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Hi, I'm brand-new here. A little background:


I have an 8-year old son. Last October he had a vocal tic that lasted about 3 weeks. I noticed it about 10 times a day. About 2 weeks ago, it started up again, and I noticed it maybe a dozen times a day. Well, last Thursday, he had a well child check-up, and was given a chicken pox booster shot. Within 24 hours his tics exploded in frequency. At one point I counted 100 times in a half hour. It seems to be worse when he's watching TV.


I talked to his teacher and he isn't doing it at all in school. Today it was greatly reduced, like maybe ten times between 4:00PM and 9:00PM.


We don't have anyone else with tic disorders in the immediate or extended family. My son hasn't had any motor tics, just simple vocal tics. He had strep throat in March, but was treated with 10 days of antibiotics.


So, this is what I'm doing. I've eliminated any artificial colorings in his food. Plan to cut back on his screen time drastically. I've ordered Kid's Calm from my local healthfood store and it will come in tomorrow.


I have to be careful about the screen time restriction. Even though I am not making a big deal about his tics, he knows that I know they're going on (we've talked about them, and I told him I thought they would eventually go away. He himself is not bothered by them). I feel like if I go to zero screen time right away he will think I'm punishing him for the tics - he will make the connection. Since the weather is so gorgeous, my husband and I are going to make sure we are outside, going to the park, having picnics, etc. a lot, and not make any pronouncement about stopping the TV watching. We're just going to be too busy doing other things. I do have a sense that the screen time is somewhat of a trigger, since he seems to have more tics when he's watching TV.


So could the booster have been a major trigger? I'm so upset about allowing that darn shot! Should I have him tested for PANDAS? Should I make an appointment for him to see a neurologist, or wait and see if the tics fade away again? I'd appreciate any input, as I am a babe in the woods when it comes to this.


Thanks in advance,




Welcome Sky,


Glad you are hear, and might I add you are a great caring mom, thinking about him and not focusing on the tics.

I wish I had done that.


I do believe the shots were a trigger, but maybe that won't last long. My son did not have a problem with the shots when he was young. Maybe your son's immune system was weakend because of the strep, and the shot was just piggybacking on a strained immune system.


So today is the first day since last Thursday you noticed a decrease in tics?


I would have the titers for PANDAS done just to rule it out.


You sound like you have it together, and are making great choices.


Have you tried the epsom salts baths yet? I would love to know if you have, and saw any change for the better in the vocals. Since my son does not have many motor tics it is hard to tell if the bathes work on the vocals.

But I like how sleepy they make him.


Again glad you are hear lots of good advice hear.





Welcome! This is a great forum and there are loads of people here that are very helpful.

I wish I could help you, but I'm actually posting because I am kind of in the same boat.

My son is 4 and I gave him the chickenpox vaccine last October (along with Comvax) and he began exhibiting behavioral changes within a month and started ticking in late December. I was told by a naturopath that he had a delayed reaction to the vaccine and that I should never vaccinate him again. Just thought I would share this. I'm not sure if it is true or not, or if a vaccine titer would still show that up in May? Does anyone know if there is a proven connection between the onset of tics and vaccine injections? I have been Googling this all night. I can't find any answers. Is TS on the rise? Could cases of it be caused by vaccines too? I had my son tested for Pandas and the titers came back normal. I thought TS was hereditary too, and there is no one in my family or my husband's that has had any kind of tic disorder at all. My biggest question is, do I stop vaccinating? What have you all done (with older kids who have TS?) Will vaccines always exasperate symptoms? How do you get your kids in school without vaccinating? Also, I have two more little ones at home. Do I refuse to have them vaccinated anymore, too? How many of you have discovered tics in more than one child?



hi everyone,

I'm still searching, and came across this:

<<behavior and movement disorders >>


"A controlled study of serum anti-locus ceruleus antibodies in REM sleep behavior disorder" (Sleep, vol. 20, no. 5, May 1997, pp. 349-51): "The newly identified association of human nonnarcoleptic rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DQwl class II genes raises the possibility that RBD may arise from autoimmune mechanisms."


