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Okay I was reading and reading and now have a question. What is this bonach supplement I have been reading about and is it possible to find magnesium taurine at a gnc store or is it just the oxide there? Is it best just to use the natural calm, i think it is called for a 9 year old or should it be the kids calm? I have been giving my son the magnesium capsules and open them and miss it in his yogurt. But we have only done this for a few days and didn't realize there is a differentce, I have the oxide so that probably isn't helping... Is there a good multivitamin our there that has the supplements needed or should i keep with the one I have that has flouride in that we have perscribed from his doctor. I am not sure what all is in it for I lost my paper that came from the prescription company and it is not on the bottle.


thanks for any help you can give me and sorry for all the questions :)






I think most people here like the kids calm because it is one less pill for their kids to take.

And the fast absorbtion seems to benefit most kids here.


I'm not sure I can help with your other questions, but I'm wondering about the flouride. Why did your Dr. prescribe that?


I would find out what other stuff is in that multi. Can you call someone to find out?


If you can I would get a multi vit that is made of whole foods. I have not been able to find one yet for my son because he can't do rice at this time.


Sorry if I wasn't much help.



hi Mary


BonTech supplements are specially formulated for people with Tourette Syndrome and are available from Bonnie Grimaldi at http://www.bonniegr.com

She sells a variety of supplements in her BonTech range, of which magnesium taurate is one

Mag taurate is also available at http://www.vitaminshoppe.com and their stocked brand is made by Cardiovascular research


Magnesium oxide isnt totally useless and is certainly better than no magnesium!! it is just wasted a lot because of its poor absorption


Many here are finding the Natural Calm/Kids Calm to be very beneficial

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