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Tic Tamer side effects

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I'm a mom to a 14 yr old boy who has TS. I would say that in the last 6 months the tics are quite intense. He has started taking CALM (calcium and magnesium ) and. I recently decided after many days and nights of research, reading comments, breaking down the ingredients .. To order Native Remedies Tic Tamer. I've heard so many times always listen to that voice within .. My intuition, Conscience, told me not to order it but I did, then I received it and I waited to give it to him. Well today was his 2nd day of having the recommended .50 ml but I have only given it once a day for 2 days. The bottle says up to 3-5x a day.

Ive heard using the Kids CALM or CALM with tic tamer from many reviewers have been quite successful.

My son has only been taking CALM (calcium & Magnesium ) for 2 weeks. I believe that it's helping because a day without his Tics are definitely worse.

So back to Tic Tamer ,I gave him the stated amount in a bit if cold water and he did drink it. I thought he was going to say the taste was awful but it was tasteless to him.

He went to school and about 4 hours later he felt nauseated .. Headache .. Stomach ache.. Just not good! I brought him home and I have to say that I'm not sure how suck he was feeling but I noticed the tics were at bay.

I was in the kitchen.. He was in the living room playing a video game or watching TV and usually that's when they are at their worst. Very loud. Foot stomping, vocal tics louder than usual.. But I heard nothing for a solid 45 minutes!!!!

Maybe that doesn't sound like a long time but for my son he can barely go a minute in between each tick.

I haven't wanted to get my hopes up but by the evening 7-8 hours later his ticks were back full force!

Did it wear off? Were they even more intense ? Did he feel ill from the hyoscyamine ( 30 C) the one ingredient that kept me from ordering Tic Tamer. It's all hard to dicifer between the positive and negatives.

Today, before heading to the chiropractor ...I gave him the same amount in water. This time he didn't complain of feeling sick until this evening at 8:30 pm the same time I felt the Tic Tamer wore off the night prior.

I apologize if this isnt to the point but right now things are a bit confusing.

I've emailed Native Remedies twice re: the ingredients and then again with the physical ailments. Nothing back yet.

I will update Friday Eve !

Has anyone else experienced nausea or side effects from Tic Tamer?


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Hello and welcome.


I have no personal experience with Tic Tamer so cannot comment. I would suggest calling Native Remedies if they do not reply to emails


re the CALM...are you using Natural Vitality's Natural Calm? or another product? I thought they had discontinued the Kid's Calm other than a multi?

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HI and Thank you!!

Yes I will give them a call. I was hoping to hear back but I do want answers. I'm considering finding a holistic Dr. I'm just not sure that I'm comfortable giving suppliments and herbal remedies without understanding his make up as well as the combinations.

So Yes I found Kids Calm (Natural Vitality) at a local HFS. I purchased it I believe 6 months ago? I have also heard Amazon had it but it wasn't the same as the store bought for many. They also made packets to go.. Samples if you will.

Hopefully we won't have an issue finding it because it's a battle to get him to take anything.

Thanks so much for responding to my post. I was exhausted last night so I'm sure it was a bit all over the place. Lately that seems to be the norm.

I will update when and if I find anything out.

Btw, I didn't give the TT today and he felt better. Nausea was gone. Ticks were constant but he didn't feel sick as he did the two days he drank the TIck Tamer. ....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jules46, My son took native remedies tic tamer for about 3 months a couple of years ago, but i discontinued because I really didnt see any difference. I am glad that you have had some relief. It did however, take about a week for his system to get used to the native rememdies. That being said, he was taking two different products at the same time, tic tamer and calm. (i think it was calm) it was a couple of years ago. So like I said it took about a week for him to get used to the liquid drops in water, then all was fine, no naseau after that. native rememdies has many products to choose from and are a good company, but i no longer use their products, and have moved onto many other things.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi -- I just want to mention that when ads appear on our site, they are not posted by us nor do we endorse them.


Did you finally connect with Native Remedies and hear back? It's a good idea to have a professional help guide you in your efforts. Sometimes parents manage to do amazing jobs at tracking down causes and fine-tuning approaches themselves, and at other times a naturopath or physician is needed to help guide the process which can sometimes be more complicated than some forum reports may indicate.


Please let us know how things are going.

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I appreciate the feedback. I'm new here so if I shouldn't have posted re:Tic Tamer or products in general my apologies! Im still learning my way around here. To answer your question, No I couldn't get an answer directly from the company I have D/C The Tic Tamer. It was clear as day through trial and error that it was indeed giving him severe headaches and just when I thought it was helping it became evident that his tics were worse than better. I had to stop a few days in between to know this for sure. As far as the calm I couldn't tell if it was really helping or not. As of right now, his ticks are at their worst and the only thing that clearly helps is camomile tea and lavender baths & deep breathing.and chiropractic care with massage ( huge help)! .Its heart wrenching that as a mom I can't take this away from him. I'm sure I'm not alone saying that though at times it does feel like it. Thanks again I will keep any positive updates coming ..

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