[The following reports are not vaccine-specific; rather they serve to underline one of the possible conditions resulting from altered permeability of, or damage to the intestine, as occurs in association with measles and other viruses. Note: strep-type bacteria are among those which can translocate from the gut; these have been implicated in cases of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Tourette Syndrome.] "Bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract" (Trends in Microbiology, vol. 3, no. 4, April 1995, pp. 149-54): Viable indigenous bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract can migrate to other sites within the body, such as the mesenteric-lymph-node complex, liver, spleen, and bloodstream. Three mechanisms support bacterial translocation: intestinal bacterial overgrowth, deficiencies in host immune defenses and increased permeability or damage to the intestinal mucosal barrier.


"Case study: a new infection-triggered, autoimmune subtype of pediatric OCD and Tourette's syndrome" (Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 34, no. 3, March 1995, pp. 307-11): the authors hypothesize that infections with group A beta-hemolytic streptococci, among other bacterial agents, may trigger autoimmune responses that cause or exacerbate some cases of childhood-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or tic disorders including Tourette's Syndrome. In this study, four boys aged 10 to 14 years presented with OCD or Tourette's Syndrome in the moderate to very severe range. Two had evidence of recent group A beta-hemolytic streptococci infections, and the others had histories of recent viral illnesses.


"Speculations on antineuronal antibody-mediated neuropsychiatric disorders of childhood" (Pediatrics, vol. 93, no. 2, February 1994, pp. 323-6): "Several converging lines of evidence suggest that some behavioral and neurological abnormalities of childhood may be mediated through antineuronal antibodies. These antineuronal antibodies appear to arise in response to group A [beta]-hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS) infections and to cross-react with cells within the central nervous system (CNS). Based on clinical observations of children with Sydenham's chorea, Tourette's syndrome (TS), and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), we hypothesize that neuroimmunological dysfunction secondary to antineuronal antibodies may result in behavioral disturbances, such as anxiety, emotional lability, obsessive compulsive symptoms, hyperactivity, and sleep disturbances, and neurological abnormalities, such as motor and phonic tics, ballismus, chorea, and choreiform movements."


"Antineuronal antibodies: tics and obsessive-compulsive symptoms" (Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, vol. 15, no. 6, December 1994, pp. 421-5): 19 or 38 cases from an ongoing study of childhood neurodevelopmental disordershad existing or previously docuemnted OCS [OCD] and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), with or without concomitant tics. 19 controls had ADHD, but no tics or OCS. Evidence was found of basal ganglia involvement in OCS, and a generalized central nervous system response [to infection] was suggested.


"Bipolar disorders, dystonia, and compulsion after dysfunction of the cerebellum, dentatorubrothalamic tract, and substantia nigra" (Biological Psychiatry, vol. 40, no. 8, October 1996, pp. 726-30): the mechanism of the legions was not abstracted in this report; however, after focal cerebellar circuit lesions, these disorders presented in three of fifteen subjects.


"Antineuronal antibodies in movement disorders" (Pediatrics, vol. 92, no. 1, July 1993, pp. 39-43): 24 children with recent-onset movement disorders (Tourette Syndrome, motor and/or vocal tics, chorea, and choreiform movements) as well as ADHD, behavior disorders, or learning disabilities were studied. The authors concluded that their data strongly suggests an association between antecedent group A beta-streptococcal infection and serum antineuronal antibodies, which may, in turn, be linked to childhood movement disorders.


"Antibodies to human caudate nucleus neurons in Huntington's chorea" (Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol. 59, no. 5, May 1977, pp. 922-32): IgG antibodies against nervous system components were detected in patients afflicted with Huntington's and Parkinson's Diseases, as well as in asymptomatic spouses of patients. "These data may support an environmental or infectious factor somehow involved in the ultimate expression of HD."


