Cum Passus Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Ok... Dr. called , told us that my son looks like his body is fighting off an infection???? Told her his strep titers have been tested by the ped.(very low) She said she would like to have his vaccine titers tested. Never heard of that. she thinks something happened during the last set of shots. Could anyone shed light on this subject? She said his body is over stimulated from the shots??? What does that mean for TS? Help!!! before the tissue box becomes my best friend again. Thanks, C.P.
Guest Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Hi C.P. Vaccine titers test antibodies to see if your son is immuned to the disease. For example, when your son is due for a next tetanus shot, you could have titers drawn. If they show that he's still immuned to tetanus, he wouldn't currently need the vaccine. Carolyn
faith Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Hi C.P. What was the clue or test result that made her suspect he was fighting an infection? How does one tell that? Is this from a chem panel blood test? And what does it mean "something happened during the last set of shots" -- what shots are you referring to? Also, what type of doc did these tests--regular pediatrition? Don't panic, us Dr. Mom's will figure this one out! P.S. I've been thinking about your son and wondering if he is doing okay off the resp. Did he ever have any side effects from it? Faith
Cum Passus Posted March 21, 2007 Author Report Posted March 21, 2007 carolyn, and Faith, Thanks... So carolyn you mean if my son turns 20 he could have his titers tested and would not need a vaccine if his body still had that vaccine working that he had, say 10 years before? faith it was a urine test and the suspect is (Quinolinate) I did not notice anything during the last set of shots ,but he did explode with tics a month later. A picture I had of the kids that same month showed my son looking yellow. (only noticable on the picture) The shots were MMR I think, nurse just called it a boster and the new meningitis, both done on the same day. It was my daughter who was to get the shots not him, they just did it because he was there. She was in the 8th grade at the time. The Dr. is his Intergrative Dr. She tried to explain to me some kids get the shots and their body distribute it fine where others have a harder time distributing the vaccines. What that means for TS I don't know? He is on half a pill of the Ris. He has showed some signs of an increase in vocals. I can't tell if it is that or he is just so excited about baseball starting soon. Thanks for your help, C.P.
Guest Posted March 22, 2007 Report Posted March 22, 2007 C.P.-yes that's what I mean. I don't think I'd decrease the Risperdal any further until your son gets past the excitement of starting baseball. I think I'd let things stablize and then continue slowly going off the Risperdal. Carolyn
kim Posted March 22, 2007 Report Posted March 22, 2007 CP I have read posts by parents who have had titers done where their child had 10X the antibodies that you would expect to some of the things vaxed for, and one where the child had ZIP... no antibodies from one single vax. I wouldn't be too frightened by the Dr. wanting this test. If you can get to the bottom of something that is causing aggrevation to your son's system, it can only be a good thing. You mentioned high aluminum. As Chemar posted, aluminum is added to vaccines to stimulate an immune response. That is it's purpose. They really have no idea how many problems this may be causing, because safety studies HAVE NEVER BEEN DONE. You asked what effect this may have on TS. That is a hard one to answer since no one really knows what TS is. It is another title (like autism) to describe a set of symptoms. Thankfully, we have at least a few Dr.s out there that are willing to look at these issues. Hang in there. By investigating, you may be making a difference, not only your son but future generations too. Thought I would include a few articles for you too Quinolinate : endogenous, excitotoxic metabolite of tryptophan; NMDA receptor agonist, antagonized by its own metabolite kynurenate; thought to mediate striatal neurodegeneration in Huntington's disease. From Bonnies site Complicating factors from magnesium deficiency, such as vitamin B6 deficiency, increased Substance P, glutamate NMDA receptor activation, and increased kynurenine, may play roles in the development and severity of symptoms according to reports in the scientific literature. For instance: Rage behavior, depression, anxiety, and self-injurious behavior can be associated with Substance P overactivity. Compulsive behavior, abnormal head movements, hyperirritability, and inattention can be associated with low vitamin B6 activity. Anxiety and motor tics can be associated with increased kynurenine. Rage behavior, motor and vocal tics, and increased anxiety can be associated with NMDA receptor activation. NMDA receptor activation leads