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Concerned Dad here.


Can someone here tell me if their kid with tics zones out for about 15 seconds and then gets up and goes about doing their stuff just fine? The teacher has told me about those blank stares in school but so far, her math, reading and writing skills are in tact.


My daughter has motor tics since Christmas and her motor tics have gotten slightly better in terms of a lower frequency of them (she is also able to control them while interacting with grandparents/neighbor kids somehow, I don't know how). However, lately, she has been zoning out more obviously on the carpet or even sitting on the playground for those 15-20 seconds and then resuming activity/playing. I am convinced she is a PANS kid. Her cognitive skills are in tact so far. However, I do want an EEG done to rule out absence seizures. When I wave my hand in front of her during those 15 seconds, she somewhat responds with a few blinks but not totally. Sometimes, it can be 10 seconds, sometimes it is 15 seconds but most of the time, it does not last even 20 seconds. There are no convulsions, whatsoever.


What would you suggest my best course of action should be?


Please, any input would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by sriramcs

Hi Concerned Dad,

Yes I know that look well and yes it is PANS related.

I wouldn't go to too much trouble with EEG's and such but....

you just have to treat the PANS. The zoning out is one of the symptoms. Yes.






You have no idea how much this input means to me. Thank you so much.




I would suggest the opposite. I would definitely ask for an eeg. a seizure might change the way pans symptoms are treated or even help uncover a different diagnosis.

just my $.02


For my peace of mind, I might end up doing one anyway with a neurologist. If nothing comes out of it, at least I can check that off the list. I just needed to know if it could be a possible symptom. Still educating myself, I still have so much to learn about her condition.


The other thing I have not done is go dairy or gluten free (have cut back though). Do I need to? I have eliminated artificial colors, preservatives in food like BHT (going organic pretty much for most stuff except vegetables that I can steam), stayed away from fast food, increased magnesium intake with nuts and greens (and epsom salt baths), increased probiotic intake, increased garlic, turmeric and ginger intake etc. for my child. It still looks like there is plenty of inflammation left.


Are there natural anti-inflammatory supplements that I don't need a prescription for that I can use? Is there information on child dosage for those? Just curious since I am certain folks here have witnessed a whole gamut of knowledge passed around.


The other thing I have not done is go dairy or gluten free (have cut back though). Do I need to?


-- cutting back will have little benefits. for gluten you see results after 6 months, for dairy after two or so. and that is when you completely stop.

we stopped gluten and diary on the assumption that they do not help but hinder infammatory processes. (i happen to be celiac, so it was easy to have the entire family go gluten free).


My Ds does the same thing. Especially when he is PANS flare. Neurologist believes it might be Seizure related however EEG did not detect anything. The Meds they might suggest will be anti seizure possibly. Topamax was mentioned with us. I agree that it is important to rule out and investigate further for sure! This only happens when he is in PANS mode. Because of this, we have decided to put on side burner for now. BUT this is only after we had him tested and evaluated thoroughly by neurologist. We are treating his Bartinella and hope it goes away when infection does.

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