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Mouth Wiping Tic


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Anyone know how to help my son who has a mouth wiping tic? He'll use the sleeve at his wrist or his shirt at his shoulder to wipe his mouth and it causes his lips and sides of mouth to become red and look swollen or like clown lips. He says he feels like he has excess saliva and has to wipe it. I told him to gently take a finger and lightly wipe it if he feels the urge. He was trying that today, so hopefully that'll continue. Thanks for any and all ideas.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anna, how do we know if it is a tic or a compulsion, like OCD? Maybe we'd understand how to treat it. I can understand eye rolling being a tic you can't control, but wiping your nose or mouth seems a little different. I wonder if those are two they could ignore the urge to do? Just wondering.

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Hi Cheri,

Would it be okay to give him a small amount of 5-HTP in the evening. He is 10, and although his pediatrician is open-minded, did various tests we wanted, I don't know if I should ask him for the 5-HTP or not. I actually have some at home I bought for myself. The only thing he takes is magnesium taurate , 375 a day, and liquid zinc, magnesium, and choline, small amounts. I want to start really small, cause it's scary messing with the brain neurotransmitters, to me. I suppose it could increase tics just like any other supplement you give your child? Thanks.

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