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did i read somewhere on here that when choosing a fish oil supp, one should ONLY look for Omega 3 and NOT Omega 6? If I'm not imagining I read that, what is the reasoning for it?

Can anyone recommend a good one for children. (4yo) Right now i have Nature's Bounty brand (for adults) but i see it says both omega 3 and 6 on the bottle. Should i try thay myself or look for an omega 3 type only?


Thank you!



fishoil is Omega 3 mainly (also found in flaxseeds)


Omega 6 and 9 is found more in Borage, evening primrose


People with autoimmune issues should avoid or be careful of too much extra 6 & 9 and take more 3

Omega 6 especially promotes a good inflammatory response BUT often that is already too high in autoimmunity.


Carlson makes a good oil for kids I seem to recall as does Nordic Naturals I think


Dear Chemar -


I am confused - and hope you can help me :-)


For a year now my child has taken EyeQ with both omega 3 and omega 6, based on recommendations on the danish touretteforum.


It seems he is doing well taking it.


Why should people with autoimmune issues avoid extra omega 6 (and 9) ??


Love -





sorry.........I have reworded my post above to clarify


omega 6 is really good and many with TS can safely use it with good results (eg Borage Oil for ADHD etc) but when there is autoimmune triggered inflammation, then one definitely wants to watch the Omega 6 intake especially, but we were cautioned to go slow on omega 9 too. that doesnt mean one should totally avoid them in the diet...just to use caution when supplementing with them


Omega 6 is needed by the body to have a healthy inflammatory response function, but in autoimmunity triggered inflammation, adding omega 6 (and possibly 9) could cause inflammation to flare


we learned this the hard way as my son has successfully taken Omega 3,6,9 combo for years (flaxseed, borage,evening primrose oils) but once he was dx with crohn's, we were told to keep the Omega 3 (reduces inflammation) but let him only have the Omega 6 & 9 from regular diet rich in EFA foods but not to supplement extra


hope that clarifies !


I have posted before about the omega 3 issue. My son's doctor who treats his PANDAS suggested that we start him on Max EPA fish oil with omega 3's only, and told us to avoid the omega 6's, based on research which shows that most individuals today have an imbalance in omega 3's and 6's which can cause neuropsychologic issues. This imbalance is an ambundance of omega 6's and a shortage of omega 3's. Therefore it does no good to supplement 3's if we are also adding more 6's. This imbalance of course is due to improper diet, etc. So not every child would suffer if they have good eating habits. Also, the supplement should contain a 2:1 EPA/DHA concentration (EPA being higher). Nordic Naturals is a good brand but you do need to be careful with the childs formulas as some of them will contain the omega 6 & 9's. Also NSI makes a good brand. I give my children the adult version. I get it from vitacost.com. I am going to post an article that I have posted before that speaks to fish oil benefits. I think for some children it is very beneficial. But some children are very sensitive and are not able to take it. Just like everything else, it is very individualized.


Review of Fatty Acids / Fish Oil



did i read somewhere on here that when choosing a fish oil supp, one should ONLY look for Omega 3 and NOT Omega 6? If I'm not imagining I read that, what is the reasoning for it?

Can anyone recommend a good one for children. (4yo) Right now i have Nature's Bounty brand (for adults) but i see it says both omega 3 and 6 on the bottle. Should i try thay myself or look for an omega 3 type only?


Thank you!



Hi! I have found a great brand at Eckerd Drug Stores. It is called Mega Smarts for kid's. It is a chewable that is flavored with orange. The EPA is 20% higher than the DHA which I read was better on a forum. My 6 year old didn't like chewing them because the oil stayed in his mouth so I squirt them in vanilla yogurt and he loves it. Hope this might help!

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