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Hi @Conanjaguar

My son found Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) really helpful. His CBT therapist was very experienced with TS & tics, and taught him coping skills for those social circumstances where tics were being bothersome.

My son also found acupuncture of benefit for tics in general, and his Integrative physician also recommended l-carnitine short term for very intrusive vocal tics, which actually did help.

I should also mention that my son has always been upfront in explaining that he has tics. Most people, even the kids back then at school. were pretty ok once they understood.

I know people are all different in terms of what seems to work for them. Hope you find relief.


Thanks @Chemar.

I will look into those options, especially l-carnitine.

As a rule, I’m usually quiet and reserved, but occasionally may seem to expand my tiny circle of acquaintances … and, indeed, explaining that I have tics often works.

Thanks again for your advice :).

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