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I have a 6 year old son.
Current diagnosis ADHD with Autistic tendencies and possible periodic fever syndrome (seeing a rheumatologist who is running tests etc)
When he was born he struggled to nurse and bottle feed, he struggled with transitioning to solid food. He was a picky eater.
Struggled with speech and still sees a speech and language therapist
He had reoccurring ear perforations and ear infections from 3- 5. he had grommets at age 5
He is sensitive to loud noise
ADHD diagnosis at age 5 in May
November 2017 he had a strep throat infection.
He became angry in school, throwing things, having huge meltdowns, the same would happen at school, visits to the principle, class room had to be evacuated. Picked skin off his fingers around his nails, he struggled with transitions and change. 
From that point on he has had monthly fevers, sore throat, negative strep test. behavior before the fever is always worse with meltdowns and anger. 
His most recent flare showed his Streptolysin A ob as 2150,  his non flare resluts showed the strep to be 800 (normal is apparently below 200.)  He also gad high C reactive protein and ESR levels. The bloods were done because he is under investigation for PFAPA.
Originally when he was sick and given antibiotics I blamed the preservatives in the antibiotics and food color for the change in his behavior. But as monthly fevers and throat pain came with negative throat swabs and no antibiotics but still his behavior deteriorated I cant blame the meds!
Everything I have read about pandas says It includes OCD and ticks. I only see mild anxiety and finger picking, plus the behavior issues. I also know that he had symptoms of sensory issues from birth. 
I am completely lost. I feel like there is something else going on with my kiddo, Its not "just adhd" I see a pattern with flares and behavior. 
I am posting here in hope that if there is no such thing as mild pandas, that other kids may have similar symptoms and have a diagnosis that may be more relevant. 


Hi, my son's diagnosis at 4 was the same as your son's....ADHD with autistic like behaviors. He had chronic ear infections, stayed sick... strep and anything else going around...picky eater.. tantrums at school..speech delays. My son is now 10 and was diagnosed with PANs at age 8. We're currently undergoing treatments to cure him of this horrible disorder. Recently we found out his speech delays are due to him having tongue thrust or deviate swallow. Like your son, he didn't latch as a baby. Once this is corrected, speech starts flowing. He's doing myo functional therapy to correct the tongue thrust. We spent 7 years in speech and no one ever thought to check his swallow and tongue placement. You should look into it for your son too. Hope this helps.


My DS 14 wasn’t diagnosed until age 12, but was told that his first onset was probably when he stopped eating solid food at age 14 months.  He only would eat jarred baby food after that.  This occurred after a virus.  It took years for him to learn to chew after that.  


I have a child who has had a tongue resection due to a genetic abnormality.  (non PANS)  She had severe eating, swallowing and speech issues when she was young.  We were very successful with the PROMPT method of speech therapy.

About the loud sounds, I am looking into Tomatis Listening Program for this issue as well.  I would really appreciate if anybody can chime in with insight into any listening program and its successes eg Tomatis, ILS and AIT.  These programs claim wonders, but are not cheap.  I would love to hear personal stories about them.  Tomatis even claims to do very well for autistic spectrum kids with sound, claiming that the unbalanced auditory input can cause ASD's.  I have spoken to the Listening Centre in Toronto.  They seem extremely positive, but am wondering about real life feedback.

Thank you!!!

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