[This report is not vaccine-specific, but underlines a radical shift in thinking about cerebral palsy and a variety of other neurological impairments--i.e., to an infectious etiology.] "Infections may underlie cerebral palsy" (Science News, vol. 154, no. 16, October 17, 1998, p. 244; available at http://www.sciencenews.org/sn_arc98/10_17_98/fob1.htm): "Most doctors have believed that cerebral palsy--a form of brain damage that impairs movements--results from a difficult birth… While asphyxia may indeed be a cause of cerbral palsy, a new study provides evidence that the brain damage might often arise from some other…assault on an unborn child. Molecular clues now lead to inflammatory infection as a possible culprit, says Karein B. Nelson, a pediatric neurologist at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesday, MD." A study was performed by Nelson and colleagues which compared blood from normal and CP infants: the team found that all the stricken children harbored greater concentrations of substances indicating immune activation. In some of the children, indications of autoimmunity were seen as well. (Study citation: "Neonatal cytokines and coagulation factors in children with cerebral palsy," Annals of Neurology, vol. 44, October 1998, p. 665.)


"Increased prevalence of antibrain antibodies in the sera from schizophrenic patients" (Schizophrenia Research, vol. 14, no. 1, December 1994, pp. 15-22); "Antibodies to brain tissue in sera of schizophrenic patients-preliminary findings" (European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, vol. 242, no. 5, 1993, pp. 314-7): Antibrain antibodies have been found in the sera of schizophrenic patients, but not in normal controls. These seem to be directed against brain centers affected in schizophrenia.

The rest of the article is at: http://www.whale.to/vaccines/damaged.html


So I am wondering, since my son's CBC showed he was fighting off an infection, is it possible that even though he tested negative for Pandas that he could have developed the TS as an immune response to his October vaccines? I know that there is scientific proof connecting MMR to Autism, but I have yet to find anything definitive connecting TS to immunization. It seems like such a long shot.


Hi everyone. Thank you so much for your replies.


To answer some of your questions:


Haven't tried the epsom salts yet, but I'm planning on buying some. My son loves taking baths, so that will be easy to implement.


Yes, the tics really started waning just yesterday.


This morning I let him watch 30 minutes of TV. In that period he had probably 6-10 tics. Then I had him get dressed and we went outside to blow bubbles and go for a walk - zero tics in one hour. This whole experience would be so fascinating, if it wasn't so heart wrenching!


The hardest part of this is not dealing with the current tics so much - it's wondering if this is something he'll be dealing with for the next few years, or the rest of his life. He's such a great kid. Very creative, very sensitive, great sense of humor, shy in many ways, but has lots of friends. Right now it is not an issue socially, but when I get tired I really worry if it will get worse, if it will affect him socially, all the things that I'm sure you all think about too. It's just nice to be able to communicate with other parents going through this with their kids.


Have a great day. I'm off to work.




PS. I'm also looking for a new pediatrician for my son. Current one is very traditional, not very good bedside manner. I know if I told him about the booster shot being a trigger, he would blow me off in a big way. Time to move on.


okay, hello again!

Sorry to be such a nuisance on the topic...

I think I may have answered my own question....


I found this info at: http://www.webpediatrics.com/pandas.html

PANDAS diagnostic criteria

(1) Current or past presence of symptoms (DSM IV) of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tic Disorder (including Tourette's), Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and Anorexia Nervosa*.

(2) Symptom onset between 18 months of age and puberty.

(3) Episodic course of symptom severity characterized by the abrupt onset of symptoms and/or frequent, dramatic symptom exacerbation.

(4) Symptom exacerbation associated with beta-haemolytic streptococcal infection.

(5) Presence of abnormal Neuropsychiatric examination, including motor hyperactivity, adventitious movements, tics, etc.

(6) Measurable clinical improvement following "Steroid Burst".

DISQUALIFYING FACTORS (absolute): Presence of symptoms before 1 year of age.

DISQUALIFYING FACTORS (relative): Confirmed Dg. of Autism and/or Autistic Spectrum Disorder in sibling(s).

(*) Male patients with Anorexia Nervosa should be of a particular interest.


PITAND diagnostic criteria

(1) At some time in his or her life, the patient must have met diagnostic criteria (DSM IV) for one of the following neuropsychiatric disorders: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tic Disorder (including Tourette's), Autism, (or Autistic Spectrum Disorder).

(2) Pediatric onset: symptoms of the disorder first become evident between 18 months of age and the beginning of puberty.

