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We recently discovered that our son has a transient motor tic. Our pediatrician (who isn't much help at all) basically told us it's no big deal. He said he will either outgrow it or basically have it for life and told us a story about his cousin who has a similar tic which hasn't inteferred with her day to day life. The general advice was that we should just live with it, the only other option is giving him Haldol (not an option for us). In the past week I've noticed that my son has added a tic to the one he is already exhibiting. He makes this jaw stretching movement where he sticks his tounge out. Yesterday he was sent home from school with a fever and began rolling his eyes towards the upper corner of his head which in turn gave him a headache because he can't control it and had been doing it all day. My son had seizure activity as an infant following a hep B vaccine. He began having the seizures within 24 hours of the vaccine and it was never reported to VAERS ( I recently discovered this and am in the process of reporting it). He was put on phenobarbital for 4 months to control the seizure activity and developed severe excema along with night terrors and a very accute sense of smell along with the tic that began at the age of 6. I've been reading about adverse reactions to hep B Vaccine and have seen a similar pattern of these symptoms in children.


Anyway it is like pulling teeth trying to get blood work done to determine if his system contains high levels of metals or to get an allergist to test him based on tics/tourettes. I finally asked if they could test him on the basis of his excema and they agreed. Whenever I talk to my pediatrician or other physicians they make me feel as though I'm a loon for even suggesting that this may be the root of the problem. There are only 3 environmental physicians in our state that I can find. Does anyone know if they accept insurance?? My insurance co seemed taken back by the question. We have finally gotten to the point that we are ready to switch pediatricians because ours doesn't seem to want to know the root of the problem and we just find this unacceptable. He is a huge proponent of vaccination and that is not helping our case much either. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We have started to change our diet to all organic, have been giving him Omega 3 supplement and a multi vitamin but we haven't seen a change in tics other than the additional tic he is experiencing.


The cost for these various treatments adds up quick. A visit to a homeopath in our area is $250.00. I saw that one of your members was recommending liquid vitamin at $70.00 a bottle. In addition to all the other supplements and switching to all organic foods the cost is staggering.

We will pay whatever it costs, I'm just having a hard time accepting the fact the my Insurance Provider will not cover any of these costs considering my premiums are through the roof.


Hi Ruby23,


Welcome to the group. You will find a lot of help and support thru this forum. It has definitely been a great resource for me. I like you, am a newbie to this board. My daughter presents eye tics and twitching. I have been giving her some magnesium in the form of a supplement called "Natural calm". There is also a kids version of this called Kids calm. I chose natural calm as it had no other flavor (these days I am suspicious of even natural flavorings). In our case, it does seem to help a little. It has been only 10 days since we started her on the supplement; so we will see.


We are also scheduled for an appt with the environmental physician. Hopefully, it will answer our questions about the root cause of her tics.





We recently discovered that our son has a transient motor tic. Our pediatrician (who isn't much help at all) basically told us it's no big deal. He said he will either outgrow it or basically have it for life and told us a story about his cousin who has a similar tic which hasn't inteferred with her day to day life. The general advice was that we should just live with it, the only other option is giving him Haldol (not an option for us). In the past week I've noticed that my son has added a tic to the one he is already exhibiting. He makes this jaw stretching movement where he sticks his tounge out. Yesterday he was sent home from school with a fever and began rolling his eyes towards the upper corner of his head which in turn gave him a headache because he can't control it and had been doing it all day. My son had seizure activity as an infant following a hep B vaccine. He began having the seizures within 24 hours of the vaccine and it was never reported to VAERS ( I recently discovered this and am in the process of reporting it). He was put on phenobarbital for 4 months to control the seizure activity and developed severe excema along with night terrors and a very accute sense of smell along with the tic that began at the age of 6. I've been reading about adverse reactions to hep B Vaccine and have seen a similar pattern of these symptoms in children.


Anyway it is like pulling teeth trying to get blood work done to determine if his system contains high levels of metals or to get an allergist to test him based on tics/tourettes. I finally asked if they could test him on the basis of his excema and they agreed. Whenever I talk to my pediatrician or other physicians they make me feel as though I'm a loon for even suggesting that this may be the root of the problem. There are only 3 environmental physicians in our state that I can find. Does anyone know if they accept insurance?? My insurance co seemed taken back by the question. We have finally gotten to the point that we are ready to switch pediatricians because ours doesn't seem to want to know the root of the problem and we just find this unacceptable. He is a huge proponent of vaccination and that is not helping our case much either. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We have started to change our diet to all organic, have been giving him Omega 3 supplement and a multi vitamin but we haven't seen a change in tics other than the additional tic he is experiencing.


