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Environmental allergies trigger tics


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Just want to mention that i notice a correlation bet environmental allergies and my son's tics, in particular the vocal & facial tics.


It has been a year a half and he is about 95% better. Because he has such minor vocal that it is easy to notice an increase. Whenever he is a woodsy area with lots of trees and grass, and especially on a very windy day during the allergy season, that's when i notice an increase in vocal and nose twitch. When he twitches his nose, he says he feels something in there.


I think this is important to those of you who are searching for tic triggers because it would help you decide which direction you want to take with you child's treatment plan.


I do believe that by treating my son's allergies, it helps with his tics.




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I am taking a comprehensive approach thru diet ( eating mostly organic and drinking purified water), excercise, stress management, limit TV and no video games, and alternative treatments.


The alternative treatments that we used are: chiropractic, acupuncture, craniosacrol, chinese medicine, NAET and naturopathic dr.


In this process, i have gone thru 3 chiropractors, 3 NDs and 2 CS therapiest.


As of now, we are seeing a ND who does CST and another ND who does NAET. I am also giving my son about 44 mg of magnesium ( kid's calm ) a day.



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