(3) The onset of clinically significant symptoms must be sudden (with or without a sub clinical prodrome), and/or there must be a pattern of sudden, recurrent, clinically significant symptom exacerbation and remissions ("wax and waning pattern"). Onset of a specific episode typically can be assigned to a particular day or week, at which time symptoms seem to "explode" in severity, and they are frequently associated with an infectious episode.

(4) There must be evidence of an antecedent or concomitant infection. Such evidence might include a positive throat culture, positive streptococcal serologic findings (e.g. anti-streptolysin O or anti-streptococcal DNAse ;), or a history of illness (e.g. pharyngitis, sinusitis, infection with Epstein-Barr virus, influenza, ?recurrent otitis media), and possibly recent exposure to childhood vaccination.

(5) Presence of auto antibodies (anticardiolipin, antineuronal, antibody/antigen complexes, etc.)

(6) During the exacerbation, the majority of patients will have an abnormal neuropsychiatric examination, frequently with hyperactivity and adventitious movements ("choreiform" movements).

(7) Measurable clinical improvement following "Steroid Burst".

Modified "Allen criteria" (from Albert J. Allen Group A Streptococcal Infections and Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders CNS Drugs Oct. 1997 8(4) 267-275


The most exciting prospect of PANDAS and PITAND theory is the simple fact that a biological agent(s) (in this case, infective microorganism) has been identified as a single cause of a mental illness. PANDAS and (possibly) PITAND do indeed represent a disease(s) that satisfies the McGovern and Troisi criteria (please refer to Autism page). Various descriptive terms so much abused in current scientific terminology of mental illnesses, like "chemical imbalance", "abnormal brain chemistry", etc. that have absolutely no scientific meaning or diagnostic nor therapeutic value, might finally be relegated to history. It is likely that following a century of unsuccessful search for the disease of the mind, the body will be where the answers will be found.

Once the cause of an illness (in this case mental illness) has been identified search for an adequate treatment is the next logical step. In PANDAS and PITAND syndromes an adequate treatment already exists and has been proven successful. Use of antibiotics for GABHS infection (i.e. Penicillin) does not only "control" the symptoms, but it cures the patient. Once however, damage to the nervous system has been demonstrated (both in PANDAS and PITAND) further treatments modalities might be necessary, and these are readily available as well (corticosteroids, Intravenous immunoglobulin, anti-inflammatory compounds other than steroids, etc.). It is also extremely important to mention that the resulting damage to the nervous system symptomatic of PANDAS and PITAND syndromes can be reversed in its early stages (please refer to our Bibliography page), and a complete cure should be expected. It is likely that with the passage of time and an increased acceptance of Allen's and Swedo's theories, a definite cause for a number of mental illnesses overwhelming the modern society will be defined and complete cures achieved.


So, this must mean that parents with children that test negative for Pandas should pursue the possibility that the symptoms may be the result of PITAND? and further press their physician to run additional testing????

What do you all think?




PS. the site also claims that Intravenous Immunoglobulin can "cure" TS symptoms in Pandas and Pitand. Any thoughts? The practice appears to be local to us.... Hinsdale, IL. I may call for further information.


Just wanted to share a story.


I met a woman about 2 months ago and she said she had 8 children. (homeschooled) The oldest 3 she had vaccinated, the other 5 were not.


The oldest 3 were and still are the sickest out of the 8. They got the ear infections, they have allergies, and they get a lot more colds and flu then the 5 who were not vaccinated.


I thought this was a good finding since they were all from the same family.


She also said she did send them to private school too, they were better about her choice not to vaccinate the other 5.




Caryn and Others looking at Vaccine connections,


You might be interested in this article




Also, someone asked if you can opt out of vaccines. Yes! There are religious, philisophical and medical (medical..tough to get ANY Dr, to sign) exemptions. There was a post on a vax forum by a Ped/Mom. She was explaining that they have a % that must be met as far as vax rates. If they fall below the %, they will be credited a different rate by the insurance companies for ALL services, not just vaccine related. :angry:


I will be back with a site that will give info on all of the states.


CP, I have a niece with a daughter who is just over 1 yr. old. She is totally unvaxed. She hasn't been sick once. She had the sniffles for about 2 days, which we don't know if it was due to cutting teeth, or a cold.


