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Since most kids with tics or TS have food and/or environmental allergies and/or asthma, i am wondering if anyone see the correlation between decreased food and/or environmental allergies, and/or asthma also reduce tic symptoms?


We started NAET treatment for most of my son's food sensitivities last summer and i would like to restart NAET to finish the remaining food items then move on to environmental allergies.


Also, i am wondering, can taking conventional allergy medicine like Zytec or Claritin reduce tics?


Thx in advance for your input.




Hi Patty,


I've seen a strong correlation between decreased food/environemental allergies & reducation of tics. I don't show the typical symptoms of environmental allergies either. For me the symptoms come out in tics, not much sneezing, congestion, etc. Neutralization allergy shots help to decrease my tics tremendously. I'm currently giving myself 1 dust/mold shot every 10 days, 1 pollen shot every 10 days, and a food shot once a week. I don't believe that I would have made it medication free without starting these shots. I don't use any over the counter medications for allergies, but have never had the need to.




My son has never showed typical symptoms of allergies either. I wish I could see direct improvement but all I have is a neutralization nasal spray. I have to admit, I've been lax on getting it renewed, however, when he was using it (two sprays every day) I didn't exactly see an obvious decrease in the tics he was having at that time. Does anyone know how long one has to be on something like that to make a difference? Or should it be immediate relief?


Maybe all this talk of allergies is a sign pointing me to get the nasal spray again. I'll let you know if it helps.




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