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concerned fiance


I just did a quick search on Google for "seroquel side effects" and I was very alarmed at what I found...especially as many of the top results dealt with lawsuits against the manufacturer of the drug...and there are warnings that is has especially bad side effects IN WOMEN!!!!

Apparantly any doctor prescribing it is obliged to warn the patient of the serious risk of side effects, especially that of tardive dyskinesia, which is a majorly serious and non-reversible side effect!


You are very right to be proactive on this, and, tho your fiance may not understand it now, one day she will thank you!

I am not trying to suggest that she shouldnt be on medication, I am not a doctor and I do know that some people need meds....BUT

it is very clear from your posts, and from what I have just read, that she is having a bad reaction to seroquel!


Please stay in touch and let us know how things are going


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I did the same thing! There are so many horrible side affects. I have created a document I'd like to show her and her family about how people have reacted to Seroquel. Most of the responses are from women who have experienced horrible side affects. This is stressing me out so bad. Would it be correct to assume that her lack of interest in me all of the sudden shouldn't be taken personal and I should blame it on the medications she is taking? It was an overnight change. It is really scaring me. My mother told me that I should be careful because every medicine is going to be on the internet with horror stories behind them. I know this is true, but I've looked up many medicines before and never seen any with such horrible side affects as this. And the worst part is that I haven't only read them, but I've been watching her HAVE them. The more I look into it the more I can pinpoint exactly what she is telling me she feels. I'm not doctor and I know I can't prescribe her medicines, but I don't think she was warned about any of these side affects or even knows how this may affect her. I'm worried enough today I haven't been able to contact her, I think she's been in bed all day still. Something will have to change tomorrow, it's getting too late now but I am going to do something to fix this tomorrow. I can't stand the agony that this is putting her through. I was doing some reading and I came to find that Seroquel is for people who are possibly a little too hyper and need to tone it down (Seroquel brings you down from being hyper) whereas Wellbutrin is the opposite and takes someone who is depressed and brings them UP to a normal state. My brother takes Wellbrutin and he is doing very well and I know no 2 people are the same, but my fiance is VERY depressed without her medicines... suicidal many times. After reading the difference between Wellbutrin and Seroquel, wouldn't Wellbutrin sound like a better choice for her? I feel bad for pestering everyone so much with this, but this has me so worried that I haven't eaten in 4 days and I slept only 2 nights of those 4 days. I can only think of how bad she must be feeling and wonder what I can do to help. I guess it's a safe assumption that I love her more than anything and am willing to do anything for her. So, what is everyones opinions on Wellbutrin? Or are there any other medicines that may work better for a suicidal and bipolar person?


I'm not sure but she is Bipolar and she is apparently pyschotic. She was in a pyschiatric ward for about a year. I suppose this was the reason they are trying Seroquel on her? It's a pysch drug. Would it help to describe it? She tries to cut herself from time to time and she feels worthless, never really angry, she doesn't get rage she gets so emotionally upset and worthless feeling that she feels she should just die.


wow! tough to deal with all that.

my heart goes out to her, and to you. she really is so blessed to have you to care for her


Most of us here are dealing more with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorder, and also have predominantly negative views on medications. But, as in the case of your beloved, there are more serious conditions that need more drastic intervention.

I am just wondering if you would get more experienced input over at BrainTalk Forums.


Many folks there who have vast experience with the pros and cons of various medications.

There are numerous forums, each devoted to specific issues so i am going to give you the main index and you can browse and see which category fits best.


these are the forums for specific neurological conditions



and these are the "general" forums



Please do stay in touch here too tho, as we care and will be keeping you in our prayers



Chemar is right, your fiance's situation is more complicated and more 'risky' than the one's that we face. The sites she recommended are a better resource.


I think it is reasonable to assume her recent lack of interest is associated with her current condition. Right now she needs a friend!


Your fiance definitely needs professional guidance in coming off or changing her medication, given her history. Good luck and God bless you both. I am sending prayers for you and her tonight.




Dear concerned,


I suggest you start with the threads for her known bi-polar condition. Here it is--it looks like a very active site.




Please keep in mind that not all sites focus on alternative (non-pharmaceutical) methods. And for bi-polar, I have no idea whether alternative methods even have a role.


But in general, this site and the Harvard site above (hastypasty) have extremely intelligent and well-researched posters who want to help others.





I am so glad you have started to post at BrainTalk too.



let me know if you need help navigating the many relevant forums there.

I know it can be daunting at times as it is so vast.


Also, do please check your private message box there (top right of screen) as there are some folks who will PM you too.



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lynee

I'm usually over at the BrainTalk forum but see lots of familiar names over here!

My son has been on Seroquel for 1/2 yrs now and it seems to be helping with none of the side-effects you describe here. Of course, there could be some that we're not aware are side-effects! He takes quite a high dose, 900mg/day as our Dr. said that tests showed this drug needed a high dose. He's also a big guy at about 190 lbs.

My question here is has anyone mixed 5HTP or Tryptophan with Seroquel? We've tried many of the SSRI's for the moods and obsessions, but nothing is working and our new Naturopathic Dr. has suggested 5HTP.

Any ideas?

  • 2 months later...

HI My name is Sara I am 17 and about 2 months ago I was diagnosed (please excuse my spelling if its wrong) with severe depression, severe anxiety, and severe neurological disorders. I was put on seroquel 100mg along with 225mg's of effexor daily to basically knock me out at night. When I wake up in the morning i cant remember what I did the night before. Well I was just wondering if any one or knows of any one who was given effexor to put you to sleep. I'm not bipolar or schizophrenic. It was given to me to sleep. Please if any one knows any thing please e-mail me at lilmammasea420@yahoo.com Thank You!


Sara ^_^

Guest Guest_Michelle

This reply is for Sarah,

My doctor also gave me seroquel to sleep. I am not psychotic either and Im nervouse about being on it. I am taking half the dosage as my friend who is severely ill with schizophreneia. It works wonders for her.Of course that is what its for. He also gave me wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is making my ears ring and the seroquel makes me crazy. I cant remember anything. When i take it at night its like im heavily drugged and I cant see straight. Dizzy, spaced out feel like all around crap Horrible dreams..cant tell fantasy from reality. I dont want to discourage you but I feel like we are all just lab rats. seroquel is an a-typical antipsychotic which means they have been seeing results in patients that are not psychotic but at this point you can believe that its all an experiment.

be careful. Im going off this crap

  • 2 months later...
Guest Guest_Shirley

To all you Sero

quel users:


My daughter in law has been on this drug and is now in the hospital with seizures. They haven't stablized her blood pressure and have padded her bed rails as a precaustion of more seizures. She stumbles around like a very drunk person and remembers nothing the next day. She is only 20 yrs old. What happens to her when the sorry quacks get finished ruining her life?


Stop taking this trash. Save your life.

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