I want to point out, that you will never meet someone who thought the whole idea of vaccines being dangerous was insanity, more than I did. Sadly, I no longer feel that way, and it's too late for my boys. I would do anything to start from scratch with a brand new immune system for them. I would NEVER NEVER let them inject so many things into my babies again! Now the whole idea seems horrifying, but that is after many hours of reading the other side.


Thanks, Kim.

I have a lot to think about. I never did give my son the flu vaccine, and I thought he only received vaccines without themerisol, but now I'm not so sure. I even had him on a delayed vaccine schedule as I have always had concerns. I want to to what is right for my children, and right now I'm looking at my other two kids and thinking, is it necessary? Could they possibly have a bad reaction too? After what we have gone through these last six months and what I have learned so far, I'm not sure I can bring myself to continue vaccinating my kids. I just don't understand how my son could have developed T.S. symptoms any other way. I think I'm going to go back and look at all his vaccinations and try to correlate it to any subsequent illnesses that he might have developed shortly afterwards.


Caryn & Sky,


Sorry, I thought someone mentioned the flu vaccine.


When looking at the vaccine issue, I would highly encourage you to use these two sites.






Caryn, with the age of your son, I think it would be pretty unlikely that he received anyting but trace thimerosal. The only shots that still contain it that I am aware (commonly used) of is, the flu shots (which personally, I think boders criminal) the TD vax, and some multidose vials of the Menactra (menningitis vax).


Here is some info on Comvax (Did your Dr. explain to you how reduced the odds were of your son developing problems from Hib at his current age? Did he explain how Hep B was transmitted)?











COMVAX* [Haemophilus b Conjugate (Meningococcal Protein Conjugate) and Hepatitis B

(Recombinant) Vaccine] is a sterile bivalent vaccine made of the antigenic components used in producing

PedvaxHIB* [Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Meningococcal Protein Conjugate)] and

RECOMBIVAX HB* [Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant)]. These components are the Haemophilus

influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide [polyribosylribitol phosphate (PRP)] that is covalently bound to

an outer membrane protein complex (OMPC) of Neisseria meningitidis and hepatitis B surface antigen

(HBsAg) from recombinant yeast cultures.

Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B are grown in complex

fermentation media. The primary ingredients of the phenol-inactivated fermentation medium for

Haemophilus influenzae include an extract of yeast, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, hemin chloride,

soy peptone, dextrose, and mineral salts and for Neisseria meningitidis include an extract of yeast, amino

acids and mineral salts. The PRP is purified from the culture broth by purification procedures which

include ethanol fractionation, enzyme digestion, phenol extraction and diafiltration. The OMPC from

Neisseria meningitidis is purified by detergent extraction, ultracentrifugation, diafiltration and sterile


The PRP-OMPC conjugate is prepared by the chemical coupling of the highly purified PRP

(polyribosylribitol phosphate) of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Haemophilus b, Ross strain) to an OMPC

of the B11 strain of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B. The coupling of the PRP to the OMPC is

necessary for enhanced immunogenicity of the PRP. This coupling is confirmed by analysis of the

components of the conjugate following chemical treatment which yields a unique amino acid. After

conjugation, the aqueous bulk is then adsorbed onto an amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate

adjuvant (previously referred to as aluminum hydroxide).

HBsAg is produced in recombinant yeast cells. A portion of the hepatitis B virus gene, coding for

HBsAg, is cloned into yeast, and the vaccine for hepatitis B is produced from cultures of this recombinant

yeast strain according to methods developed in the Merck Research Laboratories. The antigen is

harvested and purified from fermentation cultures of a recombinant strain of the yeast Saccharomyces

cerevisiae containing the gene for the adw subtype of HBsAg. The fermentation process involves growth

of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on a complex fermentation medium which consists of an extract of yeast,

soy peptone, dextrose, amino acids and mineral salts.

The HBsAg protein is released from the yeast cells by mechanical cell disruption and detergent

extraction, and purified by a series of physical and chemical methods, which includes ion and hydrophobic

chromatography, and diafiltration. The purified protein is treated in phosphate buffer with formaldehyde

and then coprecipitated with alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) to form bulk vaccine adjuvanted with

amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate. The vaccine contains no detectable yeast DNA, and 1%

or less of the protein is of yeast origin.

