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Posted (edited)




I found this last nite from a PM buddy that shared it a while ago. This seemed like a good place to leave it.




Lactobacillus rhamnosus may be able to prevent strep throat. A fascinating 2009 study from Italy found that the invasive capacity of eight strains of group A Streptococci (GAS)—all resistant to Erythromycin—was significantly inhibited by LGG, both live and heat-killed. The researchers studied human respiratory cells and concluded that the probiotic might be able to prevent strep throat infections. It has also cleared nasal passages in guinea pigs with allergic rhinitis.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus reduces arthritis— perhaps because allergic disorders involve perturbed skin and gut mucosa and dysregulation of the immune response, according to researchers at Finland’s University of Turku. In a 2008 report they show that elimination diets and environmental changes are not effective enough in allergy, and perhaps establishing a healthy gut microbiota is equally important.

This Lactobacillus strain, taken orally, along with other probiotics, actually reduces the amount of Staphylococcus aureus and beta-hemolytic streptococci in the nasal passages of humans. Yet the probiotics themselves do not colonise the nose. That suggests that LGG truly does have a body-wide immune-boosting effect.


Another one


Child with autism improves with antibiotic; prompts new investigations into autism


Edited by kim

from Jan's link




The latest numbers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (based on data for 2010) estimate the prevalence of ASD to be 1:68 (and 1:42 for boys) (3).





At the time of his diagnosis, we had been led to believe that our son’s autism was a hard-wired neurological condition from which he would not emerge, but during the fall and winter of 2012 and subsequent periods since then we have seen our son with the veil of autism partially lifted. I love him unconditionally regardless of his autism or how he is doing on any given day, but because I have seen what is possible, I will endeavor to promote research that benefits all children with autism and to remove all impediments from him becoming the fullest embodiment of who he can be and until it is definitively proven otherwise, I will strive to foster research consistent with the evidence of the microbiome’s involvement in autism.


The author has not received any funding or benefits from industry or elsewhere to conduct this study.



The CDC is paralysed


The phrase "where's the outrage," was circulating not long ago. It pops into my head often.




Just posted on another thread, but may as well leave it here too.


Important to read the entire study. There is some really interesting stuff there (how the rats were made susceptible to GAS antigen)

what happen to serum IgG level etc.


Antibiotic Treatment Attenuates Behavioral and Neurochemical Changes Induced by Exposure of Rats to Group A Streptococcal Antigen


I'm only reading for the first time in bits and pieces, myself

Posted (edited)



Antibiotic Treatment Attenuates Behavioral and Neurochemical Changes Induced by Exposure of Rats to Group A Streptococcal Antigen


I don't want to take away the initial discussion on this thread, but I thought this was important enough to leave here for anyone who reads the full study in reference to the strain (18) that was used




All the World's a Phage
Viruses that eat bacteria abound—and surprise




More recently, James M. Musser of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Hamilton, Mont., and his colleagues have fingered phages as co-conspirators with bacteria known as group A Streptococcus (GAS) in illnesses ranging from simple sore throats to heart-damaging rheumatic fever and deadly toxic shock syndrome. When the researchers probed the full genetic sequences, or genomes, of several GAS strains, they were surprised to find that a significant part of each one's genome consists of phage genes. Indeed, bacteriophages are the major source of genetic differences among GAS strains and seem to account in large part for strain differences in virulence, Musser reported in May at the American Society for Microbiology meeting in Washington, D.C.





Last year, for example, his team determined that the GAS strain M18, which causes acute rheumatic fever, contains phage genes that encode toxins, but that another strain, which causes strep throat, doesn't have those genes (SN: 3/30/02, p. 197). The investigators also reported in the July 23, 2002 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that M3, an unusually deadly strain of GAS that produces toxic shock syndrome, has yet a different set of phage genes. And in the Feb. 18, 2003, issue of that journal, Musser and his colleagues revealed that when certain immune cells begin to engulf GAS bacteria, the microbes activate several phage-derived genes. The function of these genes remains unknown, but they appear to be part of the bacterium's coordinated response to avoid destruction.


Edited by kim

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