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I read a post on here about a 'connection' between tics & eczema but that post was in 2006 and I've found nothing more recent. Has anyone else noticed a corelation between the two?

I posted on here a couple of weeks ago when my son was first diagnosed with a tic. (shaking his head) He will be 4 yrs old next week. I looked back at some notes I had jotted down last year....that's about the time I first noticed his eczema. Within a week of noticing his first bit of eczema, he blinked his eyes alot for about a week....then stopped. Looking back on it, I assume that was probably a tic. His eczema is not horrible....he seems to get it more in the warm months and it's usually on the insides of his elbows, tops of ears and occassionally neck. His head shaking has seemed to subside for the most part also. I took him to a chiropractor and he said that my son had 2 vertebra out of alignment in his neck. We made 2 visits and they were back in place. He MIGHT shake his head 1 -2 times a day now. (if at all)


So, my questions are, does anyone else have any experience with tics and eczema together? In the 2006 post I read, the mother took her daughter to a natureopath. I've never been to one of those but am open to doing so. Can anyone give me input on what to expect, if they are accurate and your experiences with them? :blink:





HI shannon,


My oldest has eczema, no TS tho. I was told to give her a B complex and probotics. I don't know if her allergy to food causes eczema, where my son's tics more.




My son had seizures at birth within 12 hours of having a hepatitis B Vaccine. He then devolped severe excema. He has had excema ever since. He is 9 years old and began displaying tics about three years ago. He has transient tics which have basically changed form over time. It started as throat clearing, neck stretching, prolonged eye blinking, jaw stretching and just recently he added a second tic when he ran a fever. This tic has us very concerned because it is an eye rolling movement. He basically rolls his eyes back towards the top of his head and the tics increase with light. It can be through television, computer, disco ball lights like they have at roller rinks or the bowling alley even if it is too sunny in the car. His eyes hurt and this constant tic causes him to have head aches. Trying to get lab tests for my kid is a nightmare and we are switching pediatricians because just learning to live with it is not an option for us. I'm outraged by the way our pediatrician has dealt with us. I feel we pay a fortune in medical premiums and I feel we have every right to get to the bottom of what is causing this. After all it's the reason we carry insurance to take care of our childrens health. I believe in our case there is a definate connection between that vaccine, his excema and his tics. I believe the vaccine damaged his basal ganglia which in turn has effected movement and has also damaged his immune system resulting in allergies. He was born a healthy child until that vaccine. We have no family history of tics/tourettes or allergies on either side.



I read a post on here about a 'connection' between tics & eczema but that post was in 2006 and I've found nothing more recent. Has anyone else noticed a corelation between the two?

I posted on here a couple of weeks ago when my son was first diagnosed with a tic. (shaking his head) He will be 4 yrs old next week. I looked back at some notes I had jotted down last year....that's about the time I first noticed his eczema. Within a week of noticing his first bit of eczema, he blinked his eyes alot for about a week....then stopped. Looking back on it, I assume that was probably a tic. His eczema is not horrible....he seems to get it more in the warm months and it's usually on the insides of his elbows, tops of ears and occassionally neck. His head shaking has seemed to subside for the most part also. I took him to a chiropractor and he said that my son had 2 vertebra out of alignment in his neck. We made 2 visits and they were back in place. He MIGHT shake his head 1 -2 times a day now. (if at all)


So, my questions are, does anyone else have any experience with tics and eczema together? In the 2006 post I read, the mother took her daughter to a natureopath. I've never been to one of those but am open to doing so. Can anyone give me input on what to expect, if they are accurate and your experiences with them? :blink:






So I assume you have not done further vaccinations? My son has had all of his up until this point but we will not continue them. He is 4 today. I cannot take a risk of having more vaccinations for him and his tics etc getting worse. All of this is very interesting to me..............the body is so complicated.

Thanks for your reply.




My son had seizures at birth within 12 hours of having a hepatitis B Vaccine. He then devolped severe excema. He has had excema ever since. He is 9 years old and began displaying tics about three years ago. He has transient tics which have basically changed form over time. It started as throat clearing, neck stretching, prolonged eye blinking, jaw stretching and just recently he added a second tic when he ran a fever. This tic has us very concerned because it is an eye rolling movement. He basically rolls his eyes back towards the top of his head and the tics increase with light. It can be through television, computer, disco ball lights like they have at roller rinks or the bowling alley even if it is too sunny in the car. His eyes hurt and this constant tic causes him to have head aches. Trying to get lab tests for my kid is a nightmare and we are switching pediatricians because just learning to live with it is not an option for us. I'm outraged by the way our pediatrician has dealt with us. I feel we pay a fortune in medical premiums and I feel we have every right to get to the bottom of what is causing this. After all it's the reason we carry insurance to take care of our childrens health. I believe in our case there is a definate connection between that vaccine, his excema and his tics. I believe the vaccine damaged his basal ganglia which in turn has effected movement and has also damaged his immune system resulting in allergies. He was born a healthy child until that vaccine. We have no family history of tics/tourettes or allergies on either side.