The individual PRP-OMPC and HBsAg adjuvanted bulks are combined to produce COMVAX. Each

0.5 mL dose of COMVAX is formulated to contain 7.5 mcg PRP conjugated to approximately 125 mcg

OMPC, 5 mcg HBsAg, approximately 225 mcg aluminum as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate

sulfate, and 35 mcg sodium borate (decahydrate) as a pH stabilizer, in 0.9% sodium chloride. The vaccine

contains not more than 0.0004% (w/v) residual formaldehyde.

The potency of the PRP-OMPC component is measured by quantitating the polysaccharide

concentration by an HPLC method. The potency of the HBsAg component is measured relative to a

standard by an in vitro immunoassay.

The product contains no preservative.

COMVAX is a sterile suspension for intramuscular injection.


This is for Varicella Vax


Varicella Virus Vaccine Live (Oka/Merck)]Refrigerator-stable formulation DESCRIPTION VARIVAX* [Varicella Virus Vaccine Live (Oka/Merck)] is a preparation of the Oka/Merck strain of live, attenuated varicella virus. The virus was initially obtained from a child with wild-type varicella, then introduced into human embryonic lung cell cultures, adapted to and propagated in embryonic guinea pig cell cultures and finally propagated in human diploid cell cultures (WI-38). Further passage of the virus forvaricella vaccine was performed at Merck Research Laboratories (MRL) in human diploid cell cultures(MRC-5) that were free of adventitious agents. This live, attenuated varicella vaccine is a lyophilized preparation containing sucrose, phosphate, glutamate, processed gelatin, and urea as stabilizers. Refrigerator-stable VARIVAX, when reconstituted as directed, is a sterile preparation for subcutaneousadministration. Each 0.5 mL dose contains the following: a minimum of 1350 plaque forming units (PFU) ofOka/Merck varicella virus when reconstituted and stored at room temperature for 30 minutes, approximately 18 mg of sucrose, 8.9 mg hydrolyzed gelatin, 3.6 mg of urea, 2.3 mg of sodium chloride, 0.36 mg of monosodium L-glutamate, 0.33 mg of sodium phosphate dibasic, 57 mcg of potassiumphosphate monobasic, 57 mcg of potassium chloride. The product also contains residual components ofMRC-5 cells including DNA and protein and trace quantities of neomycin and bovine calf serum fromMRC-5 culture media. The product contains no preservative.


Sites with info on exemptions






Thanks Kim.

You are a mountain of knowledge, and I really do appreciate your help. I have a lot to sort out, as I have three boys to put in school within the next 5 years.

I know all about the Hep B vax. It is required in the State of Illinois for preschool enrollment, as is varicella. I'm a former teacher, and I know I had to have Hep B to teach. I was under the assumption that once I had begun vaccinating that I could not come back and refuse a vaccine based on personal belief. In Illinois it is all or nothing. But I read many posts on the wonderful site you included and see that many parents just give certain vaxs and claim complete religious exemptions with the school. Something to think about. It astounds me that the peds get perks and punishments based on the amount of vaxs they administer. It certainly explains why I get so much presser from my ped every time we go, although he did tell me that most mothers are now delaying infant vaxs (my 10 mo. old only has had two.) What bothers me is that most peds only offer the bundle vaxs, so you always get a combo shot and if there is a reaction you have no idea from what.

I did read a parent post a while back, I think in Sheila's book, where a child tested high in aluminum, rather than mercury, as was suspected. Maybe I should look for a good doc to do testing on my son to see if he has high metals. I just it would be the first step. I also read that Dr. Swedo patented a blood test that would show if a child has the genetic predisposition for TS. Something for me to consider with my other two children. Has anyone done either of these?



Okay, so Skyler, Caryn, and C.P.,

you are all saying that your child had a vaccine and then you noticed tics? Or just tics got worse?



why did your child have a chicken pox booster? is that something all kids get at this age?

Did the tics start to wane as you mentioned AFTER you started implementing dietary restrictions and supplement? or before? How is everything going now?