The cost for these various treatments adds up quick. A visit to a homeopath in our area is $250.00. I saw that one of your members was recommending liquid vitamin at $70.00 a bottle. In addition to all the other supplements and switching to all organic foods the cost is staggering.

We will pay whatever it costs, I'm just having a hard time accepting the fact the my Insurance Provider will not cover any of these costs considering my premiums are through the roof.


It is very possible that the fever and the increase of tics are related....have you ever had his strep titers tested?


(ASO and AntiDNAase B )


Hi Ruby,


Welcome. The fever that Kelly mentioned jumped out at me too. No matter what variety of tic disorder your son has, it seems that illness will cause a temporary increase in (almost) all kids that tic.


You also just stumbled upon something I learned here. Tests are not run for tics because, "It's just a tic; It will go away, or it won't." Tests are run for eczema and stomach problems though.


Is your son still six, Ruby? And if I may ask, when was he last vaccinated?





I find it funny that your pediatrician diagnosed it as a transient motor tic yet said he may have it for life. If your child has it for life than its not a transient tics, transient tics are the ones that go away hence the name-transient.


If you arent happy with your childs doc then switch for sure!!


Our Pediatrician said it is a transient tic because it is constantly changing form. It started out as throat clearing and then shoulder shrugging, prolonged eye blinking, jaw stretching and now in addition he's added rolling his eyes since the fever. He was last vaccinated about 3 years ago and will not be having any more vaccination. I do believe there is a definate link the more I read. There is a great article on this topic which is enlightening. The industry is well aware of the correlation between vaccination/heavy metal poisoning and disorders such as autism, ADHD, tics and other disorders. These vaccinations do not only contain mercury but also aluminum and formaldahyde (toxin) The first two years are crucial to brain development and Mercury is fat soluable and tends to be stored in the brain region. Read the following article http://www.mercola.com/display/router.aspx?docid=28511 My understanding and the theorey I lean towards is that these vaccinations interfere with brain development and cause an immune deficiency which in turn causes the allergies to all of the additives and environmental chemicals. Metals increasingly accumulate in our systems due to pollutants, fish consumption, cookware, causing the condition to worsen. I've read many posts on this site that you need to address the allergies at first but the more I read I believe the place to start is to detox. As I said earlier my son went into intense seizures with 24 hours of receiving his Hep B vaccine. I would like to say it may have been with 6-12 hours. Other than that it was a normal healthy birth. I'm a healthy person and we have no family history of these allergies, Tics or seizures. My son is 9 years old now.



I find it funny that your pediatrician diagnosed it as a transient motor tic yet said he may have it for life. If your child has it for life than its not a transient tics, transient tics are the ones that go away hence the name-transient.


If you arent happy with your childs doc then switch for sure!!


I have not had his strep titers tested?? I'm sure if I ask his pediatrician to order these tests he will refuse. I'm having a hard enough time getting tests run for heavy metals because they see no need. I'm in the process of switching pediatricians. I'm pregnant and am due April 14. I basically got in a knock down drag out argument about vaccinating our daugher last week with a midwife of all people. The pressure to vaccinate is incredible. After all Merck pulls in 800-900 million annually in vaccines. That figure may just be for Hep B. I just find it interesting the cases of Tics, Tourettes, ADHD, Autism and seizures have skyrocketed in the past years since the vaccine requirements have tripled. Also interesting is the study on the Amish Community that had 1 case of Autism in a community of 15,000. That one child was adopted from overseas and had to go through the vaccination process to enter this country. The Amish do not vaccinate their children. It is against their religious beliefs. It's quite obvious to me that there is a definite correlation.




It is very possible that the fever and the increase of tics are related....have you ever had his strep titers tested?


(ASO and AntiDNAase B )


Isa sees a pediatric neurologist and she has the same type of thing but its been going on for over a year, she keeps one main tic which is her arms but her other change form. The doc calls hers Chronic Multi Focal Tic disorder. Thats interesting that they have two different terms when they sound so similar, Im going to have to check that out, gotta love google.

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