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Neck pain causes neck tic?

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Hi all,


Lately, my son would complain about the right side of his neck hurts and it would make him want to turn his head from left to right. After the movement, it does not REDUCE the pain. At first i thought maybe he is having the urge to tic, but after he does the head turn ( looks like he is stretching and not fast like his head nodding tic), the pain REMAINS. And he would complain about it all day.


What seems to help is the magnesium cream. I would apply it on the sore area and it helps with the pain & head movement.


Is the pain typical of tic symptoms? I am wondering if there is something else going on!


He also tells me sometimes his leg would hurt and it causes his leg to kick. Again, after the kick, it does not alleviate the pain. The good thing is that his leg pain does not linger and it is short lived. The neck pain seem to last longer and bothers him more.



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No, my son's tic is very mild, to most people is unnoticeable. And when he is waxing, the cycle is getting shorter, less tics, less intense & less frequent. I cannot pinpoint the one thing that makes a major difference but rather a comprehensive approach; environmental control, food restriction and alternative treatments.


Is it possible to tic while sleeping?



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No, my son's tic is very mild, to most people is unnoticeable. And when he is waxing, the cycle is getting shorter, less tics, less intense & less frequent. I cannot pinpoint the one thing that makes a major difference but rather a comprehensive approach; environmental control, food restriction and alternative treatments.


Is it possible to tic while sleeping?



When my son had the bad tic episode, I noticed he was ticcing in his sleep also. Has anyone else noticed tics while sleeping?

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Yes, it's possible to tic while your sleeping. As a child, for a period of time I ticced while I was sleeping. That went away.


Patty-I replied to the neck pain on the chelation update post.



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Dear Patty -


My son complains about pain in his neck in periods too.


I have done a diary on my sons symptoms of all kinds for two years now, and reading that, I noticed, that his neck pain was and is allways related to an infection and caused by enlarged lymph nodes. In my sons case it´s like this : Infection causes enlarged lymph nodes, which causes pain in the neck AND more tics and/or OCD.


Mostly the infections has been cured by an ordinary penicillincure, and the pain was gone.


Hoping not to scare you - or anyone else : A few times however the infections (caused by streptococcus and associated with neck pain) developed to toxic shock and a single time to ADEM, Acute Disseminated EncephaloMyelitis, that is an infection in the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord, comparable with meningitis.


I think it is very important knowing that neck pain CAN be (but not necessarily is!) associated with all the above mentioned (and probably more, that I don´t know of), and bring ones child to a doctor, if one has any doubts what causes the pain.

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