Can someone tell me when the next vaccine that is required will be and for what? 10 years old.? How can I prepare beforehand to "opt out". Kim, have you gotten to that point yet? What have/will you do?






My son got Varicella and Comvax in October. (Comvax is Hib and Hep B together).

First, son had behavioral issues at school, then in late December initial onset of tics. They got severe in January and February, and didn't wane until three weeks after initial dietary changes and one week after Bontech vitamin regiment began. He has only been completely tick free for two weeks since then. (He is ticking currently, but very mild (I think due to a dietary slip up on my part).


It certainly explains why I get so much presser from my ped every time we go, although he did tell me that most mothers are now delaying infant vaxs (my 10 mo. old only has had two.
I really don't think the Dr.s have a whole lot more info. than we, as parents. Remember, vaccines are marketed (is that a word?) to them too. Plus the majority, have probably seen a child die of a disease that is vax preventable (and I have a hard time with that phrase). It would just make it that much easier for them to feel like they are doing a wonderful thing with all of those well child visits, and immunization office calls. Win win situation hey? After all, the establisment which their whole practice is based on is making these recommendations. Why would they really investigate it. It could jeopardize their whole career (look what's happening to Andrew Wakefield because he dared to find the vaccinated strain of measles in some autistic childrens intestines) plus...law suits, if a Dr. was EVER to go againt the powers that be (Pharma/CDC/AAP same thing) Oh oh, I'm getting mouthy. I better remove that last statement. Oh well, I forgot to do it. Plus, unless your child turns purple and falls on the floor within seconds, they will not tie adverse events to the vaccine. As Sky pointed out, most will get that patient condesending look at best, or outright wrath at worst, if you suggest that a vax caused ANY type of problem for your child. I guess I should say that these statements do not apply to ALL Dr.s. I do believe there are some wonderful people in medicine, that are btwn a rock and a hard place (from things they know, but can't really say), and really care about the health of our children.




Can someone tell me when the next vaccine that is required will be and for what? 10 years old.? How can I prepare beforehand to "opt out". Kim, have you gotten to that point yet? What have/will you do?




For my boys these are the required vaccines








These may be recommended also


HPV (girls) Gardasil




Hep A


Flu shot


You will need to check your state requirements for school purposes.




before I answer your question Faith about what I'm going to do, read these articles. You don't have to read all three of the Varicella articles, you will probably get the idea from the first one.



Study casts new doubts on HPV vaccine


The highly touted treatment to prevent cervical cancer may be less

effective than previously thought, findings suggest.


By Thomas H. Maugh II and Jia-Rui Chong

Times Staff Writers

May 10, 2007



New data on the controversial HPV vaccine designed to prevent cervical

cancer have raised serious questions about its efficacy, researchers

reported today, potentially undercutting the efforts in many states to

make vaccination mandatory.





- - - -


1: Int J Toxicol. 2006 Sep-Oct;25(5) :313-7.


The case against universal varicella vaccination.


Goldman GS.

Medical Veritas International Inc., Pearblossom, California 93553, USA.

pearblossominc@ aol.com


In 1995, the United States became the first country to implement a

Universal Varicella Vaccination Program. Several questions remain: Is the

varicella (chickenpox) vaccine needed? Is it cost effective as a routine

immunization for all susceptible children? Or is it more beneficial for

the disease to remain endemic so that adults may receive periodic

exogenous exposures (boosts) that help suppress the reactivation of herpes

zoster (shingles). In addition, as vaccination coverage becomes

widespread, does loss of immunologic boosting cause a decline in vaccine

efficacy and result in a reduced period of immunity? Scientific literature

regarding safety of the varicella vaccine and its associated cost-benefit

analysis have often reported optimistic evaluations based on ideal

assumptions. Deleterious outcomes and their associated costs must be

included when making a circumspect assessment of the Universal Varicella

Vaccination Program.

PMID: 16940003 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


2: Int J Toxicol. 2005 Jul-Aug;24(4) :205-13.


Universal varicella vaccination: efficacy trends and effect on herpes zoster.


Goldman GS.