I read a post on here about a 'connection' between tics & eczema but that post was in 2006 and I've found nothing more recent. Has anyone else noticed a corelation between the two?

I posted on here a couple of weeks ago when my son was first diagnosed with a tic. (shaking his head) He will be 4 yrs old next week. I looked back at some notes I had jotted down last year....that's about the time I first noticed his eczema. Within a week of noticing his first bit of eczema, he blinked his eyes alot for about a week....then stopped. Looking back on it, I assume that was probably a tic. His eczema is not horrible....he seems to get it more in the warm months and it's usually on the insides of his elbows, tops of ears and occassionally neck. His head shaking has seemed to subside for the most part also. I took him to a chiropractor and he said that my son had 2 vertebra out of alignment in his neck. We made 2 visits and they were back in place. He MIGHT shake his head 1 -2 times a day now. (if at all)


So, my questions are, does anyone else have any experience with tics and eczema together? In the 2006 post I read, the mother took her daughter to a natureopath. I've never been to one of those but am open to doing so. Can anyone give me input on what to expect, if they are accurate and your experiences with them? :)





Your skin is your biggest organ, and eczema has been a well documented allergic response to an allergen, especially food (milk, wheat, egg, soy) are common culprits. We have dealt a lot with eczema (two of our three boys) and have not seen any since changing our oldest son's diet, dx'd with the chronic tic disorder, to suit his IgG test results--in short, no wheat, no corn, minimal dairy.

....Those wonderful Irish genes again!!!

Our son's tics IMHO are directly related to his allergens. We have not had any ticcing since after Christmas, after almost a year on the allergy friendly diet. It couldn't hurt to get some testing done, esp. since the tics present with eczema and there is a history of allergies in the family. The tics may not go away 100% but you may get substantial relief with diet.



I have managed to dodge vaccinations since he entered school. However our Pediatrician is a huge proponent of vaccinations. Since my sons tics have gotten worse after a fever I asked to have his titers tested and I wanted him tested for heavy metals. The Pediatrician basically told me he really doesn't see the need to do this. He told me that he can guarantee that the tests will come up with abnormal results that will have to be followed up on. He said that the test results do not tend to be white or black but gray and could mean a number of things. So he basically refused to order them. He said perhaps I could ask our neurologist to run them. I was irate to say the least, it's so frustrating. He is the one who vaccinated him at birth and failed to report the seizures to VAERS. So I told him by law he is required to report my sons seizure activity following that vaccine and we want a copy of the incident report. A lot of these adverse reacations are not reported and so the data is worthless.





So I assume you have not done further vaccinations? My son has had all of his up until this point but we will not continue them. He is 4 today. I cannot take a risk of having more vaccinations for him and his tics etc getting worse. All of this is very interesting to me..............the body is so complicated.

Thanks for your reply.




My son had seizures at birth within 12 hours of having a hepatitis B Vaccine. He then devolped severe excema. He has had excema ever since. He is 9 years old and began displaying tics about three years ago. He has transient tics which have basically changed form over time. It started as throat clearing, neck stretching, prolonged eye blinking, jaw stretching and just recently he added a second tic when he ran a fever. This tic has us very concerned because it is an eye rolling movement. He basically rolls his eyes back towards the top of his head and the tics increase with light. It can be through television, computer, disco ball lights like they have at roller rinks or the bowling alley even if it is too sunny in the car. His eyes hurt and this constant tic causes him to have head aches. Trying to get lab tests for my kid is a nightmare and we are switching pediatricians because just learning to live with it is not an option for us. I'm outraged by the way our pediatrician has dealt with us. I feel we pay a fortune in medical premiums and I feel we have every right to get to the bottom of what is causing this. After all it's the reason we carry insurance to take care of our childrens health. I believe in our case there is a definate connection between that vaccine, his excema and his tics. I believe the vaccine damaged his basal ganglia which in turn has effected movement and has also damaged his immune system resulting in allergies. He was born a healthy child until that vaccine. We have no family history of tics/tourettes or allergies on either side.



