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I thought I read a thread, can't find it now, on other options to mix this with. I just got this yesterday and mixed it iwth the water but my son did not like it and had a hard time to get it down and had a tummy ache after. I was giving him the magnesium capsles and would open them and mix in his yogurt can this be donw with this also or does it need to be with water to make it work best. Thanks for any help





I think this has to be dissolved in hot water first. (I use a similar product called SuperMag).

I microwave about a 1/2 shotglass of water in a cup (about 15 seconds) then add 1/2 tsp of the product and let it dissolve (2 seconds), then add a splash of pure orange juice (or other acceptable fruit juice, for us not one with high fructose corn syrup). I don't think he will detect the taste of the product. My son routinely drinks this a.m. and p.m. Trick is to just let the amount he has to swallow only be a few sips, otherwise if you add too much juice, it will take forever for him to finish it and maybe some of it will be wasted.




I mix 1 t. per 1 oz. of water. Of course, I boiling the water first and then mix it together and put it in the refrigerator. That way I have it pre-made and pour the appropriate amount in a glass and add my juice. I think it helps to have it cold.


Thanks everone...yes he does like V8, actually we just started to get the new V8 wtih the fruit and the orange flavor. I just put it in and stirred it up real good and he gulped it down quickly. My husband even tried it...I want to get the adult strenght next time for him, he gets migranes and it might help that. He is still using this while we have it, just makes it stronger than we do for our son.


Thanks again for your help




I got the adult with calcium and it helped alot with my migranes. Just a warning, if you have problems with kidney stones, stear clear. After one week, I had a huge 6mm kidney stone that had to be surgically removed. Very painful. I should have known as I have a history of kidney stones. Anyway, I gave it to my sister, and she loves it also. Just FYI.




Thanks alot...I will have to order that next time I order it. he has never had any kidney stones so hopefully he won't have a problem with it. Thanks for letting me know.





I got the adult with calcium and it helped alot with my migranes. Just a warning, if you have problems with kidney stones, stear clear. After one week, I had a huge 6mm kidney stone that had to be surgically removed. Very painful. I should have known as I have a history of kidney stones. Anyway, I gave it to my sister, and she loves it also. Just FYI.



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