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I have seen some old threads on acupuncture, can anyone share any recent experiences with it and if it has been successful? my dd13 has just said she would like to try it. Any advise is appreciated. Helped or hurt the situation??


My son (14) has went for 9 weeks now. He has seen an improvement in the frequency and intensity of his facial tics. A few days ago the tics got worse, I'm trying to figure out why. He says the accupuncture is relaxing and often falls asleep. Immediately after treatment the tics are always worse until the next morning. The clinician says that is very normal. We are going to continue with treatment for awhile more to see what the future results are.


Thanks Crazy (feel kinda bad calling you that..) for your response. I have read about tics getting worse after and that is making me a little nervous but sounds like it doesn't last too long.? Would you mind telling me how long until you noticed it making a difference? Just want to be realistic. Thanks!


My son goes once a week for accupunture. I noticed improvement with the frequency and intensity of the tics during the 2nd week. He goes after school and within an hour the tics flare up and by morning they are calm. He thought I was crazy at first taking him for treatment but now agrees that it helps and does not mind going. When I tried to stretch out the appointments to 1 1/2 weeks I noticed them getting worse again so he is sticking to once a week for now.


Chemar and crazy - did you find the acupuncture helped with all over tics or just facial? I have read it being most effective for facial tics . My dd has neck tics too - they are the most bothersome at the moment for her. Sorry if that is a dumb question - just reading too much I suppose.


It seemed to help my son all round


Our acupuncture therapist does do additional things simultaneously if needed, like reflexology and Chinese cupping, aromatherapy, biofeedback (NOT neurofeedback) etc and so much of that was also helping


But my son felt a calming of tics with that first needle placement in his scalp and then progressively so with each one.


So my dd had her first acupuncture appointment this Saturday and her tics have been increased ever since. What does this mean? Is it too soon to expect any change? I know everyone will react differently and possibly not at all - but I didn't expect this. Any advise??


Placement of the needles is very important in that they need to calm those areas where the tics are centered, not stimulate them


But some people have reported a herx like reaction so get a bit worse inititially and then improve.


Thanks - I am going to post and see who has experienced a herx. If you know of who I may ask, I would appreciate it. I have done a lot research looking for someone - found a neuro clinic but even they didn't have too much experience with TS or tics. I decided my best bet was with a pediatric acupuncturist. It seems like a TS doc is rare unfortunately.

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