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Disturbing Thoughts since starting Treatment

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My 9 year old son was recently placed on antibiotics ( Cefidinir, Rifampin)x 2 wks, and currently on Azithyromicin and Cefidinir Daily. He was also placed on Motrin BID, Advanced Inflammatory Control med Daily, Probiotic, and an assortment of herbal oils in order to treat PANS/PANDAS.


Subsequently 3-4wks of treatment my son began to experience disturbing thoughts of hurting his family. The doctor informed us at the beginning of treatment his symptoms would become worse which they have (ticking, inattentive, regressing, emotional labile, fearful especially at night), but my son had NEVER experienced these new thoughts (could it be the treatment)?


I would be very appreciative if someone could help us by sharing some insight! I'm trying to stay sensible-please help!


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Herxing can also involve the development of new symptoms.


DD13 displayed your son's symptoms before treatment, as well as symptoms of low frustration tolerance and raging. Although her rages were mostly directed toward herself she would sometimes lash out at others. Threats of harming others or harming herself happened more than once.


Your son's new symptom seems to be on that spectrum of rage/frustration common in people with bartonella, which would make me think that your son is experiencing die-off of that specific bacteria. Rifampin is commonly used to treat bartonella infection.


If you find that herxing is becoming unbearable, please consult your doctor about decreasing dosages for a while. Your son's body needs to be able to process the high levels of endotoxins being produced by antibiotic-induced lysis. Try to increase detoxification protocols.


According to Stephen Buhner it is these bacteria-specific endotoxins which initiate the inflammatory cascades specific for each infection.








Often the lymph and methylation (detoxification) systems become backed up because of the increased amount of material they are being forced to deal with. If your son has any MTHFR deletions his methylation system will not be working at par and he may experience relatively more die-off symptoms. If antibiotic dosage is decreased for a while the detox systems will be able to catch up.


Hang in there. A couple of suggestions:


Add lemon juice and stevia to water a couple of times daily and have your son drink this "lemon aid".


Increase magnesium supplementation (we use mag citrate powder 300mg BID (2x daily) am and before bed.


Try Epsom salt baths several times a week. If your son doesn't have problems with sulfate (CBS mutation) they may be helpful.

Edited by rowingmom
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Go slooooowww is all I can add...


It took me almost a full year to get all of the antibiotics into my child!!! I give an 1/8th of the dose, wait 3 days, add something for yeast, wait 3 days, add a little magnesium to make her less aggressive, wait 3 days.... etc....Controlling yeast was essential!


It's complete crap shoot!


rowingmom...thanks for that useful information. Your always so generous with your time!

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and my daughters very odd thoughts, hallucinations, intrusitve thoughts always get way worse with treatment...They seem to calm when I have her on something for yeast, viruses, lyme and bartonella all at the same time. If one of these treatments is left out, she is wild and aggressive!

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