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MSG-How long should it take to clear out of system?

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Hi everyone! This is my first time posting. I have spent countless hours on this forum reading such helpful advice. I have a question regarding my almost 7 year old boy Daniel. Daniel has had tourettes since he was 3. From doing so much reading on this web site I have come to the understanding that Daniel's tourettes seems to be mainly induced by MSG, Yellow #5, Red #40, and high fructose corn syrup. When he does not have these in his diet he is tic free. I have had him on Bonnie's TS-Plus for a least 6 months. Also he is taking glycin, L-glutamine (per doctor's request), and omega 3. I took him off Bonnie's supplements about a month ago, due to the high expense level, and started using a combination of vitamins very close to her regimine but not exact (he is no longer on taurine I am giving him Magnesium Citrate). However, I am just perplexed because on Monday I accidently gave my son MSG. We are two and half days past when he had it and he is still having severe eye rolling and neck jerking. From his patterns before, because I have kept food logs, I expected him to have symptoms for a least a day but not this long. I am wondering what thoughts may be out there in terms of how long does it take to metabolize msg out of the system? What he had Monday was autolzyed yeast exact and hydrolyzed corn gluten. They were in "Tyson" chicken nuggets. I should have absolutely known better to read the label but got complacent. <_<


Also, one thing about Bonnie's vitamins that really confused me was the Calcium to Mag ratio. It was 1 to 1 instead of 2 to 1. I really started getting concerned that perhaps he was getting too much Mag on Bonnies supplements. Any thoughts on that too?


Thanks so much for your input.

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Hi and welcome <_<


I am not sure how long MSG takes to be fully cleared from the system but I know my son can have days of increased tics if he is exposed to it


It was Bonnie herself who, some years back on the old braintalk, advised that calcium to magnesium ratio should be 2:1 so I am not sure as to why her own supp has a different ratio...


just do remember to also take into account the calcium (and magnesium) that he is getting from dietary sources, so you may well be giving a good balance


One thing I have learned about TS, as opposed to the other tic disorders, is that sometimes waxing can occur with no clearly defined "trigger"...altho I feel sure something internal or external is likely triggering.

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