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Do any of you have children that also suffer from anxiety? It only seems an issue when we are driving in the car (feelings of being closed in and he complains he is super hot and that his seatbelt is too tight when it isn't) For the most part all of my son's tics and ocd are under control though diet but the anxiety still shows itself time to time. I'm wondering if anyone has had luck with certain supplements that could be helpful for anxiety. He already takes b-complex, omega 3-6-9, cal/mag.


hi mom2a


yes my son has always dealt with a lot of anxiety issues which seem to be connected to the OCD he has, which in turn is connected to his Tourette Syndrome


boosting my son's serotonin levels really helped the anxiety a lot (we used inositol, methionine and 5HTP) and when his anxiety was really off the charts, we used GABA for two weeks and it made a BIG difference


My son also responded well to the samE form of methionine, but that is kinda pricey


That is interesting to know that anxiety is related to serotonin.....my husband takes methionine and inositol because with his t.s. he sufferes from depression and it has made a big difference for him along with some other amino acids. I will definitely try that with my son....we are taking a trip in a few months and I was getting concerned that all the driving will do him in!!! thank goodness I already stock this....that is rare!!


Thanks so much Chemar!!!!


Our neuro doc suggested 1/2 pill of melatolin for this. Worked great for her and she fell right asleep everynight. Its all natural as well. I myself have been taking it for many years. Also saw a decrease in the OCD.

Goodluck and I hope you find whatever works best for him.....


Jasminky....not sure if your doc told you but melatonin and serotonin are linked in their synthesis from tryptophan in the brain :blink:


just a note on melatonin...some people (eg me and my son) need this in miniscule doses only (300-600 MICROgrams) whereas others do better on higher doses. For those that respond to small amounts, taking more can have the opposite effect and make them very edgy and restless

Jasminky....not sure if your doc told you but melatonin and serotonin are linked in their synthesis from tryptophan in the brain :blink:


just a note on melatonin...some people (eg me and my son) need this in miniscule doses only (300-600 MICROgrams) whereas others do better on higher doses. For those that respond to small amounts, taking more can have the opposite effect and make them very edgy and restless





Hi there, i am new to this forum, My son has recently strarted to develop tics (throws his head back slightly) and lets out a "cough" Its funny you mention anixety, because my son does and has shown problems with anixety, Last year the whole family took a trip to London, England. We went on the Tube (subway) after a couple of times on the tube he started showing signs of being claustrophobic and started to panic everytime we went near the tube station. I think somehow that it must be all linked. I have started to clean up his diet, and started him on omega 3 fish oils. Only been since monday though, but I keep thinking when he gets up in the morning, is the tic still going to be there? I look at him closely then I still the tics starting, I have got to take things slow and have patience, but I tell you this is a stressful thing.


Take Care


Hi Nicola72....yes, the whole process can be tiring and stressful....but stick with it!!!! My son 2 years ago use to have anxiety REALLY BAD!!!!!! After we did the whole diet clean up and found his sensitivities the tics went away....the ocd went away......the anxiety still lingers and shows it's head time to time...but I'm definitely going to try Chemar's advice about the methionine. The first 1-2 years you feel like a detective!! I started feeling really confident that everything I was doing was truly making a difference after I hit the 2 year mark (though I saw HUGE changes in 1 week - I needed repetive reinforcement to allow me to truly believe!!)!! It's soooo worth it!!!! This is a great site for all types of advice from parents who have BEEN THERE!!! Since you are starting out I would definitely find the food sensitivities first....a lot of times this will clear up a lot of the issues.....if you are unsure how to start...visit my web site....www.smallchanges.info and go to the 10 steps page....there is a link to Doris Rapp's food elimination program....this is what I used and found it very useful!!


Good luck with your detective work and I look forward to hearing about your successes!!!!



How would you say the melatonin works? - is it to help fall asleep if one has difficulties falling asleep, or to help wind down at night? My son sleeps well, but he is in a bad routine of getting to finally lie down at night way too late due to his usual routines he likes to adhere to and then is hard to wake in the morning. How do you feel it helped with ocd, just for you or daughter too (does she show ocd?)?




Hi Nicola72....yes, the whole process can be tiring and stressful....but stick with it!!!! My son 2 years ago use to have anxiety REALLY BAD!!!!!! After we did the whole diet clean up and found his sensitivities the tics went away....the ocd went away......the anxiety still lingers and shows it's head time to time...but I'm definitely going to try Chemar's advice about the methionine. The first 1-2 years you feel like a detective!! I started feeling really confident that everything I was doing was truly making a difference after I hit the 2 year mark (though I saw HUGE changes in 1 week - I needed repetive reinforcement to allow me to truly believe!!)!! It's soooo worth it!!!! This is a great site for all types of advice from parents who have BEEN THERE!!! Since you are starting out I would definitely find the food sensitivities first....a lot of times this will clear up a lot of the issues.....if you are unsure how to start...visit my web site....www.smallchanges.info and go to the 10 steps page....there is a link to Doris Rapp's food elimination program....this is what I used and found it very useful!!


Good luck with your detective work and I look forward to hearing about your successes!!!!



Thank you , Yes I agree, next step to find out about food sensitivities. Will look at your website, thanks again !


Another new member... just had to say hi Jasminky. My name is Jasmin. I see there is a Claire on the board too, and that's my sister's name. :blink: I feel right at home.


My son has had anxiety, too. No answers for you... just wanted to say hi.


My son also has anxiety issues. Sometimes its separation anxiety(like tonight when I took too long at the store!).

I'm wondering what the starting dosage would be for the methionine or for the inositol?

Of course, we've been really bad about our diet lately too, so I wonder what part that has played lately!

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