Medical Veritas International (MVI), Pearblossom, California 93553, USA.

pearblossominc@ aol.com


In 1995, the Varicella Active Surveillance Project (VASP) was established

in Antelope Valley (California) , a geographically distinct high-desert

community of 300,000 residents, as one of three sites in the nation in a

cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC) to collect baseline demographic and clinical data and to monitor

trends in varicella (chickenpox) following introduction of varicella

vaccine. Herpes zoster (shingles) was added to the active surveillance

January 1, 2000. The universal varicella program has proven effective in

terms of reducing the number of reported verified varicella cases by 85%,

from 2,934 in 1995 to 412 in 2002. Prior to this dramatic reduction,

immunologic boosting due to exogenous exposures to wild-type

varicella-zoster virus (VZV) in the community (1) caused mean serum

anti-VZV levels among vaccines to increase with time after vaccination and

(2) served as a mechanism that helped suppress the reactivation of herpes

zoster (HZ), especially among individuals with a previous history of

wild-type varicella.That immunologic boosting might play a significant

role in both varicella and the closely related HZ epidemiology is

evidenced by (1) a decline in vaccine efficacy by over 20%, from 95.7%

(95% C.I., 82.7% to 98.9%) in 1999 to 73.9% (95% C.I., 57.9% to 83.8%) in

2001 and (2) an unexpectedly high cumulative (2000 to 2003) true incidence

rate of 223 (95% C.I. 180-273) per 100,000 person-years (p-y) among

children <10 years old with a previous history of varicella. Because

capture-recapture methods demonstrate a likely lower bound of 50%

underreporting, the actual rate is likely double or 446 per 100,000 p-y,

approaching the HZ rate reported among older adults. Other recent studies

based on VASP data have mitigated against discovery of the above trends

that challenge several initial assumptions inherent to the universal

varicella program, namely, (1) a single dose confers long-term immunity

and (2) there is no immunologically mediated link between varicella and HZ

incidence. As vaccinated children replace those with a prior history of

wild-type varicella in the <10 age group, increasing HZ incidence among

this cohort will be of less concern in the near future. However, previous

scientific studies, including the present preliminary results from active

surveillance indicate that HZ may be increasing among adults. It may be

difficult to design booster interventions that are cost-effective and meet

or exceed the level of protection provided by immunologic boosting that

existed naturally in the community in the prelicensure era.

PMID: 16126614 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


3: Vaccine. 2005 May 9;23(25):3349- 55.


Cost-benefit analysis of universal varicella vaccination in the U.S.

taking into account the closely related herpes-zoster epidemiology.


Goldman GS.

Medical Veritas International (MVI), Pearblossom, CA 93553, USA.

pearblossominc@ aol.com


Many models concur that universal varicella vaccination of children is

beneficial from the perspective of reducing societal costs. Yet, the

majority of such cost analyses have been modeled under the assumption

that varicella vaccination has no adverse effect on the closely

related herpes-zoster (HZ) epidemiology. Historical models have

assumed that asymptomatic endogenous reactivation is the chief

mechanism of boosting that suppresses the reactivation of HZ and that

immunity wanes due to the aging process. Recent studies suggest

instead that periodic exogenous exposures to wild-type varicella are

the predominant factor influencing the curve of increasing HZ

incidence rate with advancing age among individuals <50, after which

an age-related decline dominates in the elderly. Based on a realistic

age-structured model, we compare differences in outcomes of the number

of HZ cases and direct medical costs associated with the population

existing in 2000 and as it ages (according to the mortality given in

the 2000 U.S. census) during the following 50 years with and without

implementation of universal varicella vaccination. Under universal

varicella vaccination, we assume that 15 years post-licensure, the

boosting mechanism known as asymptomatic endogenous reactivation

principally serves to limit HZ incidence to 550 per 100,000

person-years in unvaccinated individuals <50 with a previous history

of natural varicella--since there has been a vaccine-induced decline

in exogenous boosting. We estimate universal varicella vaccination has

the impact of an additional 14.6 million (42%) HZ cases among adults

aged <50 years during a 50 year time span at a substantial cost burden

of 4.1 billion US dollars or 80 million US dollars annually utilizing

an estimated mean healthcare provider cost of 280 US dollars per HZ


PMID: 15837242

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