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L - Carnitine


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I always think starting low in best - so if you dump out 3/4 of the pill contents and then give him that for a day or so, then increase gradually. We went up to 500mg - but our intention had been to go up to 250 - the bottle we bought was mislabeled. Our son is 9 and about 70lbs. Since he did so well at the 500 we kept him on that - then once he stabalized we went down to having it once every couple days, then every 3 days etc then once a week. Then stopped all together. He started again just before getting a stomach flu with a vocal sound so we started it up again - and the tic is now gone. The new bottle we bought was 250 mg and he did fine at that level.

Good Luck - we had such great results with this.

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When I looked up L Caritine online, it mentioned that you need vitamin C to properly absorb it. Vitamin C is not one of the supplements that my son is on.


Do you give vitamin C with this supplement, and if so, how much C? Thanks.


My son started a sniffing tic and I want to see if this works on it.....he has not had much red meat lately and I also see that red meat is high in LCaritine?????

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hi Tx

my son reacts real quickly to supps and we noticed a dramatic reduction in his screech vical tic within about a day or two after starting the L carnitine.


I should mention he cant take it anymore...it makes him feel "weird" now so not sure what has changed in his biochemistry to bring that about. But some years back it really really helped him when he needed it most

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hi Emma

yes he has vocal tics still, but they are so minimal and not bothersome in the overall pattern of where his tics have been over the years, that it really doesnt need anything specific. he was making an "eh" noise a while back and tried the carnitine again but he didnt like the way it made him feel and stopped it.


when we first started the carnitine years ago he had very very loud piercing screech tics and also hollering ones. they were blended with OCDs and he "had to" do them over and over till they were "just right"... It was a really difficult tic phase as those kinds wake the neighborhood, nevermind when one is driving :)

The L carnitine was a real blessing for him then!

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We don't give a vitamin C specifically - I am sure there is some in his multi.

We also notice an improvement immediately - literally overnight. The sound gets softer and more distance between the tics - each day there is more improvement. But is was like a miracle that first day.

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We don't give a vitamin C specifically - I am sure there is some in his multi.

We also notice an improvement immediately - literally overnight. The sound gets softer and more distance between the tics - each day there is more improvement. But is was like a miracle that first day.




Is it possbile that I am not giving my daughter enough ? I gave her a 1/4 of the 500mg L Carnitine for her first dose. And it really didn't do anything. Tomorrow I will give her 250 mg.


It seems really to trigger more when she is talking or excited of course. It seems to more active in the evening. Thanks for responding !

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I think the first day we gave a 1/2 of the 500mg pill (we had thought it was a 250 mg pill). We have given the full 500mg dose as well.

I think as Chemar has said many times, our kids all react differently and what works for some does not work for all. WIth hope if you increase it you may see an improvement.

IF you notice an increase then I would not increase it -and stay and the smaller level for a few days.

Early on when my son was sick - the evenings were always worst for tics. I think by the end of the day they are just tired so their immune system is more strained. Excitement could also be a trigger for my son at times.

Sending some good vibes your way - with hope you will soon see the same success we have. It was not overnight for us - we have been at this for many years - but well worth the time and effort.

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ad_ccl ,


Increased it ( to 250mg ) and the symptoms are still the same. I'm going to try Kids Calm Wednesday. I might give her another 250mg dose tomorrow ( Tuesday ) and hope for the best, if I see some kind of let up but I just might go with the Kids Calm ( it has magnesium, vit C and zinc ).

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Every kid is different in how they react to supplements. I wouldn't give up so soon, unless you see any bad effects. You should hold out for a few weeks to know for sure whether it helps. You can always add the mag as well. Supplements tend to work synergistically. Good luck!


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we found 500mg of L-carnitine per day to be optimum dose

it can take up to two weeks for some people to fully react to a supp so please dont give up too quickly


also do want to point out that if you arent already supplementing with magnesium, then that may really help.


I firmly believe the needed supplements work best *together*

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