I read a post on here about a 'connection' between tics & eczema but that post was in 2006 and I've found nothing more recent. Has anyone else noticed a corelation between the two?

I posted on here a couple of weeks ago when my son was first diagnosed with a tic. (shaking his head) He will be 4 yrs old next week. I looked back at some notes I had jotted down last year....that's about the time I first noticed his eczema. Within a week of noticing his first bit of eczema, he blinked his eyes alot for about a week....then stopped. Looking back on it, I assume that was probably a tic. His eczema is not horrible....he seems to get it more in the warm months and it's usually on the insides of his elbows, tops of ears and occassionally neck. His head shaking has seemed to subside for the most part also. I took him to a chiropractor and he said that my son had 2 vertebra out of alignment in his neck. We made 2 visits and they were back in place. He MIGHT shake his head 1 -2 times a day now. (if at all)


So, my questions are, does anyone else have any experience with tics and eczema together? In the 2006 post I read, the mother took her daughter to a natureopath. I've never been to one of those but am open to doing so. Can anyone give me input on what to expect, if they are accurate and your experiences with them? :blink:







I was looking for something on the forum and read this thread, must have missed it before. Just wanted to say WAY TO GO on requesting the VAERS report!

Did he do it?


This is not about eczema but thought you might want to read it. The 2nd article is from a Merck website . Go figure. bolding mine





In the unvaccinated group, there were no significant associations between pertussis infection and atopic disorders. In the vaccinated group, all associations between pertussis infection and atopic disorders were positive, the associations with asthma [odds ratio (OR) = 2.24, 95% confidence interval (CI95%): 1.36-3.70], hay fever (OR = 2.35, CI95%: 1.46-3.77) and food allergy (OR = 2.68, CI95%: 1.48-4.85) being significant. There was a positive association between pertussis infection and atopic disorders in the pertussis vaccinated group only. From the present study, it cannot be concluded whether this association is causal or due to reverse causation.


Does reverse causation suggest that these kids may have developed these allergies because they didn't get the vaccination? Yep, I bet that's it. I bet my boys wouldn't have had allergies if I would have dosed them with MORE alum, mercury and antigens. :unsure:




But trends in developed countries toward smaller families with fewer children, cleaner indoor environments, and early use of vaccinations and antibiotics may deprive children of these exposures and inhibit TH2-cell suppression; such behavioral changes may explain the increased prevalence of some allergic disorders. Other factors thought to contribute to allergy development include chronic allergen exposure and sensitization, diet, and physical activity.


He said he would and he is required by law to report it. We also told him we wanted a hard copy of the incident report to keep for our own files.

I've read so many article on tic, autism, ADHD, seizures, as I'm sure everyone else here has. I can not help but believe there is not only a correlation to the vaccines but also a correlations between these disorders. I believe they are all contained in a single category but are different spectrums. Not for every case but for most.


Here is a really good article on vaccinations, really makes you think.








I was looking for something on the forum and read this thread, must have missed it before. Just wanted to say WAY TO GO on requesting the VAERS report!

Did he do it?


This is not about eczema but thought you might want to read it. The 2nd article is from a Merck website . Go figure. bolding mine





In the unvaccinated group, there were no significant associations between pertussis infection and atopic disorders. In the vaccinated group, all associations between pertussis infection and atopic disorders were positive, the associations with asthma [odds ratio (OR) = 2.24, 95% confidence interval (CI95%): 1.36-3.70], hay fever (OR = 2.35, CI95%: 1.46-3.77) and food allergy (OR = 2.68, CI95%: 1.48-4.85) being significant. There was a positive association between pertussis infection and atopic disorders in the pertussis vaccinated group only. From the present study, it cannot be concluded whether this association is causal or due to reverse causation.


Does reverse causation suggest that these kids may have developed these allergies because they didn't get the vaccination? Yep, I bet that's it. I bet my boys wouldn't have had allergies if I would have dosed them with MORE alum, mercury and antigens. :blink:




But trends in developed countries toward smaller families with fewer children, cleaner indoor environments, and early use of vaccinations and antibiotics may deprive children of these exposures and inhibit TH2-cell suppression; such behavioral changes may explain the increased prevalence of some allergic disorders. Other factors thought to contribute to allergy development include chronic allergen exposure and sensitization, diet, and physical activity.

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