to get her to go long term, I think, might actually increase the stress in our home!


my son had about 6 months of therapy, Emma, and we only went once a month as that was what we could manage.(more was recommended initially and we did also know we could call and schedule appt if needed sooner) My son really appreciated the help in understanding and then developing coping skills for many of the things that had been really debilitating to him re his OCD and other mood/behaviour issues related to his TS spectrum of disorders He then felt comfortable to use the techniques learned on his own and has certainly maintained them well. He had a very good relationship with the therapist who sadly no longer lives locally. I think only psychologists do CBT as a rule. I would say key to a good therapist is that you and your child like them and sense compassion not control in their approach.


here is some info on it on the OCD sticky




First, I want to say "ilovedogs" that your situation is exactly why I find this sooo frustrating. I never seem to know when things will flare. You plan a relaxing and vacation, and boom, not so relaxing. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!! Hope you figure it out.


Cherie, thanks so much for the info on CBT. I am trying to find someone now. It is so hard. I am not getting past the receptionist. Then they want me to bring in my daughter and have her talk with the therapist. She doesn't want to go in the first place, so if I choose poorly, I will probably never get her in for a second visit, or to a second therapist. The pressure to find the right person is overwhelming me! However, all the info you forwarded was very helpful, and did make me decide that if I could find the right person, it might really help my daughter.

First, I want to say "ilovedogs" that your situation is exactly why I find this sooo frustrating. I never seem to know when things will flare. You plan a relaxing and vacation, and boom, not so relaxing. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!! Hope you figure it out.


Cherie, thanks so much for the info on CBT. I am trying to find someone now. It is so hard. I am not getting past the receptionist. Then they want me to bring in my daughter and have her talk with the therapist. She doesn't want to go in the first place, so if I choose poorly, I will probably never get her in for a second visit, or to a second therapist. The pressure to find the right person is overwhelming me! However, all the info you forwarded was very helpful, and did make me decide that if I could find the right person, it might really help my daughter.

Exactly! You know what's funny? His tics are actually minor despite my letting all the diet crud out the window b/c he's been so anxious that I'm just grateful if he's eating at all! So, here I am allowing HFCS, cookies laden with sugar, pizza, churros, etc. And, his tics are still there but barely noticeable to most people. So, what's up with that? I'm seeing a major increase in anxiety but less ticcing? Weird! The anxiety started at home, though.


Hmm, now that I think about it: he threw up on Wednesday night after having eaten a huge turkey sandwich. He was VERY full and I figured he just had to 'let it go' so to speak. So, Thursday he was fine. And, then on Friday he was fine until he ate a banana in the afternoon before his football game. He said it tasted funny and then had an upset stomach at the football game: he did end up playing and having a great run in the game, too. Then we leave Saturday AM and as soon as he wakes up his stomach is upset. He is 'upset' all the way to the airport and throws up before we go through security. He again has an upset stomach on Sat. eve. and makes a huge deal at dinner and says he can't even look at pictures of food but he does end up eating his whole meal. On Sunday we go to breakfast with business friends and he's got the upset tummy going so he barely ate breakfast. He looked like he was going to hurl but managed to hold it together. Then he eats a sandwich for lunch: NO PROBLEMS! We ate outdoors at the beach and he was totally fine! Come dinner time he's all upset again and doesn't eat anything. We again were out with business associates and he threw up after dinner, as well.

So, Monday comes and we're supposed to be going to Sea World. We go out for bagels and he eats most of his but still looks like he's on the verge of hurling. He's complaining to himself in the car on the way to Sea World that his tummy is upset, again. So, he looks miserable all the way until the time when we walk through the gates. Then, all of a sudden, he has a miraculous recovery and he had a great day at Sea World. Went on a roller coaster, ate a churro, had some ice cream, pet some dolphins, etc. We go out for dinner and he's looking like he's ready to lose his cookies again. BUT, he held it together through dinner and ate 2 pieces of pizza!!!

So, my question is: what is going on ?????? Is this anxiety???? Is he manipulating us??? etc? And, what do I do for him/ with him? To make things better??? Hmmm? I really don't see the connection at all as I look back on the past week!

Thanks for reading all this!


Cherie, thanks so much for the info on CBT. I am trying to find someone now. It is so hard. I am not getting past the receptionist. Then they want me to bring in my daughter and have her talk with the therapist. She doesn't want to go in the first place, so if I choose poorly, I will probably never get her in for a second visit, or to a second therapist. The pressure to find the right person is overwhelming me! However, all the info you forwarded was very helpful, and did make me decide that if I could find the right person, it might really help my daughter.



If they wont return calls or let you speak to the therapist, would suggest going to the initial appointment yourself alone. If that isnt acceptable to them, keep looking!! when there are bossy receptionists/ nurses the doc is usually in the same category IMHO


did you see the 2nd link I posted is the association for CBT practitioners...maybe contact them and ask for referrals?



could he have had stomach flu or another tummy bug?


nervous digestion is not uncommon with our kids IMO.

stress, excitement, upset, anticipation, new stuff etc can do weird things to my sons GIT, even before he had the crohn's symptoms.


could he have had stomach flu or another tummy bug?


nervous digestion is not uncommon with our kids IMO.

stress, excitement, upset, anticipation, new stuff etc can do weird things to my sons GIT, even before he had the crohn's symptoms.

I doubt it, as I would have gotten it too! We shared a few water bottles recently and I'm really susceptible to gastro problems myself. It's almost a guarantee.


I bought a trial size Inositol (pure soluble powder) from Kirkman Labs. It doesn't have a recommended dosage for children. The recommended usage is 1-4 grams two to three times daily. I would like to try it for my daughter's anxiety, but I'm not sure of the measurements. Does anybody use this brand, and how much do you use? I measure using tsp or tbls, not sure how to measure for a gram??? help...Thanks




I am using Jarrow powder. For that, 1/4 teaspoon is 600 mgs (1000 mgs = 1 gram). I assume your sample didn't come with a scoop? I would try calling Kirkman Labs -- I bet they have someone in customer service who could answer your question.

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