to increased release of dopamine in the striatum and modulates dopaminergic transmission in the striatum involving the D2 dopamine receptors implicated in TS. In a study by McGrath, a mouse model of comorbid TS and OCD was produced by increasing brain glutamatergic activity. What this means in Tourette syndrome is quite convoluted. It has been shown by many researchers that the levels of serotonin in Touretters is quite low. This is immediately made obvious by the fact that anti-depressants can help control tics. Dr Comings(1990,1991) went further to find that there is a problem in the Tryptophan to 5HT to serotonin pathway in Touretters. Instead of turning 10% of our dietary tryptophan into serotonin we only use 0 - 4%. This means our serotonin production is very low and our kynurenine levels are high. Oh crud! "our kynurenine levels are high" In 2001 I couldn't find out what this implied. By 2004 I still had no idea. Now I know. It's not nice. I always guessed kynurenine was somewhat toxic...after all, it does have the word "urine" in it and that's one of the body's most toxic wastes. But recent research seems to show that where you find high levels of kynurenine, you find brain damage. Most of the research has been done on HIV patients (HIV causes the higher levels of kynurenine), but there have also been studies that show kynurenine inhibitors (things that stop more of it being made) can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, inflammatory brain conditions, and dementia. Wow. Aren't you glad I found that out! from Carolyns post Bottom of document on page 9.... chart showing Kynurenine Kynurenate Quinolinate The amino acid tryptophan flows into two pathways that influence the brain and nervous system. In the brain serotonin helps to avoid agitated feelings, while in the intestine it is used to control contraction of the bowel. Ultimately, most serotonin is converted into 5-hydroxyindoleacetate. The other pathway has a step that requires vitamin B6 to prevent high output of side products called xanthurenate and kynurenate.
kim Posted March 22, 2007 Report Posted March 22, 2007 C.P. In addition to above, I wanted to tell you that the newer meningtis vax, Menactra, does contain thimerosal (mercury) in the multidose vials. The singles don't. The MMR is not a booster. It is given to "catch" the approx. 3 to 5% of children who didn't develope what they consider to be adequate antibodies to the first one. You can read the vax ingredients below. It has never contained thimerosal. It is a live virus vaccine, and the mercury would kill it. I had to include the statement about the immature immune system in the Menactra article (in under 2 years olds) Menactra™ vs. Menomune® Immune response in children less than 2 years of age is inconsistent, which is most likely due to an immature immune system. Repeated doses do not produce a booster response. Antibodies have reduced functional activity. Multi-dose vials contain thimersol Single-dose vials do not contain preservatives. MMR package insert;cd=2&gl=us
Cum Passus Posted March 22, 2007 Author Report Posted March 22, 2007 Thanks guys, Carolyn, This morning our son started with a high squeek, my husband wants him to go back to 1mg of Risperdal untill after baseball has started. Could you tell me how you did weening off the Risperdal. I would like to see how he does after a couple practices, I think he is nervous because this is a new set of boys, and this is the first year on the adult mens field. I wanted him off the meds because it said not to be in prolonged sun. Kim, if you ever decide to take a trip to Washington D.C. to take on a few politicians, I'll stand by you. Thanks so much for the info. The chart has Xanthurenate down as impaired tryptophan metabolism. Do you all think I should start the B6 first or the B12? Thanks C.P.
Guest Posted March 22, 2007 Report Posted March 22, 2007 Hi C.P. I didn't have any problems weaning off the Risperdal. At the time, I was on the same supplements that I had been on since I was 13. I was also getting some massages at the time, but that was all. I think I was 19 when I went off the Risperdal. It was before I had allergy testing done because my allergy doctor didn't want me on Risperdal for the testing. I went slowly at reducing the Risperdal. I only reduced it every 2 weeks or longer if needed--too much past troubles with going too fast off medications. If I went to fast off medications, my tics got worse, mood became bad, blood pressure was affected by meds, etc. I'd start the B-6 first. If you're going to be starting new supplements, I'd leave the medication alone otherwise you may end up getting confused on what's doing what. Just put sunscreen on your son for baseball and give him plenty of water. I didn't have anymore trouble with the sun while on Risperdal than I do now. I'm very white, never tan, and always burn. I never got overheated or anything while on Risperdal. Carolyn
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