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Hi Everyone,


I tried a bread mix tonight that is free of most allergens and is very yummy topped with some ghee & garlic salt, etc. It's really easy and fast to make also. It's hard to find mixes free of all these things so I just thought that I'd let those looking for such items that I really like this mix.


It's the Chebe All-Purpose Bread Mix. Make sure to choose the GF, LF version as there's one that's not LF also.


The great texture and flavor of this product proves that wheat is not necessary to make good bread. Because of the texture and strength of the dough, it is extremely versatile. Please visit our recipe page to see a wide variety of ways to prepare our mixes, such as: tortillas/wraps, French toast, calzones, turnovers, bread bowls (for soup and chowder), buns, and much more.


INGREDIENTS: Manioc (tapioca) flour, modified manioc starch (100% manioc), iodine-free salt, cream of tartar, sodium bicarbonate.


Free of: gluten, wheat, casein, lactose, yeast, soy, corn, potato and MSG. Made in a gluten-free environment.


Information gotten from: http://www.chebe.com/ap.mx.htm





Thx Carolyn for the info. I am always looking for yummy WF & GF products. It is hard to try everything. It gets so expensive.


I hope all is well with you.




Thanks hon, I'm going to look for that too. Even though my son was okay with casein on the food sensitivity test, I'm still wondering if that was accurate, since I have been giving some cheeses and feeling like his vocal was a little more. So, I'm always experimenting. I think I'm gonna do a no dairy trial again. Maybe I should start cutting out pieces of cardboard in the shape of circles and just draw chocolate chips on them!




Also incase anyone's doing a rotation diet and is wondering, tapioca is in a single food family.


Faith-I'm not sure whether you're meaning that you are struggling to find acceptable chocolate chips for your son or something else. I can't remember your son's exact food sensitivities, but Enjoy Life has dairy, soy, and gluten free chocolate chips.




Ha! That was my attempt at dry humor. Guess my delivery was off!


I meant that I already was cutting out corn and yeast, and if I'm gonna try no-dairy too, oh boy, what are cookies and breads gonna taste like?! So....cardboard....draw chocolate chips..... :)


But, thanks, it didn't dawn on me that chocolate could contain dairy too. I got these chocolate chip cookies (Pamela's brand) that he seems to really like--the box says wheat-free,gluten-free, non-dairy, and they were a nice texture, not rock hard like the Newman's Own dairy-free cookies (my son cried when I gave him those!).


And I know about expensive--there was a time I wouldn't buy celery if it wasn't on sale!



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